. . . . . . . "The first challenge for the Yboxer is to turn the console on. This is a difficult process, mainly because there are 17 different buttons which may potentially turn the console on. The process is made even more complex as the function of whichever button is picked is determined by the player's interpretations of the words \"on\", \"console\", and \"turn\". Some players notice that when one button is pressed, the machine will slowly start humming baroque music. A representative from Heideggerz stated that this was to calm down those players who are unfortunately not as patient as others. Once the player is in the right mood to turn the console on, he will be presented with the first questions. The questions will fade into the background very quickly after being displayed, so the player must start thinking very hard. Some experienced YBox players have constructed a system whereby their hot water is heated by the thought energy in an action-based process. However, one needs the will to deceive in order to actualize the economy of this to another individual. When the console believes the player has sufficiently mastered the concepts involved in the questions, it proceeds to display another. Points are awarded for originality and patience, as well as understanding of modal logic. According to Heideggerz & co., the scores of players are recorded via the internet, but it appears that they are made inaccessible due to the fact that the YBox has only a metaphysical connection to the internet. Some users have reported problems with the controls during play. Heideggerz & co. replied explaining that the console is not sure whether the controller is an intrinsic part of it, a modal extension of itself, or rather separate from it. There is an additional existentialist mode, accessible only to those with a certain temperament, which takes the questions out of the equation. The player simply stares at the blank screen and realise that, since he is not perceiving anything but blackness, his own emotions are truth."@en . "YBox"@en . . "Ybox"@en . "The first challenge for the Yboxer is to turn the console on. This is a difficult process, mainly because there are 17 different buttons which may potentially turn the console on. The process is made even more complex as the function of whichever button is picked is determined by the player's interpretations of the words \"on\", \"console\", and \"turn\". Some players notice that when one button is pressed, the machine will slowly start humming baroque music. A representative from Heideggerz stated that this was to calm down those players who are unfortunately not as patient as others."@en . .