"Wayrest, Jewel of the Bay"@en . "Wayrest is one of the most glorious cities of western Tamriel: sparkling in her contemporary beauty, lustrous by her past. She is prized above all cities in High Rock -- no other city has contributed, and continues to contribute so much to the culture of the Bretons. The spirits of her genius children continue to haunt the streets; you can see them in the gabled roofs, grand boulevards, aromatic marketplaces. The people of Wayrest have an instictive appreciation of their past, but are not obsessed by it, as the people of Daggerfall seem to be. One feels that one is in a modern city when one visits Wayrest, but there is a magic in the air that could only come from thirty-two centuries of civilization. It is difficult for historians to declare a certain date for the foundation of Wayrest. A settlement of some variety had been existence where the Bjoulsae River feeds the Iliac Bay possibly since the800th year of the First Era. The traders and fishermen of Wayrest were surrounded by hostile parties: the orc capitol Orsinium had grown like a poison weed to the north, and the Akaviri pirates and raiders crowded the islands to the west. There is no mystery to Wayrest's name. After the fighting most travellers had to endure passing through the eastern end of the Iliac Bay, the little fishing village on the Bjoulsae was a welcome rest. Nowhere in the much vaunted censuses of the Skyrim Occupation is Wayrest mentioned. In the Annals of Daggerfall, King Joile's letter to Gaiden Shinji of the Order of Diagna contains the following reference: \"The orcs have been much plaguing the Wayresters and impeding traffic to the heart of the land.\" The date given for the letter was 1E 948. Wayrest only truly bloomed after the razing of Orsinium in 1E 980. The hard-working traders and merchants were instrumental in forming the Masconian Trade Way and thus reducing the pirate activity on the Bay. At this time, Wayrest occupied both banks of the Bjoulsae. A successful mercantile family, the Gardners, built a walled palace on the High Rock side of the river and, over time, allowed banks and other businesses within its walls. It was a Gardner, Farangel, who was proclaimed king when Wayrest accepted ambassadors from the Camorian Empire, and was granted the right to call itself a kingdom in the 1100th year of the 1st Era. Although Wayrest became a kingdom under the command of one family, the merchants continued to wield incredible power. Many economists have alleged that Wayrest's eternal wealth, despite all her hardships, comes from this rare relationship between the merchants and the crown. The Gardner Dynasty fell, followed by the Cumberland Dynasty, which was followed by the Horley Dynasty, and finally, in the Third Era, the Septim Dynasty. No citizen of another kingdom of comparable age can, with one hand, name all the families who have ever ruled. Never has a king of Wayrest been deposed by revolution or assassination. Except for those of the Septim family, every king of Wayrest can trace his line back to a merchant prince of Wayrest. The merchants and king respect one another, and this relationship strengthens both. One need only walk down the great boulevard of Wayrest to see physical proof of this unique alliance. Going north to south, Wayrest Boulevard suddenly divides, one half going west and the other going east. Both halfs end in identical squares: one at Castle Wayrest, the original palace of Aphren Gardner, and the other at Cumberland Square, where the oldest and wealthiest marketplace in Wayrest. The message here is clear: the king and the merchants are joined and equal. Wayrest has survived blights, droughts, plagues, piracy, invasions, and