. . . "am Leben"@de . . . "HurleyCam.jpg"@zh . "Los Angeles"@de . "Randy"@pl . "Randy Nations is a villain in Lost. He is the former boss of Hugo Reyes and John Locke."@en . . "Hurleys und Lockes Chef"@de . . "Los Angeles, \u00C9tats-Unis"@fr . . "Character appearances#RandyS3"@en . . . . . . . "Randy chicken.JPG"@es . "Randy Nations"@nl . "\u4E0D\u660E"@zh . . "Randy Box.JPG"@en . "Randy Nations"@pt . . "Randy Nations"@es . "Randy Nations ist als Vorgesetzter in mittlerer F\u00FChrungsebene bei Mr. Cluck's H\u00FChnchenbude und sp\u00E4ter bei einer Kartonagenfabrik t\u00E4tig. Sowohl Locke als auch Hurley haben schon f\u00FCr ihn gearbeitet."@de . . . . . "mittleres Management"@de . . "Character appearances#RandyS4"@en . . "Cadre interm\u00E9diaire"@fr . "Randy taunts Locke at the box company."@zh . "Yes"@es . "}"@pt . "Randy Nations was a middle management boss for whom both Hurley and Locke have worked."@zh . "Levend"@nl . . "Randy Nations"@en . "Los Angeles, Californi\u00EB"@nl . "Los Angeles, California, Estados Unidos"@es . . . "Randy Nations"@nl . . "Randy Nations"@it . "Billy Ray Gallion"@fr . . . "left"@en . . . . "2"^^ . "Randy prepares to fire John in the flash sideways."@en . . "Randy Nations"@de . . . "6"^^ . "Era il capo di Hurley e di Locke"@it . . "Male"@en . . "Randy Nations ist als Vorgesetzter in mittlerer F\u00FChrungsebene bei Mr. Cluck's H\u00FChnchenbude und sp\u00E4ter bei einer Kartonagenfabrik t\u00E4tig. Sowohl Locke als auch Hurley haben schon f\u00FCr ihn gearbeitet."@de . "Randy Burgess"@it . "Randy Nations"@zh . . "Randy Nations"@de . . . . . . . "HurleyCam.jpg"@en . . . . "Tustin, CA, USA"@en . . . . . "Randy Nations"@es . "Randy Nations"@it . "Alive"@en . "Randy Nations was the cruel, diabolical, and taunting middle management boss for whom both Hurley and Locke have worked."@en . "Randy Nations pracowa\u0142 na stanowisku kierownika w Mr. Cluck's. By\u0142 szefem Hurleya, ochrzani\u0142 go za to, \u017Ce podjada kurczaki i nie p\u0142aci za nie oraz za to, \u017Ce daje klientom wi\u0119cej ni\u017C dwie serwetki. (\u201EEverybody Hates Hugo\u201D) Z nieznanych przyczyn Mr. Cluck's zosta\u0142 zamkni\u0119ty, ale zosta\u0142 kupiony i na nowo otwarty przez Hurleya, za jego pieni\u0105dze wygrane na loterii. Hurley zatrudni\u0142 Randyego, ale na dzie\u0144 przed wielkim otwarciem, w restauracj\u0119 uderzy\u0142 meteoryt, doszcz\u0119tnie niszcz\u0105c budynek. (\u201ETricia Tanaka is Dead\u201D)"@pl . "Billy Ray Gallion"@en . . . "Szef Mr. Clucks's i fabryki pude\u0142ek"@pl . . . . . "Randy Nations travaillait comme superviseur au fast food M. Cotcot de Diamond Bar, pr\u00E8s de Los Angeles, o\u00F9 il \u00E9tait le patron de Hurley. Il a r\u00E9primand\u00E9 Hurley apr\u00E8s avoir d\u00E9couvert que celui-ci mangeait de la nourriture du restaurant sans payer. (Le Mal-aim\u00E9) Apr\u00E8s avoir gagn\u00E9 \u00E0 la loterie et avoir d\u00E9missionn\u00E9 de son emploi au fast food, Hurley, accompagn\u00E9 de son ami Johnny, est all\u00E9 vandaliser la pelouse du domicile de Randy."@fr . . . . "Trabaj\u00F3 en el restaurante Mr. Clucks y en la compa\u00F1\u00EDa de cajas de Locke"@es . . "Randy Nations werkte bij Mr. Cluck's als Hurleys baas. Hij gaf Hurley op zijn lazer voor het eten van kip zonder ervoor te betalen en voor het weggeven van meer dan twee servetten aan gasten. Nadat Hurley de loterij had gewonnen en Mr. Cluck's verliet, gaf hij Randy een baan bij zijn bedrijf dat dozen maakt, daar was hij Lockes baas, hij maakte Locke belachelijk voor zijn lichamelijke conditie en omdat hij geen echte kolonel zou zijn."