. . "For example, Jean-Luc Picard was a Starfleet captain, and the USS Defiant was a Federation starship. You can also use see also or related topic sections to add lists of links that are associated with the article's topic. But above all, don't delete links just because you don't think they fit! Instead, try to reword the article so that they'll stay, but still make sense or fit the context. Above all, try to avoid creating orphan articles \u2013 an orphan is an article that has no other pages that link to it. If you decide you need to remove links from an article, make sure there are links elsewhere to that same page, before they disappear beyond the edge of the galaxy!"@en . . "Memory Alpha:Build the web"@en . "For example, Jean-Luc Picard was a Starfleet captain, and the USS Defiant was a Federation starship. You can also use see also or related topic sections to add lists of links that are associated with the article's topic."@en . . . .