"I just had an idea about the tutorials. When the Keyblade Master was thought up, I always imagined it as a page where people would teach about Kingdom Hearts. I thought it would be a place for articles like \"Sora's Forms\" or \"The Bosses of KH3D\", that would be like mini versions of articles. But now it's a place for users to rant and theorize and it's so much more fun!\n\nBut what if we took that original idea and put it where the wiki tutorial is? What if Dive to the Heart is a Game Tutorial and \"Intro To...\" For example, we could have \"Intro To... Aqua\", and have it be like a crash course in Aqua. Writers could do it a fun way, if they want, like a fake profile that lists aqua's homeworld, weapon of choice, abilities, favorite band, least favorite type of shoe etc. Or we could have \"Intro To... Hollow Bastion\", where someone talks about the important things that have happened there throughout the series. Thoughts?"@en . . "--08-25"^^ . "I speak:\n*I think it should go below the video, so that the actual podcast remains as the page's main focus.\n*I like the page a lot better. Maybe you could try adding the slightest touch of peach, pink or yellow to the gallery's white background, just so it doesn't look bland? After all, sketchbook paper can often come in slightly yellow tinges. \n*Unfortunately, I don't know the code either. :/\n*I think 3 per row would look better, but 2 per row is more flexible. With 3 per row, if there's 4 pieces of art for an issue, there would be one full row and then an isolated piece below. Any way of preventing that from happening?\n*B sounds good to me."@en . "So, as the title suggests, a few things from the last issue:\n*Make sure everything you send is ALREADY CODED. This was the biggest issue and biggest time consumer.\n*I now know how to spell Troisnyxetienne's name correctly. Images containing her name will be changed over soon.\n*FifteenthMember will be stepping up to become the new editor-in-chief for the magazine.\n*Special Thanks for this issue to: Fifteenthmember, FinalRest, Troisnyxetienne, Aixon, Xion4ever, TheSilentHero, Draaek, ANX219, Byzantinefire, and Neumannz. Without you guys, I would have no magazine. Just me, crying in a corner, wondering why we have no magazine. So thank you all for a wonderful issue!\n*Please submit everything at least a week before the release of the magazine. It gives the EIC more time to fiddle around with things and fix any last minute issues."@en . "--07-31"^^ . "I'd like to say thanks to Chain too for all his work and the late hours he's spent into the magazine. I'll try my best to match up to his standards!\n\nA separate issue I would like to discuss is a possible overhaul of the magazine. I'm wondering whether we want to scrap or change any sections of the magazine that aren't working, interesting or popular. \n*In particular, the Flick Rush page should get a revamp to get rid of the tasks, as no one does them anyway. Without it, the Flick Rush is just mailbag and poll. Anyone have any other ideas for another section?\n*I think the lineart should be moved to the Namine's Sketchbook page. I know the Grid is supposed to be an \"interactive\" page but at the moment, it's become a puzzle page so the art feels out of place. Moving the lineart to the sketchbook fleshes it out more and then we can also dedicate a section for completed lineart from the last issue.\n*I'm unsure how good the tutorial pages and the Games pages. They're often the pages with no one signed up to sections and usually when I'm writing those sections, I feel like I'm just filling it in for completion's sake. I don't know how relative those feelings are to you guys. Should we do anything to scrap/change/replace those two pages to make them more appealing?\n*There's a lot of interest in the Keyblade Master article lately. Are we able to expand this page anyhow to open up more space for people?\n*When we upload images, should we use a specific file name schema so they aren't all over the place?"@en . "For Namin\u00E9s Sketchbook, you could add a blank row/column between the boxes with a specified width/height to make them less cramped.\nYou could also add a switch to change the layout based on the amount of images."@en . "Okay, the following is a list of commonly made mistakes that I notice when compiling the magazine. It's getting annoying having to fix the same things over and over. Please remember the following:\n\n*When writing in the formal sections always write game titles out in full. If writing in relaxed settings, such as when sharing your opinions , spell game names out in full the first time you mention them. After that, you can use initials.