@nl . . . . . "Randy Nations"@es . "Onbekend"@nl . "Randy prepares to fire John in the flash sideways."@zh . . . . . "He was the employer of both Hurley and Locke."@en . "Randy filming Hurley's car crash"@en . "Randy Nations"@zh . . "Randy Nations"@pl . "Randy Nations \u00E9 o gerente de supervis\u00E3o para quem Hurley e Locke j\u00E1 trabalharam."@pt . . "Randy Nations pracowa\u0142 na stanowisku kierownika w Mr. Cluck's. By\u0142 szefem Hurleya, ochrzani\u0142 go za to, \u017Ce podjada kurczaki i nie p\u0142aci za nie oraz za to, \u017Ce daje klientom wi\u0119cej ni\u017C dwie serwetki. (\u201EEverybody Hates Hugo\u201D) Z nieznanych przyczyn Mr. Cluck's zosta\u0142 zamkni\u0119ty, ale zosta\u0142 kupiony i na nowo otwarty przez Hurleya, za jego pieni\u0105dze wygrane na loterii. Hurley zatrudni\u0142 Randyego, ale na dzie\u0144 przed wielkim otwarciem, w restauracj\u0119 uderzy\u0142 meteoryt, doszcz\u0119tnie niszcz\u0105c budynek. (\u201ETricia Tanaka is Dead\u201D) Wkr\u00F3tce Randy zdoby\u0142 now\u0105 prac\u0119 w fabryce pude\u0142ek, kt\u00F3rej w\u0142a\u015Bcicielem by\u0142 Hurley. Tam Randy pracowa\u0142 na stanowisku kierownika i by\u0142 szefem Locke'a. Strofowa\u0142 Locke'a za to, \u017Ce nie by\u0142 prawdziwym pu\u0142kownikiem. (\u201EWalkabout\u201D) Po powrocie sz\u00F3stki Oceanic z Wyspy, mo\u017Cemy zobaczy\u0107 Randyego filmuj\u0105cego zako\u0144czenie po\u015Bcigu za Hurleyem. (\u201EThe Beginning of the End\u201D)"@pl . "4"^^ . . "Randy."@pt . "Billy Ray Gallion"@de . . "Meio-gerente"@pt . . "Midden-management"@nl . "Randy Nations"@fr . "right"@zh . "200"^^ . "Vivo"@it . . . . . . "Vivant"@fr . . "Mid-management"@en . . . "Billy Ray Gallion"@pt . . "character appearances#RandyS6"@en . "Randy Box.JPG"@zh . "Titolo Attore AltCasting Doppiatore AltDoppiatore Prima Ultima Apparizione Menzionato Count Centric Nome AKA Et\u00E0 Nascita Morte EpMorte Luogo Professione Perch\u00E9Australia Perch\u00E9Destinazione Perch\u00E9Isola Familiari Connessioni Randy Nations \u00E8 un manager d'azienda per il quale hanno lavorato sia Hurley che Locke. Mentre lavorava presso un Mr. Cluck's come superiore di Hurley, questi lo ammonisce dopo aver scoperto che mangiava sul posto di lavoro dei pezzi di pollo senza pagarli e che dava sempre pi\u00F9 di due tovaglioli per cliente. Hurley e Johnny decidono quindi di mollare il lavoro e pi\u00F9 tardi, quella notte, vandalizzano il suo giardino posizionando alcuni gnomi in modo tale da formare la parola \"CLUCK YOU\". Dopo che Hurley vince la lotteria e lascia il posto di lavoro, Mr. Cluck's viene colpito da un meteorite, cos\u00EC, sentendosi in colpa con Randy, gli offre posto presso la sua azienda di scatole a Tustin, come supervisore di Locke. Durante questo impiego, Randy deride Locke a proposito di Helen e sul fatto di farsi chiamare \"Colonnello\". Venuto a sapere che Locke intende partecipare ad una sorta di \"battuta di caccia e di esperienza di rinnovamento spirituale\", gli dice che non ne sarebbe stato capace a causa delle sue condizioni: infatti Locke stava su una sedia a rotelle. Dopo che gli Oceanic 6 tornano dall'isola, \u00E8 possibile vedere Randy solo per qualche secondo mentre filma con una telecamera portatile lo schianto della Camaro di Hurley e quindi la fine della sua fuga. (\"L'inizio della fine\")"@it . . . . "Randy Nations"@it . . "Desconhecida"@pt . . . "Randy Nations was the cruel, diabolical, and taunting middle management boss for whom both Hurley and Locke have worked."