. . "None"@en . "Ah, it's you. Jaeger informed me about your coming. Here's the intelligence report. Many Blood Widows died to get that report... In any case, use it to good effect!"@en . "16"^^ . . "Kidnap Dr. Franklin Vimes"@en . "7716"^^ . "2008-07-30"^^ . "Talk to Operative Kirkland"@en . "Defeat 20 Longbow"@en . "Personnel files"@en . "You use the retinal duplicator to get past security and slip into the Longbow base."@en . "Steal Longbow personnel files"@en . . . . "Operative Kirkland"@en . "The ship rocks gently in the water."@en . . "You kidnapped Dr. Vimes!"@en . "You found the personnel files!"@en . . . "Intelligence report"@en . . "The sign on the door says, 'Crey Restricted Zone'."@en . "217"^^ . . "You slip into the office in search of the personnel files."@en . . . . "Y"@en . "Kristof Jaeger is a City of Villains contact located in the Crimson Cove neighborhood of Nerva Archipelago at coordinates (2125, 16, 7716). Kristof Jaeger is a Technology origin contact. His level range is 25-29. __TOC__"@en . . "5"^^ . "Crimson Cove"@en . "Y"@en . . "This device looks like a set of binoculars with all manner of electronics added to it. It is capable of duplicating the retinal print of someone."@en . "Debriefing"@en . . "Dr. Vimes will now appear in the \u201CKidnap Dr. Franklin Vimes\u201D Mission on the test server."@en . "Kristof Jaeger"@en . "You set the bombs!"@en . "You got the retinal duplicator!"@en . "Retinal Duplicator"@en . . "v"@en . "Rogue Longbow Agent"@en . "2125"^^ . . "Find personnel files"@en . "25"^^ . . . "Kristof Jaeger is a City of Villains contact located in the Crimson Cove neighborhood of Nerva Archipelago at coordinates (2125, 16, 7716). Kristof Jaeger is a Technology origin contact. His level range is 25-29. __TOC__"@en . "Steal the retinal duplicator"@en . . "You got the intel report."@en . . . "V"@en . "Plant five bombs"@en . "Kristof Jaeger"@en . "This is a stack of files you stole from a Longbow administrative office. It details Longbow personnel in Crimson Cove. One of the people here will be the target of the retinal duplicator device you stole from Crey."@en . . "Y"@en . "his"@en . "This is an Arachnos intel report on the latest updates to Longbow security measures. The main update is an advanced retinal scan technology integrated into their high-security bases."@en . . "Nerva Archipelago"@en . . . "Technology"@en . "25"^^ . "Steal tech\n**Defeat guards to escape"@en . . "You defeated the Longbow Agents!"@en . "None, Kristof Jaeger is an Unlockable Contact."@en .