"578"@en . "El quinientos setenta y ocho (578) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 577 y precede al 579. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . "Celine versucht verzweifelt wegen Zo\u00E9 wieder einen normalen Zugang zu Ingo und Annette zu finden. Ingo beschlie\u00DFt, Maximilian eine Chance zu geben und l\u00E4dt ihn zum Entsetzen von Annette und Lena ein. Lena ist verzweifelt - wird Maximilian erfahren, warum? Deniz hat sich in Stella verliebt. Aber ausgerechnet bei Stella verl\u00E4sst ihn sein unwerfender Charme. Marian registriert das wachsende Interesse seines Sohnes an Stella und ist davon nicht sehr angetan. Simone realisiert traurig, dass Vanessa es ernst meint und nicht mehr nach Hause kommen wird. Sie sucht verzweifelt Halt bei Richard. Auch Vanessa leidet unter der Situation. Wird Vanessa trotzdem konsequent bleiben?"@de . . "Cuddliest Horse #578 is a white horse with brown highlights and eyes. She has tan-coloured hooves and a light purple saddle. She came in a singles pack with a carrot, and looks very similar to Cuddliest Horse #584. File:578 2.gif"@en . . "El quinientos setenta y ocho (578) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 577 y precede al 579. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . "578"^^ . . . . "578"@es . . . . "578"@de . "Cuddliest Horse #578 is a white horse with brown highlights and eyes. She has tan-coloured hooves and a light purple saddle. She came in a singles pack with a carrot, and looks very similar to Cuddliest Horse #584. File:578 2.gif"@en . . . . . . "Celine versucht verzweifelt wegen Zo\u00E9 wieder einen normalen Zugang zu Ingo und Annette zu finden. Ingo beschlie\u00DFt, Maximilian eine Chance zu geben und l\u00E4dt ihn zum Entsetzen von Annette und Lena ein. Lena ist verzweifelt - wird Maximilian erfahren, warum? Deniz hat sich in Stella verliebt. Aber ausgerechnet bei Stella verl\u00E4sst ihn sein unwerfender Charme. Marian registriert das wachsende Interesse seines Sohnes an Stella und ist davon nicht sehr angetan. Simone realisiert traurig, dass Vanessa es ernst meint und nicht mehr nach Hause kommen wird. Sie sucht verzweifelt Halt bei Richard. Auch Vanessa leidet unter der Situation. Wird Vanessa trotzdem konsequent bleiben?"@de . ""@en . . "1968"^^ . "1968-09-11"^^ . . "Tony and Carolyn kissed on the terrace, which provoked Adam to attack Tony. He knocked Tony to the ground. Carolyn and Roger take him into the house where he is unable to describe his attacker. When Roger discovers Tony's reasons for being there, he demands to know the changes to Elizabeth's will. Because of professional ethics, Tony refuses to tell him, which Carolyn supports."@en . . ""@en . "578"^^ . "1968-08-30"^^ . "Tony and Carolyn kissed on the terrace, which provoked Adam to attack Tony. He knocked Tony to the ground. Carolyn and Roger take him into the house where he is unable to describe his attacker. When Roger discovers Tony's reasons for being there, he demands to know the changes to Elizabeth's will. Because of professional ethics, Tony refuses to tell him, which Carolyn supports. Tony asks Carolyn if she knows anything about the man who attacked him, especially owing to the words he uttered \"Stay away from her!\" Carolyn denies it and Tony, overcome by his feelings for Carolyn, decides to give her the benefit of the doubt and leaves. Afterwards, Carolyn confronts Adam and accuses him of Tony's attack. Adam doesn't deny it, and returns a scarf he had kept of hers. When Adam demands to know her feelings for Tony she admits she isn't sure if she loves him, but is attracted to him. Adam declares he doesn't want friendship, he wants love. After a heated discussion with Roger about Elizabeth's strange additions to her will, Carolyn hires Mrs. Johnson's son to watch over Adam for $100/day. Adam takes poorly to this notion and tells Harry to go get Carolyn or he'll kill him. When Harry returns with her, the door is broken through and Adam is gone."@en . "571"^^ . .