. . . . . "Der Piazza del Popolo ist ein Platz im Norden Roms. thumb|300px"@de . "The future site of the famous Piazza del Popolo, in the early 15th century, the Piazza was merely the continuation of the Via Flaminia. As a result, it was most travelers' first view of Rome upon arrival. In 1503, Cesare Borgia attempted to rally the last of his troops at the city gate, promising them power in return for their service. However, the Assassin Ezio Auditore da Firenze, along with his allies Niccolo Machiavelli, Claudia Auditore da Firenze, Bartolomeo d'Alviano, and La Volpe, battled the troops and defeated all of them, with the help of Ezio's Apple of Eden. In the confusion, Cesare had managed to escape to the other side of the gate and waited for his army, formerly stationed in Urbino, to arrive and help him take back Rome. However, the soldiers that arrived were commanded by Fabio Orsini, who arrested Cesare by the order of the newly elected Pope Julius II, on charges of murder, betrayal, and incest."@en . "Piazza del Popolo"@de . . "Piazza del Popolo"@en . "The future site of the famous Piazza del Popolo, in the early 15th century, the Piazza was merely the continuation of the Via Flaminia. As a result, it was most travelers' first view of Rome upon arrival. In 1503, Cesare Borgia attempted to rally the last of his troops at the city gate, promising them power in return for their service. However, the Assassin Ezio Auditore da Firenze, along with his allies Niccolo Machiavelli, Claudia Auditore da Firenze, Bartolomeo d'Alviano, and La Volpe, battled the troops and defeated all of them, with the help of Ezio's Apple of Eden."@en . . . . . "Piazza del Popolo"@fr . . "Der Piazza del Popolo ist ein Platz im Norden Roms. thumb|300px"@de . . .