. "Mithril battleaxe"@en . "Partial completion of Dragon Slayer"@en . "2345891016"^^ . . "Sometimes crowded"@en . . "*Very easy to kill\n*Hardly any attack\n*Valuable drops including mithril/rune weapons"@en . "West of Lumbridge Castle\nLumbridge Swamp"@en . "*Good experience given the ease of killing them\n*Drop cowhides for selling or tanning."@en . "50"^^ . "*Up to 160,000 exp/hour\n*All items are kept upon death, respawn is instant\n*Experience is awarded even if you die in a fight\n*The lower section is single-way combat, which prevents multiple players from attacking you simultaneously"@en . "1100"^^ . "56.1"^^ . "26.7"^^ . "Use the best possible two-handed sword available at your Attack level"@en . "*Decent drops"@en . "*No drops\n*Weaker players may find that they do not receive as much experience as stronger players\n*Requires rapid Prayer switching for optimal exp/hour"@en . "Steel longsword"@en . "35.7"^^ . . "3256"^^ . . "*Weak to crush"@en . "Bring food such as swordfish, and also a brass key for easier access to the dungeon."@en . "Steel battleaxe"@en . "61.5"^^ . . "Level 50"@en . . "Completion of Demon Slayer for the 3 lesser demons in Crandor Dungeon\n 25 Dungeoneering for the resource dungeon"@en . . "Cow pen on east side of River Lum"@en . "*Best experience in free-to-play outside the wilderness \n*Weak to crush\n*See the in-depth strategy guide to maximise experience"@en . "3700"^^ . "*Aggressive until at higher levels\n*Relatively high maximum hit"@en . "Use the best possible two-handed sword available"@en . "606163"^^ . "5000"^^ . . "*Not crowded"@en . "Use full rune equipment"@en . . . "*Often crowded, but is largely compensated by spawn rates"@en . . "Iron longsword"@en . . . "*Always drops big bones\n*Low Defence"@en . "Free-to-play melee training"@en . . . "430044004500"^^ . . . . . . "*Weak to stab\n*Decent drops if looking for money"@en . "Adamant longsword"@en . . "*Accurate attacks"@en . . "N/A"@en . "1400"^^ . "100150"^^ . "*Does not drop anything"@en . . . "184.5"^^ . . . . "3300"^^ . "*Weak to slash\n*Drops Big bones"@en . "250.2"^^ . . "7250"^^ . "Use dual adamant maces/warhammers"@en . "1300"^^ . . "Damage output over time is roughly the same for any weapon. The accuracy greatly depends on the properties of the targeted monsters. Monsters with high defence need weapons with high hit bonus and suitable attack style, while weak ones are quite free on the choices. One can consult hit-chance calculators online. Each weapon only has one of three attack methods: stab, slash or crush. The player can choose which skill to train as mentioned before. Two-handed weapons or dual-wielded weapons are recommended for their 50% damage boost over using a weapon and a shield."@en . "Partial completion of the Stronghold of Security"@en . "7200.0"^^ . . "Use a weapon such as a steel mace/warhammer"@en . "East side of River Lum\nWest of Lumbridge Second room Stronghold of Security"@en . "*Cooked meat is there for healing\n*The nearby fishing spot, usually active with fly-fishers constantly dropping salmon and trout, which can be cooked on the nearby fire."@en . . . . . "Deadly red spiders"@en . "*Not very crowded"@en . "*Very low defence, often one-shot kills. Around 40,000 xp/h, assuming 990 kills.\n*Fast spawn rates"@en . "N/A"@en . "3200"^^ . "Level 1"@en . "129"^^ . "Level 20"@en . "Level 40"@en . "7200.0"^^ . "Varrock Sewers \n Crandor"@en . . "*Weak and relatively easy to kill\n*Common"@en . "Players should always use the best scimitar they can equip. Use an amulet of strength if it gives you a higher max hit than an amulet of power for your strength level, otherwise use the amulet of power for more accuracy and defense. Use full armor sets against monsters that use melee and ranged armor against monsters that use magic. A chainbody is more useful than a platebody against monsters that use crush. Use Fancy boots or Fighting boots awarded in the Stronghold of Security, or leather boots if you can't be bothered to reclaim stronghold boots when you die."