"No"@en . "*15x Young Daggerfang Croc\n*15x Daggerfang Croc"@en . "Hunt the Daggerfang Crocs"@en . "7"^^ . "1000"^^ . . "Level required: 7 Type: Defeat monsters Questing zones: The Vile Swamplands (Entrance)"@en . "\"Well done. Have you met with Uldor, in Capital City? You fight like a bear.\""@en . "Level required: 7 Type: Defeat monsters Questing zones: The Vile Swamplands (Entrance)"@en . "\"I spend almost all day tracking down the crocs that roam through the Vile Swamplands, and let me tell you, they are one of the most dangerous foes I've come across. Slay a bunch of them, and return to me.\""@en . "250"^^ . . . "monster"@en . .