"Power-Up"@en . . . . . . "Power-up - (ang. Wzmacniacz albo Dopalacz) w serii Unreal wszystkie pick-upy daj\u0105ce graczowi b\u0119d\u0105cemu w ich posiadaniu zdolno\u015Bci specjalne takie, jak np. -100% damage do HP (Shield Belt), niewidzialno\u015B\u0107 Invisibility, podw\u00F3jny damage Double Damage/Damage Amplifier. Kategoria:Poj\u0119cia"@pl . . . "\"Power-ups\" give you an advantage over the other players in a multiplayer battle in Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3 and Halo: Reach. On a few occasions, they can be found in Campaign, except Halo 3."@en . "Bei Power-Ups handelt es sich um Items, die, nachdem sie ber\u00FChrt oder auf sonstige Weise eingesetzt wurden, bei dem Anwender eine Verwandlung hervorrufen. Dadurch werden neue und hilfreiche F\u00E4higkeiten erlangt, die meist dazu n\u00F6tig sind, um im Spiel voran zu schreiten. So k\u00F6nnen beispielsweise bestimmte Passagen nur durch Power-Ups \u00FCberwunden oder bestimmte Gegner nur durch sie besiegt werden. Andere Power-Ups dienen jedoch lediglich dazu, es dem Anwender leichter zu machen, indem sie beispielsweise Unverwundbarkeit verleihen."@de . "Something which is found in the game environment that bestows a positive benefit. Different from inventory items in that their effect is usually instant. Often inexplicably drops from the corpses of fallen enemies, and is found in unlikely places and breakable objects, or the odd treasure chests. A feature found in many games is the cycling power-up, an item that cycles between two or more different power-ups (either on its own or when you shoot it), forcing the player to decide on which one is most important to them. Depending on how fast it cycles, it also tests the player's timing. These are common in space shooters. Common types: \n* Health Recovery \n* Medkit with red cross (ironically, the Red Cross doesn't like this, since the red cross is a symbol regulated by international laws with a very specific meaning; the actual first aid symbol should be a white cross on green). \n* More recent works have started using glowing green crosses instead. \n* Heart \n* Healing Potion, usually a crystal vial with neon red, green or blue liquid inside. \n* Wrench (in vehicle games) \n* Glowing orbs of Life Energy \n* Food \n* Enhanced Abilities \n* Power-Up Food \n* Transformation items \n* Invincibility Power-Up \n* Weapons \n* Spread Shot \n* Ammo \n* Military shipping crate \n* Another gun like your current one \n* Loose clips/magazines, rockets, arrows, etc \n* Money \n* Gold coins \n* Stacks of bills \n* Gems or jewelry \n* Sacks marked with a dollar sign \n* Gold bars, ingots, or bullion \n* Floating dollar sign \n* One Up \n* Icon that reads \"1UP\" \n* Icon or doll of the player character('s head) \n* Heart (if not used for health recovery) \n* Every 100 of a common item A common trait among power-ups is that you often don't need to do anything other than touch it to gain its benefit. Fly your fighter into the floating container of radioactive materials (Raptor: Call of the Shadows), send the chopper into a bomb pod (Twin Cobra), and they just get installed or deposited instantly. Usually an Acceptable Break From Reality since no-one really wants to fly out of a dogfight to spend some quality time in a hangar with a wrench installing a missile pod -- and dealing with the damage from ramming it into the fuselage to catch it at mach 50. Sometimes comes with its own Power-Up Motif. Compare Status Buff, Power-Up Magnet. If the powerup isn't very useful, see Power-Up Letdown. Contrast Poison Mushroom, a power-down."@en . . . . . "In Sly 2: Band of Thieves and Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves, Sly, Bentley and Murray all have their own distinct power-up menus called the \"Gadget Grid,\" which can be accessed by pressing File:SelectButton.png during gameplay. When brought up, power-ups can be assigned to either File:L1Button.png, File:L2Button.png or File:R2Button.png buttons. In Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time, many of the power-ups are more passive, but some can still be used actively, like using a smoke bomb, changing ammo types, or unlocking combos."