"The Colbert Report/Episode/493"@en . "home to craggy weathered landmarks Provo Provo freedom festival Brigam Young University \n* Jason Chaffetz has the tabernacles to represent Utah's Third youngest district average age is early 20's \n* most diverse district in Utah \n* Republicans and staunch Republicans \n* many Osmonds \n* pumping gas is not a metaphor for anything gay \n* new congressman \n* tips: pick someone big, jack 'em into next week"@en . . "home to craggy weathered landmarks Provo Provo freedom festival Brigam Young University \n* Jason Chaffetz has the tabernacles to represent Utah's Third youngest district average age is early 20's \n* most diverse district in Utah \n* Republicans and staunch Republicans \n* many Osmonds \n* pumping gas is not a metaphor for anything gay \n* new congressman \n* tips: pick someone big, jack 'em into next week \n* \n* you can't be made their biatch \n* opposes illegal immigration \n* open detention camps \n* dip Mexicans in florescent paint so we can see \n* fill Rio with acid \n* poison pinatas \n* \"A\" rating from NRA \n* Stephen introduces Sweetness to Jason \n* works out \n* challenges Stephen to leg wrestle \n* Stephen won"@en . . . . .