\n*ITALICS GAME TITLES\n*Link as much as you can! If a wiki has the page, link to it. An article unlinked could be a missed opportunity to get someone to delve deeper in our wiki.\n\n;Individual page notes\n*The only pages which should have no links are the Contents page, the Grid, and the Sketchbook\n*In the latest Door to Light, 15M started coloring the links. They look way better this way and are easier to read. So, if you are writing the Door to Light page, please use color code #FF8C00 for all links.\n*On a similar note, the color code for links on the Unlocking the Keyhole page is #FFD700. Links on this page, however, should only be colored where the background is black .\n*For the interviews, write both opening introductions and closing statements. You have to assume the reader has never heard of the person being interviewed before, so you have to introduce the reader to the subject. Examples of good intros/closers can be seen in Issues 1 and 3.\n*Interviews need to be polished, people! Use the correct formatting! Cut out parts where the conversation pauses! Splash images around, especially of things that KH fans not might know about! Make it engaging! The best example of an interview, and what I believe should be the standard for that section, is in Issue 3. 15M made the page look great. Make your interview look like that. At the very least, there are two points that MUST be adhered to:\n:#The interviewer's sections should be bolded\n:#Names should be written in full the first time, but in initials every time after\n*This isn't a necessity, but if you refer to the magazine in writing, try to call it the Twilight Times. I'd like to get that name to be the recognizable title, as opposed to \"wiki magazine\".\n\nPlease remember this stuff guys! It makes putting everything together much easier!"@en . "I created a template , ready to be inserted into the magazine template.\nIf the conversation is getting too big, we can just add extra space. It's just copy/pasting now, and changing some numbers. The current coding goes up to 15 bubbles."@en . "If everyone is agreeing with adding the Coliseum code to the template, I can try to code it."@en . "Kingdom Hearts Wiki:Journalist Spot/Issue 6"@en . . "--08-07"^^ . "First of all, the changes are fantastic, thanks a lot FR\n*I agree with TSH, the game tutorial should be optional too. I think the best way to go about it is aim for at least one tutorial per issue, but if we end up with a game and a wiki, publish both since the more the merrier.\n*I think the \"Video\" title is left over because there used to be a \"Video\" column and an \"Audio\" column but the latter got scrapped. I'm fine with merging the video into the \"In this Episode...\" box.\n*Six slots for the Sketchbook and Timeless River are fine to me.\n*Namine's Sketchbook is really pretty!\n*I'm not sure about merging the mailbag questions into the Journalist Spot. Originally, they were meant to be sent in my our casual readers, like our plan with the lineart. Because no one emailed anything in, we had to make up our own questions to use. I think it's worth keeping it through email to be more open to the casual reader, but making it clear on the Journalist Spot that regular users can also send in questions .\n*We could have an \"Upcoming events\" section at the end of the Ansem Reports with different subheadings . It doesn't have to be restricted to KH, it could cover anything strongly related, so basically FF, TWEWY and some Disney. I can imagine some people finding it useful, but I'm not too attached to the idea.\n*The wiki user birthdays can probably go next to the poll with the results below as you said. We should probably make a permanent forum or subpage asking for user birthdays, similar to the way we do this. Users can post their birthdays at any time of the year and then whoever writes the section can just look at the appropriate months."@en . "(omg you guys cover too much while I sleep!) Regarding the sketchbook, I think that any form of visual art related to content present in the games should be allowed. I'm very certain that not everyone likes to draw but chances are they are skilled in the kitchen and creates an actual sea-salt ice cream they could totally send us a picture of! As FM says, this section should be very flexible.\nRegarding the tasks, I do think we need to have them around to let people know what we are currently working on at the wiki but there has to be another way in which we can motivate more people to work on those areas. The thing is, I'm not sure how can we achieve that.\n\nFR: If you've got an idea you'd like to do then feel free to do it! Poke me on my talk page if you want to discuss it further or would like my help on anything :)"@en . "--07-30"^^ . "For the image name, I would change the # to \"Issue\", so File:Magazine Issue X .png. For sketchbook art, should we include artist names somewhere, or just label them with numbers?