@en . "Power upy to bronie kt\u00F3rych u\u017Cywaj\u0105 wszyscy poza Bowserem i Koopalings.Wyst\u0119puj\u0105:Super mushroom-pieczarki, Fire flower-ognisty kwiat ,gdy si\u0119 go we\u017Cmie mo\u017Cna strzela\u0107 ognistymi kulkami ice flower-dzia\u0142a tak samo jak fire flower,jednak po wzi\u0119ciu go strzela si\u0119 lodowymi kulkami cape feather-pi\u00F3ro kt\u00F3rym mo\u017Cna atakowa\u0107 i lata\u0107 leaf-li\u015B\u0107 kt\u00F3rym te\u017C mo\u017Cna atakowa\u0107 i lata\u0107 \u017Co\u0142\u0105d\u017A- gdy si\u0119 go we\u017Amie mo\u017Cna szybowa\u0107."@pl . . . . . "In Sly 2: Band of Thieves and Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves, Sly, Bentley and Murray all have their own distinct power-up menus called the \"Gadget Grid,\" which can be accessed by pressing File:SelectButton.png during gameplay. When brought up, power-ups can be assigned to either File:L1Button.png, File:L2Button.png or File:R2Button.png buttons. In Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time, many of the power-ups are more passive, but some can still be used actively, like using a smoke bomb, changing ammo types, or unlocking combos."@en . "Power-Up"@pl . "Power-ups or pick-ups are items in Creatures 2 and Creatures 3 which activate certain parts of the game. In Creatures 2, the power-ups activate kits such as the science kit and biochemistry kit, and allow selection of Grendels and Ettins. In Creatures 3, the power-ups activate machinery: the Creator/Injector, the Replicator, the Recycler and the Splicer. They also allow you to select Grendels and Ettins and pick up Creatures. In both games power-ups are activated by getting a norn to push them. Many felt that the introduction of power-ups in the series increased the 'adventure' aspect of the games, by forcing players to run around the map and collect objects, while reducing the artificial life aspect. Others simply found it annoying to have to collect things all over again when starting a new world (in C3). For this reason there are a few COBs/agents which activate things for you. (Need names/links.) JayD made the Pick Up Pick-ups.cos, which is available for download at SeeYou7.Net."@en . . . . . . . . . "thumb|Power-ups de Super MetroidPower-ups s\u00E3o itens que Samus Aran utiliza em todos os jogos Metroid para ganhar novas habilidades e poderes. No Universo Metroid, existem muitos tipos diferentes de power-ups. H\u00E1 Power-ups para beams, suits, Morph Ball modes e abilidades de salto. Power-ups normalmente dar\u00E1 a Samus uma habilidade que ela precisa para alcan\u00E7ar e explorar uma nova \u00E1rea. Al\u00E9m disso, nem todos os Power-ups s\u00E3o necess\u00E1rios para limpar o jogo. Itens como o Spring Ball em Super Metroid \u00E9 um Power-up que faz a explora\u00E7\u00E3o mais f\u00E1cil, mas n\u00E3o s\u00E3o necess\u00E1rios."@pt . . . . . . . . . "Power-ups, also known as powerups, are in-game weaponry and upgrades which can only be used once after being found. They only work for a limited time and have four types that Alice will encounter. A demonstration and short tutorial of power-ups, along with weaponry, movement, controls and environments, can be found in the in-game files, while a longer edition had been written for the official guide."@en . . . "Power-up"@pl . "Power-up"@pt . "Power-Up - to chwilowe ulepszenia dla graczy w Trybie Zombie."@pl . "Power-ups in most Metroid games are pieces of Chozo technology used to expand the Power Suit, but in the series Samus also uses Power-ups of Luminoth, Alimbic and Galactic Federation origin. The latter, in Metroid Fusion, gives Samus Power-ups through Data Rooms, where she downloads the upgrade to her Power Suit."@en . . . . . . . "Power-ups in most Metroid games are pieces of Chozo technology used to expand the Power Suit, but in the series Samus also uses Power-ups of Luminoth, Alimbic and Galactic Federation origin. The latter, in Metroid Fusion, gives Samus Power-ups through Data Rooms, where she downloads the upgrade to her Power Suit."