"In 2370, Lieutenant Worf was thrown into a state of quantum flux as a result of an encounter with a quantum fissure, causing him to shift between different quantum realities. Detecting this flux in Worf's cellular RNA, which extended to the subatomic level, Lieutenant Commander Data was able to determine that Worf's quantum signature was not consistent with the resonance of matter in the rest of the universe, and that he had originated from a different quantum universe. (TNG: \"Parallels\" )"@en . "In 2370, Lieutenant Worf was thrown into a state of quantum flux as a result of an encounter with a quantum fissure, causing him to shift between different quantum realities. Detecting this flux in Worf's cellular RNA, which extended to the subatomic level, Lieutenant Commander Data was able to determine that Worf's quantum signature was not consistent with the resonance of matter in the rest of the universe, and that he had originated from a different quantum universe. (TNG: \"Parallels\" )"@en . . "Quantum signature"@en . . .