@en . "*Occasionally crowded"@en . "Dwarven Mine\n Crandor"@en . "250350"^^ . "*No profitable drops\n*Many players will find that the food they consume when fighting can cost a fair amount over time \n*Can be difficult to hit if not using a crush weapon."@en . "650"^^ . . "92"^^ . "20"^^ . "20"^^ . "48.9"^^ . "95"^^ . "Moss giants"@en . "Damage output over time is roughly the same for any weapon. The accuracy greatly depends on the properties of the targeted monsters. Monsters with high defence need weapons with high hit bonus and suitable attack style, while weak ones are quite free on the choices. One can consult hit-chance calculators online. Each weapon only has one of three attack methods: stab, slash or crush. The player can choose which skill to train as mentioned before. Two-handed weapons or dual-wielded weapons are recommended for their 50% damage boost over using a weapon and a shield."@en . "500600"^^ . . "399"^^ . . . "*Hits hard and fast\n*No profitable drops\n*Can be difficult to hit\n*Located in the Wilderness"@en . . "Level 10"@en . "Adamant battleaxe"@en . . "70"^^ . "50150"^^ . "Access to Stronghold of Security"@en . "Mithril longsword"@en . "Somewhat crowded"@en . . "Farm across from cow field, north-east of Lumbridge\nFred's farm, south cabbage field north of Lumbridge"@en . "*Very low defence, often one-shot kills. Around 20,000 exp/h.\n*Extremely fast spawn rates"@en . "79"^^ . "Forinthry dungeon\n Wilderness Crater"@en . "Abandoned Burthorpe mine, north of Burthorpe"@en . . . . "9223372036854775807"^^ . . "24.9"^^ . "51"^^ . . . "Bronze longsword"@en . "*Many players will find that they consume food \n*Can be difficult to hit if not using a crush weapon, especially at lower Attack levels.\n*A lot of food will be needed. The most effective ones are\u00A0Swordfish\u00A0or\u00A0Lobster."@en . . . "36"^^ . . "*Maximum hit of 4"@en . "39"^^ . . "Iron battleaxe"@en . . . "44"^^ . "361.5"^^ . "40"^^ . "7120"^^ . "Edgeville Dungeon\n Edgeville Dungeon hill giant resource dungeon"@en . "359.1"^^ . "None"@en . "*Often crowded"@en . "18"^^ . "None"@en . "Bronze battleaxe"@en . "32.1"^^ . "30"^^ . "Karamja Dungeon \n Karamja Resource Dungeon"@en . . "4"^^ . . "Rune longsword"@en . . "1"^^ . . "2"^^ . "108.9"^^ . . "Rune battleaxe"@en . "Use dual Adamant maces/warhammers"@en . "14"^^ . "*Has a ranged magic attack"@en . "Clan Wars free-for-all (white portal) on world 3"@en . . "136.3"^^ . "*Not weak to melee"@en . . "*Weak to slash, so players may be able to get more exp/hour from hellhounds than deadly red spiders. \n* Players with can reach 100 percent accuracy without an attack potion and with either 82 attack and a level 55 slash weapon or 88 attack and a level 50 slash weapon. Since there are no level 55 free-to-play crush weapons, this is an important difference.\n*Usually not crowded\n*Fast respawn rate\n*Aggressive, therefore semi-afkable\n*Drops bones, so using a Twisted bird skull necklace, one may keep multiple prayers activated\n*Up to (361.5*550/1000) round 0,000 or exp/hour \n*See the in-depth strategy guide to maximise experience"@en . "*Weak to crush\n*See the in-depth\u00A0strategy guide\u00A0to maximise experience"@en . "Level 30"@en . "Lesser demons"@en . "Players should always use the best scimitar they can equip. Use an amulet of strength if it gives you a higher max hit than an amulet of power for your strength level, otherwise use the amulet of power for more accuracy and defense. Use full armor sets against monsters that use melee and ranged armor against monsters that use magic. A chainbody is more useful than a platebody against monsters that use crush. Use Fancy boots or Fighting boots awarded in the Stronghold of Security, or leather boots if you can't be bothered to reclaim stronghold boots when you die. Wear a team cape or colored cape. Get 40 ranged so you can wear green d'hide vambraces."@en . "*Players with low Defence can get ganged up on by multiple warriors.\n*Bad drops"@en . . "3400"^^ . "N/A"@en . "Varrock Sewers \n Karamja Dungeon"@en . "*Weak to slash\n*Drops big bones"@en . . "None"@en . . "Use dual adamant daggers/swords"@en . "30"^^ .