. "thumb|300px|Skull Egg Zone cuando fue descubierta. Skull Egg Zone es una zona creada por el Dr. Eggman y el Dr. Wily que apareci\u00F3 por 1\u00B0 vez en Archie Mega Man Issue 24. Se encuentra en una dimensi\u00F3n separada de otros mundos y es donde los dos doctores se conocieron. Los dos se esconden dentro de esta zona para construir su Wily Egg, as\u00ED como para activar el Genesis Wave donde no pueda afectarles. Dentro del Skull Egg Zone, el tiempo fluye a un ritmo diferente, as\u00ED que mientras pasan varias horas dentro de este espacio, a escasos minutos pasan en los otros espacios. Inicialmente, el Dr. Wily quer\u00EDa llamar a la zona \"Skull Secret Zone\", mientras que el Dr. Eggman quer\u00EDa llamarlo \"Egg Pocket Zone\". Los dos llegaron a un acuerdo y combinaron los nombres. Cuando la zona fue descubierta por primera vez, era muy b\u00E1sica. Era una vasta tierra de colinas compuestas de un tablero de ajedrez de color naranja y marr\u00F3n mate (similar a los Special Stages de Sonic the Hedgehog 3 y Sonic & Knuckles). El cielo era de un tono verde putrefacto. thumb|Skull Egg ZoneEn el momento en que Sonic y Mega Man se infiltraron en ella, esta zona hab\u00EDa evolucionado enormemente. Ahora es una combinaci\u00F3n de elementos de los anteriores videojuegos de Sonic y Mega Man, como hongos gigantes de Mushroom Hill Zone, o vallas hexagonales del patr\u00F3n en la etapa de Top Man. Las secciones son muy peque\u00F1as y las fronteras son inmediatas, por ejemplo, una selva, un campo de nieve, y un desierto son s\u00F3lo algunos pasos de distancia. Categor\u00EDa:Localizaciones Categor\u00EDa:Bases del Dr. Eggman Categor\u00EDa:Localizaciones de los Archie Comics Categor\u00EDa:Creaciones del Dr.Eggman y el Dr.Wily"@es . . "Skull Egg Zone"@es . "270px|right Die Skull Egg Zone ist eine Zone (ein \"Taschenuniversum\" wie es Miles \"Tails\" Prower deffiniert) zwischen dem Universum von Sonic the Hedgehog und Mega Man. Um weitere Eroberungspl\u00E4ne ohne gro\u00DFes Aufsehen zu errichten, bauten Dr. Eggman und Dr. Wily nach ihrem B\u00FCdniss die Zone weiter aus. Wie sich auch der Name der Zone aus zwei Komponenten der unterschiedlichen zwei Welten zusammensetzt, so tauchen in der Zone ebenfalls Vermischungen auf: \n* Ein Schneemann mit einem Eggmankopf. \n* Als sich Copy Robot zeigt, steht er auf einem Stein, der genauso wie Eggmans Kopf aussieht. \n* Blumen mit einem Bl\u00FCtenboden mit einem Eggmankopf oder einem Sch\u00E4del. \n* Einen Wilymond und eine Eggmansonne. \n* Eggman und Wilyk\u00F6pfe als Parodie des Mount Rushmore National Memorial. \n* Egg Viper und eine Schlange im Urwald. \n* Kreuzungen mit Chaos und Met. \n* Die typischen Mega Man Bl\u00F6cke, die nach einer Weile verschwinden und wieder aufkreuzen, regen Sonic auf. \n* Die Sprungfedern sind aus dem Sonicuniversum. \n* Die Roboticized Masters tragen Kennungen wie die Robot Master (EWN). \n* In der W\u00FCstenzone taucht ein Badnik aus der Sonic the Hedgehog serie auf: Ein Skorp. \n* Ebefalls taucht auch ein Kerog, mehrere Tackle Fires und ein Sasoreenu auf. \n* Eine Kreuzung aus Chao und Met graben einen Burrobot aus. \n* Das Wort Mega Muck wird erw\u00E4hnt. Dies ist ein Gift im Sonic the Hedgehog Universum. Gleichzeitig bauten die beiden Genies ihre gemeinsame Festung, das Wily Egg, auf, eine Mischung aus dem Death Egg von Eggman und einigen Verziehrungen die einem Sch\u00E4del \u00E4hneln. Kategorie:Worlds Collide"@de . "Skull Egg Zone"@en . . "270px|right Die Skull Egg Zone ist eine Zone (ein \"Taschenuniversum\" wie es Miles \"Tails\" Prower deffiniert) zwischen dem Universum von Sonic the Hedgehog und Mega Man. Um weitere Eroberungspl\u00E4ne ohne gro\u00DFes Aufsehen zu errichten, bauten Dr. Eggman und Dr. Wily nach ihrem B\u00FCdniss die Zone weiter aus. Wie sich auch der Name der Zone aus zwei Komponenten der unterschiedlichen zwei Welten zusammensetzt, so tauchen in der Zone ebenfalls Vermischungen auf:"@de . "thumb|300px|Skull Egg Zone cuando fue descubierta. Skull Egg Zone es una zona creada por el Dr. Eggman y el Dr. Wily que apareci\u00F3 por 1\u00B0 vez en Archie Mega Man Issue 24. Se encuentra en una dimensi\u00F3n separada de otros mundos y es donde los dos doctores se conocieron. Los dos se esconden dentro de esta zona para construir su Wily Egg, as\u00ED como para activar el Genesis Wave donde no pueda afectarles. Dentro del Skull Egg Zone, el tiempo fluye a un ritmo diferente, as\u00ED que mientras pasan varias horas dentro de este espacio, a escasos minutos pasan en los otros espacios."