\n\nI agree that there's no harm in keeping the wiki tutorial section. So should we add the Intro To section and conclude that Game Tutorial will be a permanent fixture on that page, while Wiki tutorial + Intro To will be optional?"@en . . "From the trends of previous issues, I've noticed that everything seems to be done in the last week before the publication, which means that time is of the essence at that point. Emailing revised drafts back to original authors could be very time-consuming, and would rely even more heavily on users to keep tabs on their emails, as well as creating extra work for the chief editor. I'm not in favor of this. The chief editor should just use their best judgment to make the appropriate changes, and then input them into the magazine. If the user whose piece was altered did not agree with the changes, arguments could spring up which would delay the process even further..."@en . "Chainoffire/Sig3"@en . . "--08-03"^^ . . "Responses:\n*Yup, the Coliseum code is much better!\n*If we need to fatten up the Round Room page, perhaps we should add a \"Meet the Panellists\" section, where each participant in the video contributes a 100-150 word introduction to themselves? I'm not too keen on adding images to the notes section, since I don't think it'll look very appealing it's going to look in the end.\n*I like the second scheme the most.\n*I'm not sure we should combine the user art and lineart. It's nice knowing that the magazine has some continuity across issues and we currently ask readers to colour and send in their lineart so that it can be showcased in the next issue. From that, you'd expect it to be shown in an exclusive area, not the same gallery that holds the user art submitted through the Journalist Spot. If we have a blank lineart inviting the reader to send theirs in and then a section immediately after saying \"Here's the lineart that was sent in from last issue!\" I think the idea of sending in something becomes a lot more attractive and appreciated.\n*Honestly, I don't think a gradient works very well on Namin\u00E9's Sketchbook. The page should try to emulate paper, so a solid fill probably works best. While pure white might not look that great, have you tried experimenting with other shades of white like misty rose, antique white, or beige?\n*I'm agreed on Poll Results being put next to the Poll.\nAnd yes, feel free to handle the coding ."@en . "Since the game tutorial is already done, I'll wait with the wiki tutorial until next issue."@en . "Can't we put the Poll next to the Poll Results? It seems to have a lot of space left on the sides."@en . "--08-08"^^ . "I've sent an email about the cover. I'm still waiting for a reply. As for the wiki tutorial, I'm not going to do one anymore, because the game tutorial and Intro to will take its place this magazine."@en . . "I think that if we keep the tasks, we should still scrap the winner medal because it's sad that we've been promising the medal for five issues through and we've only ever been able to award one.\n\nThe \"Intro to\" idea sounds great!\n\nMy view is if we're uploading an image that would be used in the wiki mainstream, it needs to above all meet the wiki criteria. If you can't find a purpose for the image on any wiki page, it should be uploaded using magazine file names. In terms of the KHWiki, I think we usually go with a more minimalistic approach to images, which is we we don't always have tons of images in galleries. My general rule of thumb would be if an image doesn't represent the subject any further than the other images on the article, it's redundant. \n\nI don't think that'd be a problem with the Sketchbook. The idea is to be as flexible as possible, right?\n\nP.S: I would very much like your email FR and thanks for the tutorial you emailed me CoF. It was very helpful ^^"@en . "I don't think a reaction column would be that successful. I know we got that one reaction in recently, but I don't expect that to be very often.\n\nI like your coding ideas though! ^^"@en . . "New bubble, cause I want to bring more attention to the following topics. Man, I am spamming this page right now.\n\nOkay, so I was wondering what mag related templates people have available. What spurred this question is that for Issue 2 someone created a Twilight Times logo and I think it would be cool to have that posted somewhere for anyone who wanted to incorporate it into future covers.