. . "Code Lyoko/Headscratchers"@en . . . . . "First off, the plane he jacks is an F-15. This makes good sense; the 15, like most jets nowadays (especcially American built ones) uses a fly-by-wire system, which means everything the pilot does is transmitted electronically to the control surfaces. Perfect target for XANA to attack. Except; most fly-by-wire jets carry two or more completely (and I mean COMPETELY in every sense of the word) separate computers to avoid just this situation. They're even seperated by plastic and other non-conductive materials. Why didn't the pilot just switch to the back up computer? Second; Jeremie and the pilot can't eject from the plane because XANA won't let them. Which makes no sense; THERE'S NO ELECTRONICS IN A FIGHTERS EJECTION SYSTEM FOR XANA TO CONTROL. The entire system consists of a hardened impact detonator, charges to blow off the canapy, and solid fuel rockets to get the seat out of the plane. Thirdly, XANA obviously doesn't know ANYTHING about military tech. The missile he tries to destroy the factory with? It's an AIM-9 Sidewinder, or (more likely) the licensed French copy. Which, for those of you who don't know, is a heat-seeking air to air missile, used for shooting down other jets. It's warehead doesn't have enough explosives in it to even put a dent in the factory. Though XANA realizes this and uses the jet to try and ram the factory later, but still... Finally; what kind of magazine gives out chances to go up in fully-armed military jets? I mean, COME ON, that's just ASKING for things to go bad... \n* \n* Xana's taken control of teddy bears before. You're overthinking this. \n* True...but I'm pretty sure that bear had some kind of electronics in it for XANA to infect. \n* A minor gripe, but it still bugs me. OK, so it's no secret in-universe that Yumi's favourite colour is black, and that she hates pink (thus acting as a contrast to Aelita). Yet despite this, her phys ed outfit clearly has pink trim. On top of that, Jeremie himself said that he thinks Yumi looks \"awful\" in pink in \"Cold Sweat\", yet he designed her a Lyoko outfit which has lots of pink on it?"@en . . . . "First off, the plane he jacks is an F-15. This makes good sense; the 15, like most jets nowadays (especcially American built ones) uses a fly-by-wire system, which means everything the pilot does is transmitted electronically to the control surfaces. Perfect target for XANA to attack. Except; most fly-by-wire jets carry two or more completely (and I mean COMPETELY in every sense of the word) separate computers to avoid just this situation. They're even seperated by plastic and other non-conductive materials. Why didn't the pilot just switch to the back up computer? Second; Jeremie and the pilot can't eject from the plane because XANA won't let them. Which makes no sense; THERE'S NO ELECTRONICS IN A FIGHTERS EJECTION SYSTEM FOR XANA TO CONTROL. The entire system consists of a hardened impac"@en . . . .