"Arthur Adventure is an original series of Arthur books written and illustrated by Marc Brown and published by Little, Brown and Company between 1976 and 2011, with a total of 27 books. As the appearance of Arthur and the other characters were changing over time, many of the early books (except for Arthur's Nose) had a re-illustrated cover to show their more up-to-date appearance, although the page illustrations were recycled from their first editions. A book called Arthur and the True Francine was originally published in 1981 as simply The True Francine, but was re-published fifteen years later with a re-illustrated cover and a fuller title. In 2001, a 25th Anniversary Limited Edition of Arthur's Nose was published and featured pictures of how Arthur and his family changed over the years, "@en . . "Arthur Adventure"@en . . "Arthur Adventure is an original series of Arthur books written and illustrated by Marc Brown and published by Little, Brown and Company between 1976 and 2011, with a total of 27 books. As the appearance of Arthur and the other characters were changing over time, many of the early books (except for Arthur's Nose) had a re-illustrated cover to show their more up-to-date appearance, although the page illustrations were recycled from their first editions. A book called Arthur and the True Francine was originally published in 1981 as simply The True Francine, but was re-published fifteen years later with a re-illustrated cover and a fuller title. In 2001, a 25th Anniversary Limited Edition of Arthur's Nose was published and featured pictures of how Arthur and his family changed over the years, plus the inspiration of the other characters in the series."@en .