. . . "Ability to glamor humans"@en . . "W cz\u0119\u015Bci podstawowej wyst\u0119powa\u0142a wy\u0142\u0105cznie w scenkach przerywnikowych. Zadebiutowa\u0142a w prologu misji \"Upadek kr\u00F3la\" (kampania \"Kr\u00F3lowa\"), gdzie towarzyszy\u0142a swemu ojcu Godrykowi w drodze do wi\u0119zienia kr\u00F3lowej Izabeli. W misji \"W\u0142adca Heresh\" (kampania \"Nekromanta\") zosta\u0142a porwana przez wsp\u00F3\u0142pracuj\u0105cego z Izabel\u0105 nekromant\u0119 Markala i przewieziona do miasta Lorekeep, gdzie mia\u0142o odby\u0107 si\u0119 jej \"przes\u0142uchanie\". Godryk podj\u0105\u0142 pr\u00F3b\u0119 ratowania c\u00F3rki, wysy\u0142aj\u0105c na pomoc anio\u0142y, Markal okaza\u0142 si\u0119 jednak silniejszy.W Ku\u017Ani Przeznaczenia sta\u0142a si\u0119 jedn\u0105 z g\u0142\u00F3wnych protagonist\u00F3w historii. W prologu do misji \"Rebelianci\" (kampania \"Dylemat Freydy\") trenuje walk\u0119 wr\u0119cz pod okiem ojca, kt\u00F3ry wyra\u017Ca o niej takie zdanie: \"Dobrze, dobrze, dobrze walczysz! Jeste\u015B silna zdyscyplinowana i lojalna!\". Niespodziewanie przyby\u0142a do nich fa\u0142szywa kr\u00F3lowa Izabela. Mianowa\u0142a Freyd\u0119, ku zaskoczeniu dziewczyny i Godryka, na dow\u00F3dc\u0119 armii Imperium Gryf\u00F3w i rozkaza\u0142a jej pokierowa\u0107 t\u0142umieniem przeciwkr\u00F3lewskiej rebelii ksi\u0119cia Duncana. Przydzieli\u0142a jej krwawych i pot\u0119\u017Cnych adiutant\u00F3w w postaci genera\u0142a Laszlo i arcybiskupa Alaryka. Freyda lojalnie wykonywa\u0142a swe obowi\u0105zki wobec kr\u00F3lowej: osobi\u015Bcie zabi\u0142a nawet swego wuja lorda Caldwella (jednego z lider\u00F3w powstania). Coraz cz\u0119\u015Bciej zdarza\u0142y jej si\u0119 jednak chwile zw\u0105tpienia: opowiada\u0142a si\u0119 za rozwi\u0105zywaniem konflikt\u00F3w z przy u\u017Cyciu negocjacji, gani\u0142a brutalne inicjatywy Laszlo i Alaryka (\"Potw\u00F3r! Barbarzy\u0144ca! To s\u0105 obywatele naszego Imperium!\" - krzykn\u0119\u0142a, widz\u0105c, jak czerwoni \u017Co\u0142nierze pal\u0105 wioski ch\u0142op\u00F3w), pob\u0142ogos\u0142awi\u0142a dusz\u0119 zabitego Caldwella. Jednocze\u015Bnie na polu bitwy udowadnia\u0142a sw\u00F3j geniusz militarny: uda\u0142o jej si\u0119 pokona\u0107 obron\u0119 miasta Horncrest (g\u0142\u00F3wnego bastionu buntownik\u00F3w), Duncana za\u015B aresztowano. Poinformowa\u0142a Izabel\u0119 o nadu\u017Cyciach ze strony jej podw\u0142adnych, ale ona zaszanta\u017Cowa\u0142a Freyd\u0119 zam\u0119czeniem przebywaj\u0105cego w wi\u0119zieniu Godryka. Kulminacyjnym momentem by\u0142o poprowadzenie przez ni\u0105 rokowa\u0144 w Tor Hrall z krasnoludzkim bohaterem Wulfstanem (notabene przyjacielem Duncana) w sprawie wydania ksi\u0119cia Andreja, krewnego poprzednika Izabeli, prawowitego nast\u0119pcy tronu. W\u00F3wczas to Laszlo zaatakowa\u0142 granic\u0119 pa\u0144stwa krasnolud\u00F3w, Grimheim, rozpoczynaj\u0105c de facto konflikt zbrojny. Oburzona Freyda wypowiedzia\u0142a pos\u0142usze\u0144stwo Izabeli i zdecydowa\u0142a si\u0119 uciec na ziemie rebeliant\u00F3w. Przypu\u015Bci\u0142a szturm na wi\u0119zienie Duncana i uwolni\u0142a go, co spowodawa\u0142o zaakceptowanie Freydy przez rebeliant\u00F3w jako sojusznika. Po zaj\u0119ciu portowego miasta Gustav's Bend umo\u017Cliwi\u0142a Duncanowi przedostanie si\u0119 do Wulfstana. Mi\u0119dzy dw\u00F3jk\u0105 bohater\u00F3w zrodzi\u0142o si\u0119 uczucie.W misji \"Laszlo\" (kampania \"Bunt Wulfstana\") sta\u0142a si\u0119 \u015Bwiadkiem agonii skatowanego ojca. Godryk zmar\u0142 w otoczeniu archanio\u0142\u00F3w, a b\u00F3g Elrath pob\u0142ogos\u0142awi\u0142 Freyd\u0119 specjalnym darem, kt\u00F3ry wykorzysta\u0142a do zabicia Laszlo, walcz\u0105cego w tym czasie z Duncanem i Wulfstanem. Ci us\u0142yszeli z daleka jej krzyk i pomy\u015Bleli, \u017Ce ona sama r\u00F3wnie\u017C zgin\u0119\u0142a. Ich przekonania rozwia\u0142y si\u0119 jednak w misji \"Koniec\" (kampania \"Zadanie Ylayi\"), gdzie przyby\u0142a do Horncrest i zapewni\u0142a, \u017Ce przyprowadzona prze mroczn\u0105 elfk\u0119 Ylay\u0119 kobieta jest prawdziw\u0105 Izabel\u0105, podczas gdy kr\u00F3lowa czerwonych rycerzy to sukkubus w przebraniu. Wsp\u00F3lnie z nimi dowodzi\u0142a zwyci\u0119skim, chocia\u017C nietriumfalnym obl\u0119\u017Ceniem Tor Hrall, w kt\u00F3rym obwarowa\u0142 si\u0119 Tolghar, kr\u00F3l Grimheim. W Dzikich Hordach pojawia si\u0119 dopiero w misji \"Zerwanie zas\u0142ony\" (kampania \"Na ratunek\"), gdzie spotka\u0142a si\u0119 z czarodziejem Zehirem, dawnym towarzyszem Godryka i przyw\u00F3dc\u0105 Srebrnych Miast. Razem z Duncanem pomog\u0142a mu w zniszczeniu zakl\u0119cia, kt\u00F3re pozwala\u0142o demonom na wcielanie si\u0119 w postaci ludzkie, a nast\u0119pnie wsp\u00F3\u0142dowodzi\u0142a obaleniem Biary (niegdy\u015B fa\u0142szywej Izabeli). Ostatecznie prawdziwa Izabela og\u0142osi\u0142a abdykacj\u0119 i przekaza\u0142a tron Freydzie i Duncanowi (ksi\u0105\u017C\u0119 Andrej zosta\u0142 ju\u017C wcze\u015Bniej zamordowany przez Biar\u0119). Kategoria:Rycerze (Heroes of Might and Magic V)"@pl . "Skin, hair and eye colour"@en . "H5SpecVesselOfElrath.png"@en . . "Unicorn Duchy"@en . . "Freyda"@en . ""@en . "Godric Unicorn - father"@en . . . "Edric Unicorn - grandfather"@en . . . "Fiona Unicorn - aunt"@en . . "Freyda"@pl . "Empress Freyda Unicorn"@en . . "c. 1825 A.D."@en . . . . . . . "Freyda"@en . "Species"@en . . . "Died"@en . "Heroes of Might and Magic V"@en . . "Status"@en . "Undead"@en . "Freyda is a Haven hero in Heroes of Might and Magic V and its add-ons, Hammers of Fate and Tribes of the East. She is one of the protagonists in the games."@en . "Freyda was a noble strategist of the Holy Griffin Empire, daughter of Godric Unicorn. During Queen Isabel's War, shortly before Emperor Nicolai's death, she accompanied her father in his diplomatic mission in Silver Cities. Faced with failure, she helped her father with search for Isabel, who had been captured by demons. During the aftermath of Griffin Empire's invasion of Silver Cities, when Godric refused to hand over the Amulet of Necromancy to Markal, she was taken hostage by the necromancer and brought to his castle, Lorekeep in order to bait the knight out of a fortified city. Released, she continued the training under her father's command. Shortly after the creation of the Red Church and Isabel's canonization, Freyda was promoted to Lord High Constable of the Griffin armies, in place of her father. She was assigned a mission to deal with the rebels and recapture Prince Andrei, who had been taken by Lord Caldwell and Archbishop Randall to the border ground of Irollan. Accompanied by High Priest Alaric and Laszlo, she confronted and eventually defeated rebel troops and elves supporting them. Having learned of Andrei's location, the army set off to Horncrest, the capital city of Stag Duchy. During the march, however, members of the Red Church began to kill peasants and burn villages on the way, believing its inhabitants to be demon cultists. Starting to have doubts about Griffin Empire's new direction, she reported to the queen, only to learn that her father has been imprisoned for questioning Isabel's new policy. Forced to obey, while threatened with her father's fate, she captured rebel leader Duncan and ordered for him to be escorted to Talonguard. Prince Andrei, however, was still missing - he had been sent by Duncan to a Dwarven city, Tor Hrall. Taking some of the older, loyal troops, she held an audience with the fortress's commander, Wulfstan. Negations were interrupted by Laszlo, who had attacked the border, against Freyda's wishes. As a a result, Freyda made her decision - she denounced loyalty to the Red Queen and began fighting Red Church's troops, once she escaped from Dwarven lands. Having found and released Duncan, she traveled to Talonguard, with the intention