@en . "Nations"@pl . . . "Randy taunts Locke at the box company."@en . . . "randysrandy.png"@pl . . . "4"^^ . . "5"^^ . "250"^^ . . . . "Randy Nations es un empresario de media categoria para el que Hurley y Locke han trabajado."@es . "Los Angeles, California, USA"@en . . . "Randy Nations"@en . "Empleado de Hurley."@es . "Randy fires Hurley for eating on the clock."@zh . . "Randy Nations was a middle management boss for whom both Hurley and Locke have worked."@zh . "Seitw\u00E4rtsblenden"@de . "Randy Nations"@nl . . "800"^^ . . "Randy Nations"@de . "Randy Nations"@it . "Hurleys en Lockes baas."@nl . . "Randy was Hurley\u2019s boss at Mr. Cluck's Chicken Shack. After reprimanding Hurley on eating on the job and giving the customers too many napkins, Hurley quits his job after realizing he does not need it as he\u2019s won the lottery. After Hurley leaves, another employee Johnny tells Randy that he also quits. Later that night, Randy is visited by the two as they place dozens of gnomes on his front yard spelling out \u201CCluck You\u201D and retreat when he catches them in the act. (Everybody Hates Hugo)"@en . "Character appearances#RandyS1"@en . "Character appearances#RandyS2"@en . . . . . . . . "Randy Nations"@pt . "Szef Hurleya, p\u00F3\u017Aniej szef Locke'a."@pl . "Randy Nations es un empresario de media categoria para el que Hurley y Locke han trabajado."@es . . . . . . . . "Randy Nations werkte bij Mr. Cluck's als Hurleys baas. Hij gaf Hurley op zijn lazer voor het eten van kip zonder ervoor te betalen en voor het weggeven van meer dan twee servetten aan gasten. Nadat Hurley de loterij had gewonnen en Mr. Cluck's verliet, gaf hij Randy een baan bij zijn bedrijf dat dozen maakt, daar was hij Lockes baas, hij maakte Locke belachelijk voor zijn lichamelijke conditie en omdat hij geen echte kolonel zou zijn. Volgens de Official Lost Podcast heeft Hurley medelijden met Randy, nadat Mr. Cluck's door een meteoriet wordt geraakt en geeft hem een baan bij zijn bedrijf dat dozen maakt. Deze van gebeurtenissen zijn nog niet te zien geweest, maar verklaart waarom Randy in zowel Hurleys als Lockes flashbacks zit. Hurley heeft Jack verteld dat de Mr. Cluck's waar hij werkte, geraakd werd door een meteoriet."@nl . "right"@en . "Tustin Box Co. and Mr. Cluck's Manager"@en . . "RandyFFfilm.jpg"@zh . "Jefe de Locke y de Hurley"@es . "Billy Ray Gallion"@it . . "Los Angeles, California, Stati Uniti"@it . . . . "Randy Nations"@en . "Randy Nations travaillait comme superviseur au fast food M. Cotcot de Diamond Bar, pr\u00E8s de Los Angeles, o\u00F9 il \u00E9tait le patron de Hurley. Il a r\u00E9primand\u00E9 Hurley apr\u00E8s avoir d\u00E9couvert que celui-ci mangeait de la nourriture du restaurant sans payer. (Le Mal-aim\u00E9) Apr\u00E8s avoir gagn\u00E9 \u00E0 la loterie et avoir d\u00E9missionn\u00E9 de son emploi au fast food, Hurley, accompagn\u00E9 de son ami Johnny, est all\u00E9 vandaliser la pelouse du domicile de Randy. Environ un an plus tard, Hurley a achet\u00E9 le restaurant M. Cotcot qui avait apparemment ferm\u00E9 \u00E0 un moment ant\u00E9rieur non pr\u00E9cis\u00E9, et a embauch\u00E9 Randy pour y travailler. Mais la veille de la r\u00E9ouverture du fast food, un m\u00E9t\u00E9orite est tomb\u00E9 sur le restaurant et l'a d\u00E9truit. (Chance et malchance) En 2004, Randy a aussi occup\u00E9 un autre emploi, dans une fabrique de bo\u00EEtes appartenant \u00E0 Hurley, \u00E0 Tustin, pr\u00E8s de Los Angeles, o\u00F9 il \u00E9tait le patron de John Locke. Il se moquait de John au travail, au sujet de son