@es . . . . "Skull Egg Zone"@de . . . "The Skull Egg Zone was created by Doctors Eggman and Wily using the blue Chaos Emerald, in order for the two to meet and work on their plans to take over both of their worlds. To help them with this, they created the zone outside of the normal laws of space and time. This allowed them to accomplish hours worth of work in the zone while mere seconds passed in their home world. Additionally, they could use the zone's properties to create or recreate things-most notably robots-from their home zones such as the Robot Master known as Bass. The zone was used to secretly construct the Wily Egg and to set off the second Genesis Wave, which reset both of the doctors' worlds, the zone serving as an area where the two of them could remain immune to the wave's effects. The name of the zone came as a compromise: Wily wanted to call it the \"Skull Secret Zone\", while Eggman wanted to dub it the \"Egg Pocket Zone.\" From within the zone, the two doctors continued their efforts to achieve dominion over both their universes, starting by kidnapping several of Sonic the Hedgehog's allies from Mobius and transforming them into the Roboticized Masters. These minions were then dispatched to obtain the other Chaos Emeralds, running into Mega Man and Proto Man as a result. Eggman and Wily played this to their advantage, however, by using Metal Sonic v3.0 and Copybot to trick Mega Man and Sonic into battling each other. (MM: #24, SU: #51) The evil doctors observed the battle between their adversaries in the Green Hill Zone, and dispatched Bass and Metal Sonic to capture Dr. Light intervened by creating a Warp Ring that allowed Mega Man to lure Sonic through to Mega City. Subsequently, the two heroes learned that they had been duped, but returned to Light Labs too late to prevent Dr. Light from being taken into the Skull Egg Zone. Teaming up, the two heroes-along with Proto Man, Rush, and a rescued Tails-entered the Skull Egg Zone in order to rescue their missing friends. Once inside the zone, they were soon challenged by Copybot and the Genesis Unit, who had been dispatched by the doctors to halt their progress. The heroes proved victorious in the ensuing battle, but during the course of the fight the doctors obtained the last Chaos Emerald. With their plan nearing fruition, Wily and Eggman decided upon a new plan for dealing with the heroes: dispatching the Roboticized Masters to challenge them. After a brief confrontation, the two opposing parties were split as Proto Man left to find Dr. Light, leading several of the Masters after him. The remaining heroes then succeeded in restoring the Chaotix to their organic forms, and the trio of detectives were then sent to join Proto Man. (StH: #248, #249, MM: #25, SU: Archie Sonic Universe Issue 52) As Mega Man and Sonic's group continued to traverse the strange terrain of the Skull Egg Zone, they were challenged by another pair of opponents: Shadow Man of the Roboticized Masters and Shadow Man of the Robot Masters. They succeeded in restoring Shadow the Hedgehog to his normal form, and he subsequently destroyed Shadow Man before teleporting away. His use of Chaos Control disrupted the Skull Egg Zone slightly, and reawakened the heroes' memories of how their worlds had been before the doctors' tampering with reality. Continuing on, the group encountered Silver Man and Blaze Woman, whom they subsequently restored to their normal forms of Silver the Hedgehog and Blaze the Cat. This left only two Roboticized Masters, Rose Woman and Knuckles Man, who were called away from pursuing Proto Man and the Chaotix in order to attack Sonic and Mega Man's party. After a brief but intense battle, they too were restored to normal as Amy Rose and Knuckles the Echidna. At the same time, Rouge the Bat had boarded the Wily Egg and sabotaged it with some guidance from Dr. Light forcing it to come to a stop. As luck would have it, the Chaotix and Proto Man found it as it hovered above a pair of massive statues