. . "Ingrund argued Undead were not blasphemous because they had been dead, but because they had been snatched from Morr's Realm. Similarly, necromancers were evil not because they dealt with the dead\u2014priests of Morr also dealt with the dead\u2014but because they drew people from Morr\u2019s realm. Ingrund pointed out that doctors and Shallyan healers also drew people back from Morr\u2019s realm, healing those who would otherwise have died. She argued this made them as evil as necromancers, and those they had healed as blasphemous as Undead.[1a] The Doorkeepers (so-called because they believe they guard the doors to Morr\u2019s realm) thus started a campaign of murder against doctors and Shallyans who healed those with dangerous wounds, and against the healed. Within a year they were discovered by the cult authorities, denounced as followers of Khaine, and hunted down. Ingrund escaped, convinced that the reaction of the cult proved it had been suborned by the Dark Gods. The sect survives, scattered across the Empire, and continues to work against those who blaspheme against Morr. That includes necromancers and the Undead, although as doctors are easier to find, and less well defended, they still make up the greater part of the sect\u2019s victims.[1a]"@en . . "Ingrund argued Undead were not blasphemous because they had been dead, but because they had been snatched from Morr's Realm. Similarly, necromancers were evil not because they dealt with the dead\u2014priests of Morr also dealt with the dead\u2014but because they drew people from Morr\u2019s realm. Ingrund pointed out that doctors and Shallyan healers also drew people back from Morr\u2019s realm, healing those who would otherwise have died. She argued this made them as evil as necromancers, and those they had healed as blasphemous as Undead.[1a]"@en . . . "The Doorkeepers"@en .