"Disabling ScreenUpdating stops any changes/operations from being displayed on-screen, which hugely increases performance during large operations. To use this, disable ScreenUpdating at the start of your submodule or function, then enable it at the end. Note that message and error boxes will still be displayed. Also see #Disable Calculation. Disable ScreenUpdating Enable ScreenUpdating Example"@en . "Disabling ScreenUpdating stops any changes/operations from being displayed on-screen, which hugely increases performance during large operations. To use this, disable ScreenUpdating at the start of your submodule or function, then enable it at the end. Note that message and error boxes will still be displayed. Also see #Disable Calculation. Disable ScreenUpdating Enable ScreenUpdating Example This example remembers the current value for ScreenUpdating, disables it, then later restores it back to the original value. It creates two functions: DisableScreenUpdating and EnableScreenUpdating."@en . . "Excel 2010/Snippets/Application"@en . .