of the evil doctors, whose hands supported a teleporter pad that Proto Man determined could be used to board the flying fortress. With this information, Sonic's party split up in order to collect their various allies from around the Skull Egg Zone. (MM: #26, SU: #52) The heroes-joined by E-123 Omega and the restored Roboticized Masters-arrived at the gathering point only to face a major obstacle: a massive army of Robot Masters, led by the newly transformed Rouge Woman. The two sides engaged in a fierce battle, which eventually resulted in Rouge's restoration to normal. It continued after Mega Man and Sonic boarded the Wily Egg to confront the doctors, though the sheer number of Robot Masters began to wear the heroes down. At this point, an ally arrived from Mega Man's world in the form of Duo. The powerful robot, upon entering the Skull Egg Zone, determined that it was a parasite of sorts, not simply linking the two universes but damaging them as well. Taking over for Sonic and Mega Man in fighting the Chaos Devil, he charged them with putting an end to this evil. Unfortunately, the two heroes were subsequently captured by the mad doctors, who unveiled their full plan: to use the Genesis Reactor, powered by all seven Chaos Emeralds, to completely rewrite their respective realities. As they explained this, Eggman revealed that the Skull Egg Zone was indeed a danger to both universes, but that the effects of the Super Genesis Wave they would generate would undo any damage. Unfortunately for the doctor, the Light Labs Robot Masters arrived to assist the heroes outside the Wily Egg, allowing Proto Man, Knuckles, Dr. Light, and Rush to come to Mega Man and Sonic's aid. After a lengthy battle with the doctors in their Egg-Wily Machine X, Super Sonic and Super Mega Man prevailed, though the Skull Egg Zone and both worlds were consumed by the Super Genesis Wave. The heroes later undid this event, though Sonic's efforts met with interference from Eggman. (StH: #250, #251, MM: #27, SU: #54)"@en . "The Skull Egg Zone was created by Doctors Eggman and Wily using the blue Chaos Emerald, in order for the two to meet and work on their plans to take over both of their worlds. To help them with this, they created the zone outside of the normal laws of space and time. This allowed them to accomplish hours worth of work in the zone while mere seconds passed in their home world. Additionally, they could use the zone's properties to create or recreate things-most notably robots-from their home zones such as the Robot Master known as Bass. The zone was used to secretly construct the Wily Egg and to set off the second Genesis Wave, which reset both of the doctors' worlds, the zone serving as an area where the two of them could remain immune to the wave's effects. The name of the zone came as a c"@en . . "The Skull Egg Zone is a pocket dimension between Mega Man's and Sonic's universes that Dr. Eggman and Dr. Wily collaborated to make by using Chaos energy from the blue Chaos Emerald. It is under a time dilation effect, which allowed the two doctors to complete the Wily Egg without drawing any undue attention from their absence in their home universes. The two doctors arrived here through the Interdimensional Gateway."@en . . "The Skull Egg Zone is a pocket dimension between Mega Man's and Sonic's universes that Dr. Eggman and Dr. Wily collaborated to make by using Chaos energy from the blue Chaos Emerald. It is under a time dilation effect, which allowed the two doctors to complete the Wily Egg without drawing any undue attention from their absence in their home universes. The two doctors arrived here through the Interdimensional Gateway. The doctors originally disagreed on what to call the Zone, Dr. Wily wanting to call it the 'Skull Secret Zone' and Dr. Eggman desiring to name it the 'Egg Pocket Zone'. The two began arguing until the moment it devolved into shouting the first words of their respective suggestions at each other and they simultaneously realized that 'Skull Egg Zone' made for the perfect name. The Skull Egg Zone is first reached at the end of the first act in Mega Man Issue 25 and is the main setting in the second act of Worlds Collide where Mega Man and Sonic face off against the Roboticized Masters."@en . . . . . . .