. "thumb|500px|right|You know you love it...Team Chubby Lovin' is made up of the core members, Abe \"Da Grave Digga\", John-bot, Seth P. Ultra, and others that get kick off and then let back on for doing the most random acts of shameful humor. They travel the world crushing cans on each others head, cursing, strutting and putting the fun back in yo-yo contests. There are only two absolutes in Team Chubby Lovin'."@en . "Team Chubby Lovin'"@en . "thumb|500px|right|You know you love it...Team Chubby Lovin' is made up of the core members, Abe \"Da Grave Digga\", John-bot, Seth P. Ultra, and others that get kick off and then let back on for doing the most random acts of shameful humor. They travel the world crushing cans on each others head, cursing, strutting and putting the fun back in yo-yo contests. There are only two absolutes in Team Chubby Lovin'. \n* 1. Dave \"The Puppy Faced Baby Killer\" Poyzner is always on the team. \n* 2. Dan \"The Rabid Hamster\" Reifenburger\" can never be on the team. No matter how much he \"helps out\". Sorry Dan thats just they way it is."@en .