\n\nFor me, I have psd versions of all the titles I've made available. I also have a psd version of the poll results graph I made. In non image templates, I have a document that has all the magazine code, without anything input into it, for easy section filling in. If anyone wants copies of these things, let me know and we can figure out a way to share.\n\nSo does anyone else have anything they think might be of use?\n\nAlso, I usually help publishing the mag by editing everyone's work and creating requested images . I kind of do whatever feels best when it comes to both these tasks. However, if anyone has a problem with my work, you're absolutely free to ask me about it, or request changes. If I made/added images for/to your sections and you don't like them, let me know! I'm more than happy to edits titles etc, no problem at all. If you don't know why I switched paragraphs or changed words, we can talk about it and change it to what suits you. They're your sections and I want you to be satisfied with having your name placed above those sections."@en . "Alrighty, it's getting close to the month of hustle and bustle, so I'm going to start on this now. Next week, I'll message reminders to individuals but in the mean time, here's what's left to sign up for:\n*Intro To... \n*Review\n*Coliseum Debate \nAlong with their authors, here's the stuff that has been signed for but not sent in yet:\n*Cover \n*Ansem Report \n*Unlocking the Keyhole \n*Door to Light \n*Keyblade Master \n*Wiki tutorial \n*Game tutorail \n*Top 5 list \n*Interview \n*Art section \n*Riddles \n*Mailbag \n*KHWiki and Game tasks \n*Keyhole tasks \n*Poll and Poll results \nOn top of that, I have a few more PAs:\n*Game tutorial \n*Round Room \n*Coloured lineart \nAs I said, I'll send more reminders next week. For now, start working!"@en . "PSA: any more changes to the template need to be done quickly because we only have two weeks left!"@en . "I like that a lot! That said, I wouldn't like to be the one writing the section in case I miss someone out on the list..."@en . "I have no qualms about any of the points in your first post.\n\nI think it would make sense to have a public resource for magazine images that people can access Also, we should put the Twilight Times logo on the front of our KHWiki:Magazine / Kingdom Hearts Wiki:Magazine pages.\n\nAs for the editing of people's work, I'd say to refrain from changing things at a word level, since usually that reflects off the personality of the writer. When I say that, I'm not including spelling, grammar or punctuation errors by the way. As for paragraphs and image changes, I'd say changes can be made as long as the revised draft is emailed back to the original author prior to release to get their approval."@en . "5.0"^^ . "That would be great, TSH! The only problem I'd say is what happens if the conversation exceeds the amount of precoded bubbles?\n\nI'm going to go ahead and give my opinions on everything we need to discuss, so that we can start getting ahead:\n*Roundtables should be changed to \"Policy Updates\"\n*We should leave the Round Room for now.\n*Until someone has a draft for a new colour scheme, it's fine as it is for now.\n*We should add parameters to the interview intro/outro.\n*We should structure the Sketchbook so it's user art > blank lineart > filled in lineart from previous issue.\n\nI'm going to see if I can make some changes to the template for the stuff already decided above."@en . . . "--07-27"^^ . "That could work. I think we should start a forum on both wiki's where people who want their birthday to show up in the magazine can sign up. As for the voice actors and such, I'm not sure if we should have them in, because neither of the wiki's cover people."@en . "Last section, I swear. I thought it would be fun to open a place where people could send mailbox questions. Place any question ideas you have in the subsection below. Any discussion should be kept above the subsection. Please don't sign your name in the subsection."@en . "__TOC__"@en . "New idea for the empty space next to the poll: Reactions from people. When people send in their thoughts about the magazine, we can publish them there, and invite readers to send their thoughts to the wiki mail. The only problem would be when we don't get any reactions..."@en . "We also have to thank you chain for being an amazing Editor in Chief and for putting all of this together. We would only be users with ideas if you were not compiling everything into the amazing magazine we have now!\nAs for your points FM:\n*I do think the tasks aren't working very well BUT in a certain way we can change them so that they reflect the current projects we are working in and have users join up. I know we already do that in thew news section but it's worth to remind people, right?