. . . . . "40"^^ . . . . "Psychiatrist"@en . . "B.F. Sherwood est un psychiatre de la famille Simpson qui semble ne aimer les enfants et manquer de professionnalisme. Il fini par \u00EAtre remplac\u00E9 par Marvin Monroe. Cat\u00E9gorie:Personnages Cat\u00E9gorie:Fiche Brouillon"@fr . . . . . . . . "Marron"@es . . "Brown"@en . "B.F. Sherwood"@es . "Dan Castenalleta"@fr . . . "B.F. Sherwood"@en . . . . . "40.0"^^ . "B.F. Sherwood is a family therapist who apparently does not likes kids, and lacks of professionalism. He freaks out when Bart returns the mints from his mouth. He is later replaced by Marvin Monroe. In Bart's dream and once again tried to help the Simpson family. This time, he told Homer that he should open the coffin to see what was in it. He opened it and the room was flooded with fish soon after."@en . "B.F. Sherwood"@fr . . "B.F. Sherwood es un terapeuta familiar que al parecer no le gusta los ni\u00F1os, y carece de profesionalismo. M\u00E1s tarde es reemplazado por Marvin Monroe. En el sue\u00F1o de Bart y una vez m\u00E1s trat\u00F3 de ayudar a la familia Simpson."@es . . . "Dan Castellaneta"@es . . "B.F. Sherwood"@fr . . "Psychiatre"@fr . "B.F. Sherwood"@es . . "Masculino"@es . . . . . . "B.F. Sherwood es un terapeuta familiar que al parecer no le gusta los ni\u00F1os, y carece de profesionalismo. M\u00E1s tarde es reemplazado por Marvin Monroe. En el sue\u00F1o de Bart y una vez m\u00E1s trat\u00F3 de ayudar a la familia Simpson."@es . . . . "B.F. Sherwood est un psychiatre de la famille Simpson qui semble ne aimer les enfants et manquer de professionnalisme. Il fini par \u00EAtre remplac\u00E9 par Marvin Monroe. Cat\u00E9gorie:Personnages Cat\u00E9gorie:Fiche Brouillon"@fr . . "Psiquiatra"@es . . . "Entre 40 et 50"@fr . . . . . "B.F. Sherwood"@en . "B.F. Sherwood is a family therapist who apparently does not likes kids, and lacks of professionalism. He freaks out when Bart returns the mints from his mouth. He is later replaced by Marvin Monroe. In Bart's dream and once again tried to help the Simpson family. This time, he told Homer that he should open the coffin to see what was in it. He opened it and the room was flooded with fish soon after."@en .