to free her father. Once she arrived at Talonguard, she found Godric severely injured and tortured. While her father was dying in her arms, the two have been surrounded by Archangels. When her father's soul left his body, Elrath spoke to Freyda, asking her to receive his gift. She angrily screamed Laszlo's name - resulting in the knight being killed by a powerful, godly spell. Having successfully left the Griffin capital, Freyda returned to Horncrest, where she met Wulfstan, Duncan, dark elf Ylaya and the woman she recognized as the true Queen Isabel. She joined their ranks, promising to fight Biara, the succubus and the real identity behind the Red Queen. Later during the war, she and Duncan met Archmage Zehir. The mage destroyed the illusion hiding the demons hidden in the ranks of Red Church knights. Hearing of Wulfstan's trouble, the wizard traveled to the Dwarven territory, leaving Freyda and Duncan at the Griffin territory. The two later joined him in his invasion on Talonguard - the capital city of the Griffin Empire, now filled with demons. After the false queen's demise and city's recapture, Isabel abdicated and announced Freyda the queen of the newly created Unicorn Empire, build on the ruins of the Griffin kingdom."@en . "Occupation"@en . "Immortality"@en . "First appearance"@en . . "Duncan Stag - husband"@en . . "\"Dead Ever After\""@en . "*Eric Northman - Vampire Husband"@en . . . . "Vampire Queen of Oklahoma"@en . . . "Freyda is a Haven hero in Heroes of Might and Magic V and its add-ons, Hammers of Fate and Tribes of the East. She is one of the protagonists in the games."@en . "Born"@en . "Empress of the Holy Unicorn Empire"@en . . . . "Powers"@en . "W cz\u0119\u015Bci podstawowej wyst\u0119powa\u0142a wy\u0142\u0105cznie w scenkach przerywnikowych. Zadebiutowa\u0142a w prologu misji \"Upadek kr\u00F3la\" (kampania \"Kr\u00F3lowa\"), gdzie towarzyszy\u0142a swemu ojcu Godrykowi w drodze do wi\u0119zienia kr\u00F3lowej Izabeli. W misji \"W\u0142adca Heresh\" (kampania \"Nekromanta\") zosta\u0142a porwana przez wsp\u00F3\u0142pracuj\u0105cego z Izabel\u0105 nekromant\u0119 Markala i przewieziona do miasta Lorekeep, gdzie mia\u0142o odby\u0107 si\u0119 jej \"przes\u0142uchanie\". Godryk podj\u0105\u0142 pr\u00F3b\u0119 ratowania c\u00F3rki, wysy\u0142aj\u0105c na pomoc anio\u0142y, Markal okaza\u0142 si\u0119 jednak silniejszy.W Ku\u017Ani Przeznaczenia sta\u0142a si\u0119 jedn\u0105 z g\u0142\u00F3wnych protagonist\u00F3w historii. W prologu do misji \"Rebelianci\" (kampania \"Dylemat Freydy\") trenuje walk\u0119 wr\u0119cz pod okiem ojca, kt\u00F3ry wyra\u017Ca o niej takie zdanie: \"Dobrze, dobrze, dobrze walczysz! Jeste\u015B silna zdyscyplinowana i lojalna!\". Niespodzi"@pl . . "Flight"@en . . ""@en . "Nicolai Griffin - cousin"@en . . . "c. 1850 A.D."@en . "Holy Unicorn Empire"@en . "Female"@en . . . . "Lord High Constable of the Holy Griffin Empire armies"@en . "\"All Together Dead\""@en . "Ability to heal with her blood"@en . . . . . . "-950.0"^^ . . . "Windrider"@en . "Vessel Of Elrath"@en . . . . . . . "Each time the Hero casts any spell belonging to the school of Light magic, \"Divine Vengeance\" spell will also be cast on a random enemy stack that meets the criteria for being affected by Divine Vengeance ."@en . . . "Freyda was a noble strategist of the Holy Griffin Empire, daughter of Godric Unicorn. During Queen Isabel's War, shortly before Emperor Nicolai's death, she accompanied her father in his diplomatic mission in Silver Cities. Faced with failure, she helped her father with search for Isabel, who had been captured by demons."@en . . "Vampire"@en . "The effect of Haste spell is increased by 1% for every hero level."@en . "Family members"@en . "Greatly enhanced strength, speed, senses, co-ordination and balance"@en . "Caldwell - uncle"@en . . . "Aidan Unicorn - uncle"@en . . . "Last appearance"@en . . "H5SpecWindrider.gif"@en . . . .