\n*In my mind I've always thought that the lineart does belong to the sketchbook. I mean, it fits the theme: if one has a sketchbook, many pages are bound to have linearts around that can eventually be colored in.\n*No idea about the tutorial and game pages. Not sure if they are doing a good job or are just being fillers.\n*Regarding the articles, if we mix them up with the previous point, it could be possible that we remove the tutorial area to open up the space for even more articles. Later on if we want to return the tutorial page it would just mean swapping around the code to re-implement it for the issue it's wanted.\n*I'd say we should upload them with specific names, makes everyone's work easier and its also faster to understand for what is the image being used"@en . "--07-28"^^ . . "--08-06"^^ . "Yeah, two should be enough. I once did a collab with five people but just put \"KHWiki IRC regulars\" as the title with the individual names throughout the piece. If others want, they can adopt a similar method.\n\nI don't really want to put a limit so I would say go for the higher value, 6. Not all of them need to be used though. We can hide blank ones using an if function, right?\n\nYeah, I'd go for 3 Keyblade Master sections, but use an if function like I said above.\n\nI'm not sure about the Round Room. The actual video itself is the centrepiece of the page, so I wouldn't really want to detract any attention from it. But I agree that without the notes and links, it feels a little empty. I'm not sure about adding other bits to it though...\n\nI kinda like the colour scheme for the Mark of Mastery , but if you want to make a draft, feel free to go ahead. I agree about Namine's Sketchbook, but I'm not really sure what to change it to.\n\nThe interviews could have intro and outro parameters, but personally I like to have more flexibility to code exactly how I want.\n\nFour mailbag questions are okay.\n\nI think we should just scrap the Winners section."@en . "Oh thanks for that; I've sent a reply. There's still space to send a wiki tutorial if you like. The more the merrier!"@en . "My thoughts:\n*Coliseum stuff is great, TSH.\n*Round Room. What if we made the notes section look more interesting? Insert images, somehow? Maybe we could make the links section a gallery of images that link to the items discussed.\n*Potential Mark of Mastery colors. Just cycled through the color wheel and chose the ones that I thought looked nice. ^_^\n*For the sketchbook...\n**I like mixing the user and colored lineart together, to vary that section a bit. Cause if colored lineart is all one image, then they'll look dull lined up next to each other. I think they'll have a better chance to stand alone when mixed with the other art.\n**How many art boxes do we want to go up to? Should we just go 10?\n*Potential sketchbook color. I'm not sure if blue/pink is the right match for this page, but I don't have any other ideas that come to mind, so I just focused on softening what we already have. My original hope was that a white background would look nice, but a lack of color on that page is too bland.\n*In removing the Winner's section, there's now a blank box next to the poll. The poll can't be made to span 100%, cause it's too small and would look silly, and there's no other sections on that page that the box could go next to. So what can we put in to fill the bit where the medal currently sits?\nFor the coding, if you haven't already done much, FM, I wouldn't mind handling all that. I can get it all done by end of next week at the latest, in update chunks."@en . "I have the \"Twilight Times\" logo stored somewhere, but I agree it should be uploaded onto the wiki."@en . . "Your image naming schema looks good. As for the Wiki tutorial, I still have some ideas left, but before I start on it, I'd like to know if and when it is cancelled. I also had the idea of alternating between the wiki tutorial and Intro to or game tutorial each issue, so we don't need to get rid of the wiki tutorial and we have a little variation between issues.\n\nAlso, could someone explain the Intro to thing for me? I don't really get what it is supposed to look like."@en . "I still think the wiki tutorials should be discontinued and replaced with the Intro To section. Both of our wikis already have designated tutorial spaces that we advertise for newbies to look at, so if anyone does have a new wiki tutorial idea, I think it'd be best at use there.\n\nYou're correct in that about the images. I'm thinking a format like \"File:Magazine #x .png\". For example, \"File:Magazine #6 BanishtheBeast.png\" or File:Magazine #6 GameTutorial2.png. It's possible to put hashtags in image titles though right?"