war with good humor and practicality. In 1E 2702, the entire population of the city was forced to move into the walled estate of the Gardners as protection against the pirates, Akaviri raiders, and Thrassian plague. A less resourceful community would have withered, but the Wayresters have survived to enrich Tamriel generation after generation. |-|T\u0142umaczenie (nieoficjalne)= Wayrest, Klejnot Zatoki Wayrest jest jednym z najwspanialszych miast zachodniego Tamriel, b\u0142yszcz\u0105ce jej wsp\u00F3\u0142czesnym pi\u0119knem, l\u015Bni\u0105ce jej przesz\u0142o\u015Bci\u0105. Jest cenione ponad wszystkie miasta w Wysokiej Skale--\u017Cadne inne miasto nie wnios\u0142o i nie wnosi takiego wk\u0142adu do kultury Breton\u00F3w. Duchy jej wspania\u0142ych dzieci wci\u0105\u017C nawiedzaj\u0105 ulice, mo\u017Cna je zobaczy\u0107 na dachach budynk\u00F3w, okaza\u0142ych bulwarach, aromatycznych targowiskach. Mieszka\u0144cy Wayrest s\u0105 dumni ze swej przesz\u0142o\u015Bci, lecz nie maj\u0105 na jej punktu obsesji, jak wydaj\u0105 si\u0119 mie\u0107 ludzie z Daggerfall. Odwiedzaj\u0105cy Wayrest mog\u0105 odczu\u0107 \u017Ce s\u0105 w nowoczesnym mie\u015Bcie, lecz w powietrzu wisi magia, kt\u00F3ra mo\u017Ce pochodzi\u0107 tylko z trzydziestu dw\u00F3ch wiek\u00F3w cywilizacji. Historycy maj\u0105 trudno\u015Bci ze wskazaniem pewnej daty za\u0142o\u017Cenia Wayrest. Osiedle jakiego\u015B rodzaju istnia\u0142o w miejscu gdzie Rzeka Bjoulsae zasila Zatok\u0119 Illiac, prawdopodobnie ju\u017C od 800 roku Pierwszej Ery. Handlarze i rybacy z Wayrest byli otoczeni przez wrogo nastawione frakcje, orkowa stolica Orsinium rozros\u0142a si\u0119 na p\u00F3\u0142noc niczym truj\u0105cy chwast, a akavirscy piraci i korsarze zajmowali wyspy na zachodzie. Nazwa Wayrest nie jest tajemnic\u0105. Po walkach wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 w\u0119drowc\u00F3w musia\u0142a znosi\u0107 podr\u00F3\u017C przez wschodni kraniec Zatoki Illiac, malutka wioska nad Bjoulsae by\u0142a mile widzianym miejscem do odpoczynku. Nigdzie w bardzo wychwalanych spisach ludno\u015Bci z czas\u00F3w Okupacji Skyrim, nie ma wzmianki o wiosce Wayrest. W Rocznikach Daggerfall, list kr\u00F3la Joile'a do Gaidena Shinji z Zakonu Diagny zawiera nast\u0119puj\u0105c\u0105 wzmiank\u0119: \u201EOrkowie mocno zatruwali \u017Cycie mieszka\u0144com Wayrest oraz blokowali trakty do centrum kraju.\u201D Data przypisana listowi to 1E 948. Wayrest prawdziwie dopiero rozkwit\u0142o bo Starciu z powierzchni ziemi Orsinium w 1E 980. Ci\u0119\u017Cko pracuj\u0105cy przedsi\u0119biorcy i kupcy przyczynili si\u0119 do powstania Masconia\u0144skiej Drogi Handlowej tym samym ograniczaj\u0105c dzia\u0142alno\u015B\u0107 pirat\u00F3w w Zatoce. W tym czasie Wayrest zajmowa\u0142o obydwa brzegi Bjoulsae. Ciesz\u0105ca si\u0119 powodzeniem rodzina kupiecka, Gardnerowie, wybudowali na brzegu rzeki nale\u017C\u0105cym do Wysokiej Ska\u0142y, obmurowany pa\u0142ac, z czasem, w obr\u0119by mur\u00F3w przenios\u0142y si\u0119 banki i inne przedsi\u0119biorstwa. By\u0142 to Gardner, Faragel, kt\u00F3rego og\u0142oszono kr\u00F3lem gdy Wayrest przyj\u0119\u0142o ambasador\u00F3w z Imperium Camoria\u0144skiego, oraz otrzyma\u0142o prawo do nazywania si\u0119 kr\u00F3lestwem w 1100 roku 1E. Cho\u0107 Wayrest sta\u0142o si\u0119 kr\u00F3lestwem pod rz\u0105dami jednej rodziny, kupcy wci\u0105\u017C posiadali ogromn\u0105 w\u0142adz\u0119. Wielu ekonom\u00F3w utrzymywa\u0142o \u017Ce wieczne bogactwo Wayrest, mimo wszelkich trudno\u015Bci, pochodzi\u0142o z unikatowych wi\u0119zi mi\u0119dzy kupcami i koron\u0105. Dynastia Gardner\u00F3w upad\u0142a, nasta\u0142a po nich Dynastia