"no"@en . . . . "As Performed By"@en . "Through the Fire and Flames"@en . . . . . . "no"@en . . . "red"@en . . "30"^^ . . "Esta canci\u00F3n es la ultima que hacen los jugadores que aparece en los cr\u00E9ditos en Guitar Hero 3 y despu\u00E9s puede ser jugada en el men\u00FA Bonus. Tambien aparece en el recopilatorio Guitar hero: Smash Hits"@es . "Yes"@en . "no"@en . "no"@en . . . "Guitar Hero III: Legends of RockGuitar Hero: Smash Hits"@en . "2006"^^ . . . "no"@en . "DragonForce"@en . "no"@en . "Combat"@en . "no"@en . "\"Through the Fire and Flames\" is the most successful single by the British power metal band DragonForce. The song is the first track from DragonForce's third album, Inhuman Rampage, and features two very rapid guitar solos by Herman Li and Sam Totman. The song peaked at #86 on the Billboard Hot 100 and #61 on the Canadian Hot 100. The song is also used as the unlockable final encore song in Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, and is one of the most popular songs used by Audiosurf players."@en . . . . "404670"^^ . . "Through the fire and Flames"@en . . "On a cold winter morning, in a time before the light. In flames of death's eternal reign we ride towards the fight. When the darkness has fallen down, and the times are tough all right. The sound of evil laughter falls around the world tonight. Fighting hard, fighting on for the steel, through the wastelands evermore. The scattered souls will feel the hell, bodies wasted on the shores. On the blackest plains in hell's domain, we watch them as they go, In fire and pain now once again we know So now we fly ever free, we're free before the thunderstorm On towards the wilderness our quest carries on Far beyond the sundown, far beyond the moonlight Deep inside our hearts and all our souls So far away we wait for the day For the lives all so wasted and gone We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days Through the fire and the flames we carry on As the red day is dawning and the lightning cracks the sky They'll raise their hands to the heavens above with resentment to their lies(*) Running back through the mid morning light there's a burning in my heart(**) We're banished from a time in a fallen land to a life beyond the stars In your darkest dreams see to believe our destiny this time And endlessly we'll all be free tonight And on the wings of a dream so far beyond reality All alone in desperation now the time has come Lost inside you'll never find, lost within my own mind Day after day this misery must go on So far away we wait for the day For the lives all so wasted and gone We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days Through the fire and the flames we carry on Oooh! (low) Woh-oh-oh! Woh-oh-oh! Woh-oh-oh-oh-oh! Woh-oh-oh! Woh-oh-oh! Woh-oh-oh-oh-oh! Now here we stand with their blood on our hands We fought so hard now can we understand I'll break the seal of this curse if I possibly can For freedom of every man So far away we wait for the day For the lives all so wasted and gone We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days Through the fire and the flames we carry on! (* - This line is usually misinterpreted as \"We'll raise our hand to the heavens above with resentment in their eyes\" (** - This line is usually misinterpreted as \"Running back from the mid morning light with a burning in my heart\")"@en . "no"@en . "Kill the Queen Black Dragon with a royal crossbow."@en . "Through The Fire And Flames"@en . . "Itazura didn\u2019t know why he trusted the words of that eccentric Toshie. His head had been ringing from his sparring session with Mariko when he\u2019d met him, and then it was sent ringing again when the bastard knocked out his final milk tooth with the back of his hand! The way he shouted instead of talking hadn\u2019t helped any either. He deserved the kick and punches he\u2019d been given though, even if they hadn\u2019t harmed him at all. He did recall the zanpakut\u014D shutting him up though. Yeah, that had felt good. He was running across the rooftops with three of the Heisekian guard giving chase. But they\u2019d heard his conversation with Toshie, so in truth they weren\u2019t following him to stop him having free run of the palace. They where running to help him and Tomoko. Or so he hoped. \u2018C\u2019mon, if there\u2019s any chance she\u2019s in trouble, then we need to get there quick!