. . . . . . . . . . "A case of Misaimed Fandom... possibly with justification. A character who is supposed to be a villain draws our natural sympathies over the so-called hero. Possible reasons include: \n* Evil Is Cool, leading to Draco in Leather Pants. Example: In Pok\u00E9mon, Team Rocket have virtually the same motivations as the heroes... and a cool battle cry. \n* Evil Is Sexy \n* Moral Dissonance, to an intolerable degree. \n* Sympathy for the Devil, if the author succeeds too well. \n* The supposed hero is kind of a dick or/and Jerkass. \n* The Villain may not seem that villainous if you think about it, which the author didn't. \n* The villain is The Resenter, and his reasons for his resentment seem perfectly justified. \n* The villain gets their Laser-Guided Karma...and comparing what the villain actually did or was even trying to do with what happens to the villain, the \"karma\" feels more like Disproportionate Retribution. \n* The reasons you must sympathize with the heroes carry Unfortunate Implications. \n* Values Dissonance \n* You are just a heartless bastard. \n* The Non-Malicious Monster was just about to get the hug they needed to stop their rampage or even turn face, but then some idiot pressed shoot. Compare with Straw Man Has a Point, where you don't so much gain sympathy for the antagonists as lose it for the protagonists. This can sometimes cause a bit of realism into it because after all, different people have different standards. Note: The \"un\" part of the title is important here. Characters only belong on this lists if they were intended for the audience not to like them. Sometimes the writer(s) intend for the villain to be sympathetic, this would entail Cry for the Devil. The opposite of this trope is Unintentionally Unsympathetic. Examples of Unintentionally Sympathetic include:"@en . . . . . . "A case of Misaimed Fandom... possibly with justification. A character who is supposed to be a villain draws our natural sympathies over the so-called hero. Possible reasons include: \n* Evil Is Cool, leading to Draco in Leather Pants. Example: In Pok\u00E9mon, Team Rocket have virtually the same motivations as the heroes... and a cool battle cry. \n* Evil Is Sexy \n* Moral Dissonance, to an intolerable degree. \n* Sympathy for the Devil, if the author succeeds too well. \n* The supposed hero is kind of a dick or/and Jerkass. \n* The Villain may not seem that villainous if you think about it, which the author didn't. \n* The villain is The Resenter, and his reasons for his resentment seem perfectly justified. \n* The villain gets their Laser-Guided Karma...and comparing what the vi"@en . . . "Unintentionally Sympathetic"@en . .