Cumberland\u00F3w, po kt\u00F3rej nadesz\u0142a Dynastia Horley'\u00F3w, i w ko\u0144cu, w Trzeciej Erze, Dynastia Septim\u00F3w. \u017Baden obywatel innego kr\u00F3lestwa o por\u00F3wnywalnym wieku nie m\u00F3g\u0142by, na palcach jednej r\u0119ki, wyliczy\u0107 wszystkich panuj\u0105cych tam rodzin. Nigdy kr\u00F3l Wayrest nie zosta\u0142 obalony poprzez rewolucje lub zab\u00F3jstwo. Za wyj\u0105tkiem tych z rodziny Septim\u00F3w, ka\u017Cdy kr\u00F3l Wayrest mo\u017Ce wyprowadzi\u0107 sw\u00F3j rodow\u00F3d, a\u017C do ksi\u0119cia kuc\u00F3w Wayrest. Kupcy i kr\u00F3l szanuja si\u0119 nawzajem, a ta wi\u0119\u017A wzmacnia oboje. Wystarczy zwyk\u0142y spacer wielkim bulwarem Wayrest by zobaczy\u0107 fizyczne dowody tego wyj\u0105tkowego sojuszu. Bulwar Wayrest rozci\u0105gaj\u0105c si\u0119 z p\u00F3\u0142nocy na po\u0142udnie, nagle rozdziela si\u0119, jedna po\u0142owa kieruje si\u0119 na zach\u00F3d, druga na wsch\u00F3d. Obydwie cz\u0119\u015Bci ko\u0144cz\u0105 si\u0119 na identycznych placach, jedna przy Zamku Wayrest, pierwotnym pa\u0142acu Aphrena Gardnera, a druga na Placu Cumberland, najstarszym i najbogatszym targowisku w Wayrest. Przes\u0142anie jest jasne: kr\u00F3l i kupcy s\u0105 zjednoczeni i r\u00F3wni. Wayrest przetrwa\u0142o zarazy, susze, plagi, piractwo, inwazje, i wojn\u0119 z dobrym nastrojem i funkcjonalno\u015Bci\u0105. W 1E 2702, ca\u0142a populacja miasta by\u0142a zmuszona do przeniesienia si\u0119 do otoczonej murem posiad\u0142o\u015Bci Gardner\u00F3w, dla ochrony przed piratami, akavirskimi naje\u017Ad\u017Acami i Plag\u0105 Thrassia\u0144sk\u0105. Mniej przedsi\u0119biorcza spo\u0142eczno\u015B\u0107 upad\u0142a by, lecz Wayreste\u0144czycy przetrwali by wzbogaca\u0107 Tamriel pokolenie po pokoleniu."@pl . . . "2"^^ . "Wayrest, Jewel of the Bay"@en . . . . "1"^^ . . "Wayrest is one of the most glorious cities of western Tamriel: sparkling in her contemporary beauty, lustrous by her past. She is prized above all cities in High Rock -- no other city has contributed, and continues to contribute so much to the culture of the Bretons. The spirits of her genius children continue to haunt the streets; you can see them in the gabled roofs, grand boulevards, aromatic marketplaces. The people of Wayrest have an instictive appreciation of their past, but are not obsessed by it, as the people of Daggerfall seem to be. One feels that one is in a modern city when one visits Wayrest, but there is a magic in the air that could only come from thirty-two centuries of civilization."@en . . . . . "1"^^ . . "Wayrest, Jewel Of The Bay"@pl . "348"^^ . . . "Wayrest is one of the most glorious cities of western Tamriel: sparkling in her contemporary beauty, lustrous by her past. She is prized above all cities in High Rock -- no other city has contributed, and continues to contribute so much to the culture of the Bretons. The spirits of her genius children continue to haunt the streets; you can see them in the gabled roofs, grand boulevards, aromatic marketplaces. The people of Wayrest have an instictive appreciation of their past, but are not obsessed by it, as the people of Daggerfall seem to be. One feels that one is in a modern city when one visits Wayrest, but there is a magic in the air that could only come from thirty-two centuries of civilization."