\u2019 The guards nodded and Itazura put all hands to the pumps. He leaped over roof slates and flash stepped over gaps. He rolled as he touched down and was immediately away again. Then faint sounds of combat drifted up to him from below. Shit! They really where after her! Rapid usage of Gomakashi carved a fair bit of the distance between him and the royal apartments. He hadn\u2019t been near them since his first time getting lost. But he knew the rooftops. That had been Fujimoto\u2019s doing. It was him that also manoeuvred him into a meeting with Tomoko for the first time. He had been completely ignorant to her station then, and she had said nothing to enlighten him. When he saw her the morning next flanked by royal guards with a golden circlet on her head, walking beside the Queen, he had smiled and shook his head. He performed the royal greeting then \u2013 having learned what it meant from Sojiro. He\u2019d also given her a single sunflower, which was another Heisekian tradition that was symbolic of spiritual attainment, flexibility, and opportunity. \u2018You can sneak out the back gate tonight,\u2019 he whispered as she stopped to accept it. \u2018I\u2019ll take care of the guards.\u2019 And he had. They\u2019d been too busy watching his coin trick that they failed completely to see Tomoko slipping out the gate into the night. She wasn\u2019t brought back until the early hours of the morning. In the distance was her raised bedchamber that looked out over the city. When he had seen that for the first time he\u2019d thought it somewhat cruel. Tomoko yearned for freedom and adventure, and the view stood as a reminder that she\u2019d never have it. There wasn\u2019t even any smoke and the sounds of combat had silenced themselves. \u2018Be quiet,\u2019 he whispered back to them and strangely they listened. Leading the guards \u2013 how did that happen again? \u2013 He ran to the edge and looked at the connecting corridors that he could see. Royal guards lay dead and men and woman robed in Shinigami garb stalked through the corridors. They were only three turns away from her room if he remembered right. \u2018We\u2019ll slow them down Master Kori.\u2019 One of the guards told him. \u2018You get her highness to safety,\u2019 as suddenly as that his leadership was forfeited. He nodded, clapped them on the shoulder, and made his way back across the rooftops towards her bedchamber as the three guards leapt from the roofs. It was the last he seen of them. \u2018Come quietly, bitch.\u2019 Itazura cringed. The words came from her bedchamber. \u2018I will not,\u2019 Tomoko replied. She didn\u2019t even sound like she was afraid. \u2018I wasn\u2019t asking you.\u2019 Their voices sounded closer together now\u2026 The window loomed before him and he dove through! He felt for their signatures but found only one \u2013 Tomoko! From the sound of their voices he concluded her attacker was close to her, so he drew his zanpakut\u014D, twisted in the air, and struck opposite where Tomoko stood! Steel collided with steel and the figure trailed backwards as Itazura lunged forward. \u2018Who the hell-\u2019 the figure groaned, and Itazura took advantage of his confusion and swept him from his feet, before slicing him horizontally across the chest. It wouldn\u2019t kill him but it would certainly slow him down. \u2018Come on!\u2019 He turned, saw she wore nothing but a nightgown, and swallowed a lump in his throat. \u2018You don\u2019t have time to get dressed.\u2019 She nodded and dove through the window as he worked the jacket off his back. The figure lunged as he did so, and Itazura suddenly remembered his sparring session with Shiro. He allowed the man\u2019s blade to pierce the material, where Itazura then gave a sharp jerk and twist! Zanpakut\u014D flew from his grasp and Itazura landed a quick spin kick to the side of his head! \u2018How\u2019d you like that!?\u2019 He followed her out and threw her the jacket which now sported a hole. \u2018What are you doing here!?\u2019 She shouted at him as they began to run across the rooftops to safety. \u2018What? No thank you?\u2019 He shook his as though her where hurt. \u2018He\u2019s following us,\u2019 amazing how calm she sounded. Itazura looked over his shoulder and cursed. The man was taller than he was by a fair margin; easily five-foot five-inches. He hadn\u2019t really got a good look in the bedchamber. He\u2019d just attacked and moved. He wore a black kosode and hakama with padded knee-high boots that exposed his toes and heel. The kosode had little red clouds spread across it randomly and the fellow himself looked ready to do murder. One hand gripped his guard-less zanpakut\u014D and the other held his bleeding side. \u2018He\u2019s a persistent bastard, I\u2019ll give him that.