"66"^^ . "Consortium +350"@en . "Quest:Safety Is Job One"@en . "Safety Is Job One"@en . . "Dungeon"@en . "Mana-Tombs"@en . "14150"^^ . . . . . "Artificer Morphalius wants you to kill 10 Ethereal Crypt Raiders, 5 Ethereal Sorcerers, 5 Nexus Stalkers and 5 Ethereal Spellbinders. Once that's done, find the Ethereal Transporter in the chamber before Shaffar's and activate it. Kill: \n* 10 Ethereal Crypt Raider \n* 5 Nexus Stalker \n* 5 Ethereal Sorcerer \n* 5 Ethereal Spellbinder"@en . "Neutral"@en . "10218"^^ . . "64"^^ . . "Artificer Morphalius wants you to kill 10 Ethereal Crypt Raiders, 5 Ethereal Sorcerers, 5 Nexus Stalkers and 5 Ethereal Spellbinders. Once that's done, find the Ethereal Transporter in the chamber before Shaffar's and activate it. Kill: \n* 10 Ethereal Crypt Raider \n* 5 Nexus Stalker \n* 5 Ethereal Sorcerer \n* 5 Ethereal Spellbinder"@en . .