@en . . . . "Power-ups or pick-ups are items in Creatures 2 and Creatures 3 which activate certain parts of the game. In Creatures 2, the power-ups activate kits such as the science kit and biochemistry kit, and allow selection of Grendels and Ettins. In Creatures 3, the power-ups activate machinery: the Creator/Injector, the Replicator, the Recycler and the Splicer. They also allow you to select Grendels and Ettins and pick up Creatures. In both games power-ups are activated by getting a norn to push them. JayD made the Pick Up Pick-ups.cos, which is available for download at SeeYou7.Net."@en . "\"Power-ups\" give you an advantage over the other players in a multiplayer battle in Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3 and Halo: Reach. On a few occasions, they can be found in Campaign, except Halo 3."@en . . . "Power-up"@en . "Power-Up - to chwilowe ulepszenia dla graczy w Trybie Zombie."@pl . . . . . . "Power-ups, also known as powerups, are in-game weaponry and upgrades which can only be used once after being found. They only work for a limited time and have four types that Alice will encounter. A demonstration and short tutorial of power-ups, along with weaponry, movement, controls and environments, can be found in the in-game files, while a longer edition had been written for the official guide."@en . "Power-Up"@de . . "Something which is found in the game environment that bestows a positive benefit. Different from inventory items in that their effect is usually instant. Often inexplicably drops from the corpses of fallen enemies, and is found in unlikely places and breakable objects, or the odd treasure chests. Common types: Sometimes comes with its own Power-Up Motif. Compare Status Buff, Power-Up Magnet. If the powerup isn't very useful, see Power-Up Letdown. Contrast Poison Mushroom, a power-down."@en . . . . "Bei Power-Ups handelt es sich um Items, die, nachdem sie ber\u00FChrt oder auf sonstige Weise eingesetzt wurden, bei dem Anwender eine Verwandlung hervorrufen. Dadurch werden neue und hilfreiche F\u00E4higkeiten erlangt, die meist dazu n\u00F6tig sind, um im Spiel voran zu schreiten. So k\u00F6nnen beispielsweise bestimmte Passagen nur durch Power-Ups \u00FCberwunden oder bestimmte Gegner nur durch sie besiegt werden. Andere Power-Ups dienen jedoch lediglich dazu, es dem Anwender leichter zu machen, indem sie beispielsweise Unverwundbarkeit verleihen. Power-Ups sind seit dem Spiel Super Mario Bros. in der Mario-Serie vertreten und seither nicht mehr von ihr wegzudenken. Ihr prim\u00E4res Auftreten liegt in den Spielen des Jump 'n' Run-Genres, einige haben jedoch auch feste Rollen in den Spin-Offs, wie etwa die Sterne oder Pilze in der Mario Kart-Serie. Die wohl bekanntesten Power-Ups und zugleich die bekanntesten Videospielitems \u00FCberhaupt sind die Superpilze, w\u00E4hrend auch die Feuerblumen und die Sterne hohen Bekanntheitsgrad besitzen."@de . . . . . . . . . "Power upy to bronie kt\u00F3rych u\u017Cywaj\u0105 wszyscy poza Bowserem i Koopalings.Wyst\u0119puj\u0105:Super mushroom-pieczarki, Fire flower-ognisty kwiat ,gdy si\u0119 go we\u017Cmie mo\u017Cna strzela\u0107 ognistymi kulkami ice flower-dzia\u0142a tak samo jak fire flower,jednak po wzi\u0119ciu go strzela si\u0119 lodowymi kulkami cape feather-pi\u00F3ro kt\u00F3rym mo\u017Cna atakowa\u0107 i lata\u0107 leaf-li\u015B\u0107 kt\u00F3rym te\u017C mo\u017Cna atakowa\u0107 i lata\u0107 \u017Co\u0142\u0105d\u017A- gdy si\u0119 go we\u017Amie mo\u017Cna szybowa\u0107."@pl . "thumb|Power-ups de Super MetroidPower-ups s\u00E3o itens que Samus Aran utiliza em todos os jogos Metroid para ganhar novas habilidades e poderes. No Universo Metroid, existem muitos tipos diferentes de power-ups. H\u00E1 Power-ups para beams, suits, Morph Ball modes e abilidades de salto. Power-ups normalmente dar\u00E1 a Samus uma habilidade que ela precisa para alcan\u00E7ar e explorar uma nova \u00E1rea. Al\u00E9m disso, nem todos os Power-ups s\u00E3o necess\u00E1rios para limpar o jogo. Itens como o Spring Ball em Super Metroid \u00E9 um Power-up que faz a explora\u00E7\u00E3o mais f\u00E1cil, mas n\u00E3o s\u00E3o necess\u00E1rios."@pt . . . "Power-up - (ang. Wzmacniacz albo Dopalacz) w serii Unreal wszystkie pick-upy daj\u0105ce graczowi b\u0119d\u0105cemu w ich posiadaniu zdolno\u015Bci specjalne takie, jak np. -100% damage do HP (Shield Belt), niewidzialno\u015B\u0107 Invisibility, podw\u00F3jny damage Double Damage/Damage Amplifier. Kategoria:Poj\u0119cia"@pl .