\u2019 Itazura performed a single flash step that brought him to face their chaser, who intercepted his slash easily. Itazura\u2019s second step took him back towards the window, and the chaser ignored him in favour of Tomoko. Oh, how stupid of him. Taking a deep breathe, Itazura accelerated his speed and shot forward like a bullet from the chamber! Semi-sentient after-images broke off from his person, and each moved in different patterns and directions. Quickly Itazura performed the final step of Gomakashi, which took him to his attacker\u2019s right flank. \u2018Rei\u2026\u2019 silver energy blossomed on the blade of each individual after-image, \u2018\u2026 Furashuu!\u2019 The man was sent flying amidst a veil of silver energy, and before he even touched the ground, Itazura rushed past Tomoko, caught her bridle-style, and rushed off at full speed. \u2018I\u2019m sorry, but we need to move!\u2019 Fujimoto cut down the final attacker and shook his head angrily. He would not let this become another civil war. They\u2019d already put the majority of the rebels within the sewer to the sword. Hiei had led a detachment down and struck in tandem with Fujimoto\u2019s soldiers. The flanking attack brought Fujimoto back to the war. Shuhen had always neglected his flanks, so the manoeuvre was always popular amongst the J\u014Dren back then. \u2018Shiro should have struck beneath the docks by now,\u2019 Hiei was saying. The two were alone so Fujimoto took this moment to speak his mind. \u2018\u2026 Why do I get the feeling that this is only the beginning? That Shuhen\u2019s not even close to being beaten.\u2019 \u2018It doesn\u2019t matter if he is or not,\u2019 Hiei said quickly. \u2018We\u2019ll protect Heisekai regardless.\u2019 It was what he needed to hear. \u2018It\u2019s time to get out of here then. Lead another run through the sewers and ensure that we haven\u2019t missed anyone, just to be safe\u2026 and look for survivors too. I kinda promised her Majesty there\u2019d be some this time, you know?\u2019 \u2018I\u2019m sure I\u2019ll find one or two,\u2019 then he left Fujimoto alone with his thoughts. Kusaka perked up immediately! \u2018That was\u2026!\u2019 Kusaka vaulted over the balcony and disappeared with Sojiro hot on his heels! The little lying bastard! He\u2019d promised he wouldn\u2019t get involved in the battle, and here he was loosing Rei Furashuu about the place? Just fantastic! It didn\u2019t take Kusaka long to find his young cousin, who was running with the Princess carried in his arms as though they\u2019d just been married. Chasing him where an assortment of Shinigami, and none of them friendly. \u2018Itazura, get down!\u2019 Kusaka appeared amongst the chasing group and drew Shagetsu from its sheath. \u2018You\u2019ve made one big mistake!\u2019 He roared as the first fell. \u2018No one attacks MY cousin!\u2019 Another died as Kusaka struck. \u2018Rei\u2026\u2019 and Itazura threw himself over Tomoko as though to shield her, \u2018\u2026 FURASHUU,\u2019 the blast was immensely more powerful than the one Itazura had loosed, and the energy engulfed the entire section of roof they where on! \u2018What are they doing here?\u2019 Sojiro asked as Kusaka sustained the gigantic wave. \u2018They came to kill me,\u2019 Tomoko said as Itazura got off her. \u2018So before you scold your cousin know that he probably saved my life today.\u2019 Kusaka lot the wave die and he spat in disgust as he turned. \u2018You promised.\u2019 \u2018Actually\u2026 he promised he wouldn\u2019t go near the battle in the city,\u2019 Sojiro said quickly. \u2018He said nothing about a battle we knew nothing about in the palace.\u2019 Kusaka gave his brother a withering stare. \u2018Let it go, Kusaka. He did a good job today.\u2019 And Sojiro ruffled his younger cousin\u2019s hair with a smile on his face. \u2018I suppose he did.\u2019 and Kusaka\u2019s anger melted away. \u2018Your Majesty, I ask that you stay with us, at least until the palace is safe again.\u2019 She nodded her agreement and Itazura heaved a sigh of relieve. When news of the attack reached Kaede she had been livid. Now that Itazura could really blame her. How did they enter the palace? Why wasn\u2019t there a guard posted at Tomoko\u2019s room? Why had it taken a young man she had earlier forbid to join the combat to keep her daughter safe? Not that she wasn\u2019t ungrateful she\u2019s said to him later. It just made her guards look bad. At the celebration dinner held in the glamorous throne room Itazura was the subject of every eye and the subject of every conversation. Fujimoto slapped him on the shoulder and hoisted him into the air for all to see like he was a baby being declared to the world! \u2018Today Heisekai gets a new hero! One trained by the Sans\u014Dzoku themselves!\u2019 Cheers of Shins\u014Dzoku went up throughout the hall, and suddenly Itazura was a Heisekian in all but birth, known as the New Heir. \u2018You deserve it,\u2019 Shiro said as Itazura took his seat. \u2018But I\u2019m curious. How did you stumble on those assassins?