. . "3833"^^ . . . "0.8"^^ . "Autonomous Region under a Single-party Socialist State"@en . "Eriksson"@fr . . . "premi\u00E8re"@fr . . "Heleus Cluster"@en . . "The ancient land known today as Vinland was originally settled by the Vikings at the turn of the millenium. The colony prospered, constant attacks from hostile Skr\u00E4elings. The attacks were nearly the death of the fledgeling community, but Vinland consistently prevailed. It became a stable, but isolated community, constantly kept in check by the consistent threat of annihilation at the hands of the natives. Eventually Vinlandic supremacy of the region was established, and the natives all but vacated Vinnish territory."@en . "Satellites Location: Andromeda / Heleus Cluster / Eriksson System / First planet"@en . "VSM"@en . "Planet View"@en . . "Satellites Location: Andromeda / Heleus Cluster / Eriksson System / First planet"@en . . . "V\u0131\u0274\u0433a\u0274\u04E9"@en . "4.5E9"^^ . "2014"^^ . . "108860"^^ . . "0.7"^^ . . "FlagofVinland.png"@en . "-3.3"^^ . "VST"@en . "Galaxie Androm\u00E8de"@fr . "3833"^^ . "Vinland"@en . "Vinland est une petite plan\u00E8te tellurique avec une atmosph\u00E8re de type \"cocotte-minute\" compos\u00E9e d'argon et de dioxyde de carbone. En raison de ses gaz volatiles qui recouvrent sa surface, il serait n\u00E9cessaire d'utiliser des robots pour extraire ses pr\u00E9cieux gisements de cobalt."@fr . "21206.0"^^ . "Vice Executive"@en . . "212197"^^ . "Autonomous Overseas Region within the Westlandic People's Republic"@en . . . . "0.8"^^ . "Location of the Vinlandic Territory in Green"@en . "Executive"@en . "Andromeda"@en . "VinlandMap.png"@en . "Vinland was first discovered by the Icelandic Viking, Leif Eriksson in the 11th century. The later European Settlers were the Westlandic in the 15th century, with an expedition led by Jon Alfgar, who was commissioned by King Alfred III of Westland to find passage to Asia. Alfgarsson landed on the island in 1499 and an attempt was made to begin a colony there, with further expeditions a colony was founded. The first inhabitants lived mainly off the sea, with the majority being fisherman, or subsistence farmers. Vinland had originally no native peoples, aside from the Beothuk, a Dorset Culture existing in the 15th and 16th centuries, at the time of Westlandic colonisation, however became extinct early on."@en . . "Vinland"@fr . "0.7"^^ . "671"^^ . . "81.2"^^ . "H\u00E9l\u00E9us"@fr . . . "Vinland"@en . . "Vinland"@fr . "Vinland was first discovered by the Icelandic Viking, Leif Eriksson in the 11th century. The later European Settlers were the Westlandic in the 15th century, with an expedition led by Jon Alfgar, who was commissioned by King Alfred III of Westland to find passage to Asia. Alfgarsson landed on the island in 1499 and an attempt was made to begin a colony there, with further expeditions a colony was founded. The first inhabitants lived mainly off the sea, with the majority being fisherman, or subsistence farmers. Vinland had originally no native peoples, aside from the Beothuk, a Dorset Culture existing in the 15th and 16th centuries, at the time of Westlandic colonisation, however became extinct early on. Having been claimed by Westland as a realm for centuries, Vinland officially became an overseas autonomous region in 1923 under the Constitution of Westland following the state's transition from a Kingdom into a Socialist State. The Vinlandic people did not contest for independence, as it was agreed by general consensus that the island could not survive on its own, in addition to the majority of the population supported Strassonism. Since then, Vinland has become a shining beacon of the ideology, being regarded by many Westlandic political analysts as the 'true form of Strassonism.' Vinland has a relatively high level of self-governance, however under the terms of the Constitution, it must retain its socialist regime, under the ideology of Strassonism through the Socialist Party. Foreign Affairs and Defence are organised by the central Westlandic government, who maintain Vinland as a strong strategic territory in Northern America. The island's government is led by an Executive, currently the incumbent Mikal Kaskasson. Vinland's main industry comes from Fishing, over 60% of the island's population are involved in the industry. Vinland exports a large majority of its catch back to Westland, in addition to producing packed fish products at the two Fish Packing Facilities on the island. In addition to the island's extensive fisheries, Vinland is also notable for being the location of the Westlandic civil space program's space-launch centre, Burk\u00F6sson Kozmodr\u00F6m due to Vinland's location in the Atlantic Ocean and very lack of land over the launch trajectory."@en . . . "Vinland"@en . "Vinland est une petite plan\u00E8te tellurique avec une atmosph\u00E8re de type \"cocotte-minute\" compos\u00E9e d'argon et de dioxyde de carbone. En raison de ses gaz volatiles qui recouvrent sa surface, il serait n\u00E9cessaire d'utiliser des robots pour extraire ses pr\u00E9cieux gisements de cobalt."@fr . "first"@en . "2014"^^ . . . . . . "The ancient land known today as Vinland was originally settled by the Vikings at the turn of the millenium. The colony prospered, constant attacks from hostile Skr\u00E4elings. The attacks were nearly the death of the fledgeling community, but Vinland consistently prevailed. It became a stable, but isolated community, constantly kept in check by the consistent threat of annihilation at the hands of the natives. Eventually Vinlandic supremacy of the region was established, and the natives all but vacated Vinnish territory. As the sun of the renaisance rose over the Dark ages, many changes took place in the world. Vinland was no exception. Unlike Old Scandinavia, Vinland wasn't affected nearly as much by the implementation of Christianity, and the Old Religion was practiced universally for centuries, and many refugees from Sweden in particular came to seek true Viking prosperity in this new world. Due to this large influx of Swedish culture, Vinlandic culture most resembles Swedish culture out of any of the Scandinavian nations."@en . ".vs .v\u0438"@en . . "Left"@en . "Eriksson"@en . "81.2"^^ . . . . .