. "Indicus/Relationships"@en . . . "After Nureha founded Plant Hwyaden in the wake of the Catastrophe, the two of them created a verbal contract in which Indicus promised to take control of the Yamato server while Nureha remained in control as the figurehead leader. While Indicus usually obeys Nureha's orders, there is one thing that she will not budge on: Nureha's relationship with Shiroe and her real-life history."@en . "After Nureha founded Plant Hwyaden in the wake of the Catastrophe, the two of them created a verbal contract in which Indicus promised to take control of the Yamato server while Nureha remained in control as the figurehead leader. While Indicus usually obeys Nureha's orders, there is one thing that she will not budge on: Nureha's relationship with Shiroe and her real-life history. After Nureha escaped the confines of Minami, traveled to Akihabara to recruit Shiroe, and was subsequently rejected by him, Indicus takes a sadistic glee in telling the younger woman that Shiroe would never be interested in her. When Nureha finally rebels against Indicus, Minami was quickly split into two factions: the pro-war faction and Nureha's faction. Indicus, as part of the pro-war faction, began waging war against Nureha's faction, turning Minami into a war zone."@en .