\u2019 \u2018Toshie dropped a few hints,\u2019 \u2018Are you sure?\u2019 Hiei asked, and suddenly he, Shiro and Fujimoto looked gravely at him. \u2018I thought he was dead.\u2019 Fujimoto nodded. \u2018I\u2019d heard he\u2019d taken a ship to sea and was never seen again.\u2019 \u2018I heard he retired and became a hermit living in the Human World.\u2019 \u2018\u2026 Could he be a different Toshie?\u2019 Itazura asked. He was suddenly very confused. \u2018Did he shout at you?\u2019 He nodded. \u2018Did he backhand you at all?\u2019 He nodded again. \u2018Did he look like a woman?\u2019 He nodded again. \u2018Then it\u2019s Toshie,\u2019 Fujimoto concluded. \u2018Don\u2019t go killing me off!\u2019 and there he was in the flesh! Toshie \u2013 the man who\u2019d trained the Sans\u014Dzoku personally. Itazura punched him hard enough he nearly break his own hand, Fujimoto kicked him in the ribs when he was down, Shiro head-butted him as he got to his feet, and Hiei finally split him open with a book! \u2018Old bastard,\u2019 the three Sans\u014Dzoku whispered in unison with Itazura. \u2018Now, what kind of greeting is that!? I trained you all!\u2019 Apparently he saw Itazura as his student now. \u2018All of you will come to the training field tomorrow morning!\u2019 Then he left. \u2018Zura, buddy, I pity you. That guy is a phenomenal teacher, but he\u2019s an utter tyrant as well. And he seems interested in you.\u2019 \u2018Perfect,\u2019 What Fujimoto, Shiro and Hiei couldn\u2019t fathom was how their old teacher had known about the attempt on Tomoko\u2019s life\u2026 \u2018Perhaps you\u2019d like to dance?\u2019 Itazura raised his head to see Tomoko dressed in a golden cheongsam with red lining that left little to the imagination, with her short cut blond hair bound by a hair net encrusted with glittering gems. He got to his feet, took her hand, and followed her to the dance floor where people where really starting to let loose. \u2018It seems I find myself again in your debt.\u2019 He waved it aside and twirled her twice, before dropping into the steps of a jive. \u2018I gave my help freely, so don\u2019t worry about it.\u2019 The jive changed into a dance he didn\u2019t know, so he lot Tomoko lead and stepped nimbly to avoid her feet. When it came back to a step he knew he took the lead again and surprised her greatly. \u2018You can dance,\u2019 she said in amazement. \u2018My mother taught me,\u2019 he blushed at that. \u2018But you are clearly practiced.\u2019 He needed to be careful now. He couldn\u2019t blurt out that he flirted with almost every pretty girl he seen. She might get the wrong idea. \u2018My mother and father are important figures in the Gotei thirteen. That makes for a lot of parties, with lots of people willing to dance. If you don\u2019t learn how to then you\u2019re made to look the fool.\u2019 He felt strangely proud of himself. They danced through three tunes before Kaede called Tomoko away. \u2018Imagine,\u2019 he heard someone say, \u2018what mother would say if she saw you now.\u2019 He hugged his sister and shook his head. \u2018I don\u2019t know if she\u2019d be proud, enraged, or some weird mixture of the two.\u2019 He spun his sister in place and began to dance again. \u2018I miss them.\u2019 \u2018She'd be proud. But me too,\u2019 he led her by the hand and spun her twice. \u2018But we\u2019ve still got more than two weeks to spend here.\u2019 \u2018And we\u2019ve still got plenty to do. If its fine with you we\u2019re going to shake some answers out of Kain tomorrow.\u2019 Just the news she\u2019d been hoping for. Fujimoto, Hiei and Shiro watched from the sidelines. \u2018\u2026 I\u2019ve got twenty Jiku on Itazura trying his luck with Tomoko soon.\u2019 Shiro looked at Fujimoto and grinned. \u2018I\u2019ll take that bet and raise you thirty.\u2019 \u2018Hey, don\u2019t leave me out of this\u2026 but we might as well make it an even one-hundred. Winner takes all. I say he doesn\u2019t.\u2019 Hiei put the money on the table. \u2018I bet he does.\u2019 And Fujimoto put his money in as well. \u2018I bet she learns he\u2019s a womanizing little shit.\u2019 and Shiro followed suit. \u2018This is gonna be good.\u2019 Next Story > Another Side, Another Story."