. "Henry Stillman's Journal was a viral website that was released on May 25, 2012, giving hints and clues about Resistance: Burning Skies. It is web comic of Radio USA presenter Henry Stillman informing the United States of America about the invasion of New York state on August 15, 1951. To unlock more comic panels users have to follow the clues given out by this twitter account."@en . "Henry Stillman's Journal"@en . "Henry Stillman's Journal was a viral website that was released on May 25, 2012, giving hints and clues about Resistance: Burning Skies. It is web comic of Radio USA presenter Henry Stillman informing the United States of America about the invasion of New York state on August 15, 1951. To unlock more comic panels users have to follow the clues given out by this twitter account."@en .