. . "United States of America"@en . "Earth"@en . "Gotham National Bank (Nolan Films)"@en . . "Gotham National Bank was one of the largest banks in Gotham, near Wayne Tower. It was, however, part of the mob's \"trading route\". Because of it being a key location in the mob's trade route, the security systems of the mob's main vault was also wired with voltage at least as high as 5,000 volts, as a means to deter potential bank robbers from breaking into their vault. Despite these measures, it was robbed by the Joker of over $68,000,000. Later, during the robbery, much of it was destroyed when the bus rammed through the wall to pick up what remained of the gang (the Joker only)."@en . "Gotham National Bank was one of the largest banks in Gotham, near Wayne Tower. It was, however, part of the mob's \"trading route\". Because of it being a key location in the mob's trade route, the security systems of the mob's main vault was also wired with voltage at least as high as 5,000 volts, as a means to deter potential bank robbers from breaking into their vault. Despite these measures, it was robbed by the Joker of over $68,000,000. Later, during the robbery, much of it was destroyed when the bus rammed through the wall to pick up what remained of the gang (the Joker only). It was briefly seen again when the SWAT team attempted to invade the bank to take back the mob's stolen money, only to find marked bills in their place (as Lau had earlier sent all of the Mob's money to be sent to a different, more secure location, also keeping the mob in the dark in order to ensure they don't reveal the location to the police)."@en . "Gotham National Bank"@en . "Milky Way"@en . . "Sol"@en . . "The Dark Knight"@en . "Gotham National Bank"@en . .