"635"^^ . "Watch when Cersei talks to Tywin"@en . "Inquire what Lady Olenna wants from you."@en . "Sworn Sword"@en . "Rona Grey.jpg"@en . . "Olenna nods. \"Make sure any vicious gossip Cersei starts against Margaery doesn't reach Tywin's ears. It's his call to make or break the betrothal.\""@en . "Join the queen's personal guard"@en . . "Steal"@en . "Lady Olenna sniffs. \"Cersei Lannister doesn't want her son to listen to any voice but hers. I need you to make sure she can't sabotage our plans.\""@en . "Harass"@en . "635"^^ . "Gawk blankly until Lady Olenna tells you to go learn what Cersei is planning."@en . "635"^^ . . "381"^^ . "Volume IV"@en . "IV"@en . "Peerless"@en . . "381"^^ . "Family"@en . "381"^^ . "381"^^ . "Promise to make sure Tywin doesn't listen to Cersei's plans."@en . "Ask why the queen would want to jeopardize the alliance."@en . "The paranoid and power-hungry dowager queen to King Robert and mother of King Tommen."@en . . "\"The dowager queen would use Joffrey's death as an excuse to renege on our deal,\" Lady Olenna says. \"This cannot happen. Margaery must marry Tommen.\""@en . "Reunion"@en . "World Storm's End.jpg"@en . "Queen Cersei Lannister"@en . "Pay guards to keep Cersei from Tywin"@en . "381"^^ . "Sabotage"@en . "Gingerly say you saw Olenna with the royal goblet at the wedding. Did she poison Joffrey?"@en . "Take Queen Cersei's papers"@en . . "City"@en . "Spread vicious rumors about Cersei"@en . "381"^^ . "127"^^ . "Pay servants for gossip"@en . "Realm"@en . "Say you will spy on the queen."@en . "The Mines of Casterly Rock"@en . "Rona Grey"@en . "Bribe"@en . "127"^^ . "127"^^ . "Common Boon.jpg"@en . "The Dowager Queen"@en . "Swindle"@en . "25200.0"^^ . "635"^^ . "Hide in queen's quarters"@en . "\"Don't be distasteful, dear.\" Lady Olenna says. \"Call it 'renegotiating the terms of our agreement.' Joffrey would have been a terrible husband."@en . "381"^^ . "Aid"@en . "Help Tywin mistrust Cersei"@en . "635"^^ . "Trade places with personal guard"@en . "Cunning"@en . "The Coronation"@en . "Spy"@en . "IV"@en . "Random Resource"@en . "Gain Lord Tywin's trust"@en . "City"@en . "Ask queen's guards leading questions"@en . "Aid & Swindle -254"@en . . "635"^^ . "635"^^ . "Keep queen's letters from Hand"@en . . "Lady Olenna Tyrell"@en . "Tyrell Character.jpg"@en .