@pl . "Wayrest, Jewel of the Bay"@en . . "1"^^ . "2"^^ . . "Wayrest is one of the most glorious cities of western Tamriel: sparkling in her contemporary beauty, lustrous by her past. She is prized above all cities in High Rock -- no other city has contributed, and continues to contribute so much to the culture of the Bretons. The spirits of her genius children continue to haunt the streets; you can see them in the gabled roofs, grand boulevards, aromatic marketplaces. The people of Wayrest have an instictive appreciation of their past, but are not obsessed by it, as the people of Daggerfall seem to be. One feels that one is in a modern city when one visits Wayrest, but there is a magic in the air that could only come from thirty-two centuries of civilization. It is difficult for historians to declare a certain date for the foundation of Wayrest. A settlement of some variety had been existence where the Bjoulsae River feeds the Iliac Bay possibly since the 800th year of the First Era. The traders and fishermen of Wayrest were surrounded by hostile parties: the orc capitol Orsinium had grown like a poison weed to the north, and the Akaviri pirates and raiders crowded the islands to the west. There is no mystery to Wayrest's name. After the fighting most travellers had to endure passing through the eastern end of the Iliac Bay, the little fishing village on the Bjoulsae was a welcome rest. Nowhere in the much vaunted censuses of the Skyrim Occupation is Wayrest mentioned. In the Annals of Daggerfall, King Joile's letter to Gaiden Shinji of the Order of Diagna contains the following reference: \"The orcs have been much plaguing the Wayresters and impeding traffic to the heart of the land.\" The date given for the letter was 1E 948. Wayrest only truly bloomed after the razing of Orsinium in 1E 980. The hard-working traders and merchants were instrumental in forming the Masconian Trade Way and thus reducing the pirate activity on the Bay. At this time, Wayrest occupied both banks of the Bjoulsae. A successful mercantile family, the Gardners, built a walled palace on the High Rock side of the river and, over time, allowed banks and other businesses within its walls. It was a Gardner, Farangel, who was proclaimed king when Wayrest accepted ambassadors from the Camorian Empire, and was granted the right to call itself a kingdom in the 1100th year of the 1st Era. Although Wayrest became a kingdom under the command of one family, the merchants continued to wield incredible power. Many economists have alleged that Wayrest's eternal wealth, despite all her hardships, comes from this rare relationship between the merchants and the crown. The Gardner Dynasty fell, followed by the Cumberland Dynasty, which was followed by the Horley Dynasty, and finally, in the Third Era, the Septim Dynasty. No citizen of another kingdom of comparable age can, with one hand, name all the families who have ever ruled. Never has a king of Wayrest been deposed by revolution or assassination. Except for those of the Septim family, every king of Wayrest can trace his line back to a merchant prince of Wayrest. The merchants and king respect one another, and this relationship strengthens both. One need only walk down the great boulevard of Wayrest to see physical proof of this unique alliance. Going north to south, Wayrest Boulevard suddenly divides, one half going west and the other going east. Both halfs end in identical squares: one at Castle Wayrest, the original palace of Aphren Gardner, and the other at Cumberland Square, where the oldest and wealthiest marketplace in Wayrest. The message here is clear: the king and the merchants are joined and equal. Wayrest has survived blights, droughts, plagues, piracy, invasions, and war with good humor and practicality. In 1E 2702, the entire population of the city was forced to move into the walled estate of the Gardners as protection against the pirates, Akaviri raiders, and Thrassian plague. A less resourceful community would have withered, but the Wayresters have survived to enrich Tamriel generation after generation."@en .