int\u00E9r\u00EAt pour les jeux lors des p\u00E9riodes de repos, et au sujet de son handicap. (Les Pieds sur terre) Randy filmera Hurley se faire arr\u00EAter \u00E0 la fin de sa course-poursuite. Sur cette vid\u00E9o on peut voir Hurley sortir de sa voiture, essayer de s'enfuir puis crier : \u00AB Je suis l'un des \"Six du vol Oceanic\". \u00BB (Le D\u00E9but de la fin)"@fr . "Randy Nations"@zh . . . . . . . "Vivo"@pt . "\u3010Randy Nations\u3011\u5716\u7247\u9801\u9762"@zh . "Giuliano Bonetto"@it . . . "Randy was Hurley\u2019s boss at Mr. Cluck's Chicken Shack. After reprimanding Hurley on eating on the job and giving the customers too many napkins, Hurley quits his job after realizing he does not need it as he\u2019s won the lottery. After Hurley leaves, another employee Johnny tells Randy that he also quits. Later that night, Randy is visited by the two as they place dozens of gnomes on his front yard spelling out \u201CCluck You\u201D and retreat when he catches them in the act. (Everybody Hates Hugo) Hurley later bought the Mr. Cluck's which was located in Diamond Bar, CA; and gave Randy a position at the restaurant. While the two were being interview by Tricia Tanaka, Mr. Cluck's was hit and destroyed by a meteorite which also killed Tricia Tanaka, her cameraman, and the employees inside. (Tricia Tanaka Is Dead) Some time after, Randy sought new employment and received a job at a box company in Tustin, CA (ironically later owned by Hurley). There, he became John Locke\u2019s superior. Throughout his time at the company he would occasionally taunt Locke, flaunting his power over him, and crushing all his dreams that he had. Randy was eventually told off by Locke. (Walkabout) Randy later videotapes Hurley on his video camera, after he crashed his car near a store where Randy appeared to be working. (The Beginning of the End) In season 6's flash-sideways, Randy discovers that Locke's business trip to Australia was used for personal reasons instead, and rather than allow Locke to use his vacation days to make it up, he fires Locke on the spot. This leads to Locke meeting Hurley in the parking lot, who tells him that he also had a previous run-in with Randy and offers Locke a new job. (The Substitute)"@en . . . "Billy Ray Gallion"@nl . . . "Patron de Locke et patron/employ\u00E9 de Hurley"@fr . "\u96FB\u8996\u52875\u96C6"@zh . . . . . "Randy Nations \u00E9 o gerente de supervis\u00E3o para quem Hurley e Locke j\u00E1 trabalharam."@pt . . . "left"@zh . . "Vivo"@es . "Randy Nations"@pl . "M\u0119\u017Cczyzna"@pl . "Los Angeles"@pt . . . "Titolo Attore AltCasting Doppiatore AltDoppiatore Prima Ultima Apparizione Menzionato Count Centric Nome AKA Et\u00E0 Nascita Morte EpMorte Luogo Professione Perch\u00E9Australia Perch\u00E9Destinazione Perch\u00E9Isola Familiari Connessioni Randy Nations \u00E8 un manager d'azienda per il quale hanno lavorato sia Hurley che Locke. Dopo che gli Oceanic 6 tornano dall'isola, \u00E8 possibile vedere Randy solo per qualche secondo mentre filma con una telecamera portatile lo schianto della Camaro di Hurley e quindi la fine della sua fuga. (\"L'inizio della fine\")"@it . "Inicialmente chefe de Hurley e de Locke, sendo ap\u00F3s seu empregado"@pt . . . . . . . . . . . "Randy reprimands Hurley for eating on the clock."@en . "Billy Ray Gallion"@es . . "Randy Nations"@fr . "Randy Nations"@pt . . . . "Randy Nations is a villain in Lost. He is the former boss of Hugo Reyes and John Locke."@en . "Randy filming Hurley's car crash"@zh . "RandyFFfilm.jpg"@en . "Manager d'azienda"@it .