@en . . "Through The Fire And Flames"@en . "red"@en . . . . . "no"@en . . "no"@en . . "GH3: Bonus"@en . . "no"@en . . . "Through the Fire and Flames, (also known as TTFAF for short), is a song written and recorded by English power metal band DragonForce, appearing as the first track (and single) on their third studio album, Inhuman Rampage (2006). It is widely considered to be the hardest Guitar Hero song in the series. There are two ways to play this song on Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock; the lead guitarist (Herman Li's part, some of Sam Totman's part) which is harder and more popular, or rhythm guitarist (Sam Totman's part). In Guitar Hero Smash Hits, the song is available for full band play, with the bass replacing the rhythm guitar."@en . . "566538"^^ . . . "SR"@en . . "445.0"^^ . . "no"@en . . . "Through the Fire and Flames is a song by DragonForce, famous for its' inclusion in Guitar Hero III. It was released as downloadable content for Rock Band 3."@en . "no"@en . "Through the Fire and Flames is a song by DragonForce, famous for its' inclusion in Guitar Hero III. It was released as downloadable content for Rock Band 3."@en . "Achievements & New Paths"@en . "\"Through the Fire and Flames\" is the most successful single by the British power metal band DragonForce. The song is the first track from DragonForce's third album, Inhuman Rampage, and features two very rapid guitar solos by Herman Li and Sam Totman. The song peaked at #86 on the Billboard Hot 100 and #61 on the Canadian Hot 100. The song is also used as the unlockable final encore song in Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, and is one of the most popular songs used by Audiosurf players."@en . "yes"@en . . "Inhuman Rampage"@en . "no"@en . . . "Through the Fire and Flames, (also known as TTFAF for short), is a song written and recorded by English power metal band DragonForce, appearing as the first track (and single) on their third studio album, Inhuman Rampage (2006). It is widely considered to be the hardest Guitar Hero song in the series. There are two ways to play this song on Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock; the lead guitarist (Herman Li's part, some of Sam Totman's part) which is harder and more popular, or rhythm guitarist (Sam Totman's part). In Guitar Hero Smash Hits, the song is available for full band play, with the bass replacing the rhythm guitar. Because of its inclusion in the game, DragonForce's sales greatly increased following its announcement in the game. The song is the gayby some to be DragonForce's most popular song to date. Through the Fire and Flames later returned for Guitar Hero Live in GHTV mode, being teased briefly on January 11, 2016 for a few hours but was officially released on February 3, 2016 in the Shred-A-Thon special music channel and was later added back to the music catalog on February 8, 2016. However, it is the 5-minute music video version in Guitar Hero Live due to GHTV having music videos."@en . . . . "Inhuman Rampage.jpg"@en . . . "no"@en . "Solo PvM"@en . "Itazura didn\u2019t know why he trusted the words of that eccentric Toshie. His head had been ringing from his sparring session with Mariko when he\u2019d met him, and then it was sent ringing again when the bastard knocked out his final milk tooth with the back of his hand! The way he shouted instead of talking hadn\u2019t helped any either. He deserved the kick and punches he\u2019d been given though, even if they hadn\u2019t harmed him at all. He did recall the zanpakut\u014D shutting him up though. Yeah, that had felt good. \u2018Come quietly, bitch.\u2019 Itazura cringed. The words came from her bedchamber. \u2018That was\u2026!\u2019"@en . "no"@en . "DragonForce"@en . "red"@en . . . "4"^^ . . "60"^^ . . . "4"^^ . . "no"@en . . . . . . . . . "no"@en . . . . "no"@en . "no"@en . "yes"@en . "Through the Fire and Flames"@en . "Male"@en . "GHL: GHTV"@en . "5"^^ . "Metal"@en . "no"@en . . "English"@en . "no"@en . "2006"^^ . . . . . "red"@en . . "red"@en . "GH:SH: Quebec City"@en . . "Through the Fire and Flames"@es . . . . . . "no"@en . . . "red"@en . . . "On a cold winter morning, in a time before the light. In flames of death's eternal reign we ride towards the fight. When the darkness has fallen down, and the times are tough all right. The sound of evil laughter falls around the world tonight. Fighting hard, fighting on for the steel, through the wastelands evermore. The scattered souls will feel the hell, bodies wasted on the shores. On the blackest plains in hell's domain, we watch them as they go, In fire and pain now once again we know So now we fly ever free, we're free before the thunderstorm On towards the wilderness our quest carries on"@en . "2017-04-18"^^ . "red"@en . "DLC"@en . . . . . "red"@en . "no"@en . . . "no"@en . . . "no"@en . . "3"^^ . . "Esta canci\u00F3n es la ultima que hacen los jugadores que aparece en los cr\u00E9ditos en Guitar Hero 3 y despu\u00E9s puede ser jugada en el men\u00FA Bonus. Tambien aparece en el recopilatorio Guitar hero: Smash Hits"@es .