. . . . . . . "Undeveloped Star Trek: Voyager episodes"@en . . . "Numerous undeveloped Star Trek episodes were written for Star Trek: Voyager. These stories were submitted or developed for production, but for various reasons never aired. In the 1990s, Christopher L. Bennett pitched to Voyager twice (by phone), getting as far as one of his concepts being discussed in a production meeting. (Voyages of Imagination, p. 146) Many undeveloped spec scripts written for VOY were read by Mike Sussman, during an intership he went through on the show, and several that he approved of were summarized by him to Michael Piller, as Sussman was required to do as a temporary intern. \"The problem is they all sucked,\" he later remarked. [1] Some ultimately discarded story pitches were submitted by Lisa Klink, prior to her joining the writing staff of Star Trek: Voyager. (The Official Star Trek: Voyager Magazine issue 6, pp. 43) Other undeveloped story ideas were suggested by Chakotay actor Robert Beltran, while having a meeting with three writing staffers. \"There was Ken [Biller], Brannon [Braga] and Joe [Menosky], we were having dinner and they were asking me what I would like to do and with holodeck with Chakotay,\" Beltran remembered. \"And I gave them some ideas and they said, 'Nah, nah, we already did this or that on Next Generation' [....] What I told them at the meeting was when it comes to sci-fi, everything seems possible, so nothing seems that interesting to me. I said, 'If I chose this thing, I miss out on a myriad of other possibilities, so I would rather it come from you guys.' The several episode suggestions I had, and they weren't really heartfelt, they were just things off the top of my head, so I didn't have any strong feelings about a Chakotay episode.\" [2]"@en . . . "Numerous undeveloped Star Trek episodes were written for Star Trek: Voyager. These stories were submitted or developed for production, but for various reasons never aired. In the 1990s, Christopher L. Bennett pitched to Voyager twice (by phone), getting as far as one of his concepts being discussed in a production meeting. (Voyages of Imagination, p. 146) Some ultimately discarded story pitches were submitted by Lisa Klink, prior to her joining the writing staff of Star Trek: Voyager. (The Official Star Trek: Voyager Magazine issue 6, pp. 43)"@en . . . . .