@en . "I'm pretty sure TNE has game tutorials covered for the next few issues, so if you want to make it one or the other, the wiki tutorials can't be done for a while."@en . "--08-04"^^ . "Circumstances would be taken into account, of course, but I think it's just common courtesy. For example, I sent in a piece about over a week early and CoF emailed me back with a few things that he'd like to change, which I thought was nice. I'd like to continue that behaviour if time allows."@en . "--07-23"^^ . "I'd just like to say thank you to you, Chain for all the time you've put in personally as editor in chief. We wouldn't have the magazine without you for sure. Myself, and I'm sure many others, are extremely grateful to you. \n\nI wish FM the best in his new role!"@en . "Draaek: Okay, thanks!\n*The thing with the wiki tutorials is that we're going to run out of topics to do eventually. Basic formatting has been covered so far and we can still cover talk bubbles and sigs, but other things to learn around the wiki need way more explanation than what can be fit on that page. So at what point do we call time on that section?\n*If we keep the wiki tutorials, should we add in an Intro To section anyway? What do other people think of that idea?\n*For the images, let us know what you think would be an appropriate naming scheme, 15M. In uploading images, am I right in my understanding that:\n**Images should only be added to articles or galleries if needed.\n**If not inserted on an article, they are classified as Magazine images only.\n*Anything else to keep in mind regarding images?"@en . "I think the wiki tutorial should stay. It can actually help people get better at editing the wiki."@en . "--08-01"^^ . . "--09-10"^^ . "Great work, FR! \n*I think we should make the Game Tutorial optional as well, since the plan is to have either a wiki or game tutorial.\n*I think we should have the Mailbox Questions on the Journalist Spot as well as the email link in the magazine, since the list in the Journalist Spot is so the people who sign up can see the questions, and the email link in the magazine allows readers to send in new questions.\n*For the birthdays, if we are going to do it, I think we should put it in Flick Rush, next to the poll.\n*For Namin\u00E9's Sketchbook, could you make the center box optional, as well. This way, when there are four pieces of art, you can use the 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 6th spot and have a 2x2 layout."@en . "--07-24"^^ . . . "Okay, the template is up! I'll move it over to khwiki when we've worked out all the kinks over here. Here's what's been changed:\n*All the author lines now have at least two slots.\n**To add another author slot, just add \"b\" to the slot name.\n**Unlocking the Keyhole has four author slots , in case there's a different contributor for every section.\n**The Door to Light has three author slots , in case there's a different contributor for every section.\n**Only the Mark of Mastery's interview has only one author slot, as I didn't think that anyone would be conducting co-interviews.\n**The Flick Rush tasks have three author slots , in case there's a different contributor for every task type.\n*The Ansem Reports now have up to ten slots.\n*Unlocking the Keyhole's log updates have become tumblr updates.\n**I have included a box for linking to all original content and a box for showcasing our most popular post of the last quarter . Both of the boxes can be coded in any way, so we'll figure out how we want that to look when the next issue comes out.\n*The Door to Light's Roundtables have become Policy Updates .\n**I have also hidden that section, in case you want it to be omitted for certain issues.\n*TSH's coliseum code has been implemented.\n**The bubbles can go up to 20 . The longest coliseum fight we've had so far was something like 16 bubbles, so that should do us for now.\n*The Keyblade Master slots have been bumped to three.\n*Dive to the Heart's wiki tutorial is now hidden, for optional inclusion.\n*An Intro To section has been added to Dive to the Heart.\n**This box is also hidden, so we can have either a wiki tutorial or an intro to, or we can have both. The Intro To section sits between the wiki tutorial and the game tutorial.\n*A Meet the Panelists section has been added to the Round Room.\n**Meet the Panelists will sit above Notes and Links.\n**The coding has no restrictions, so when that section is used for the first time in the next issue, we can figure out how we want it to look.\n*The Round Room's notes and links section has been hidden, for optional omission.\n*The Mark of Mastery Exam has been lightened up.\n*Intro and Outro parameters have been added to the Interview section.\n**These sections can be formatted however the writer wants.\n**I've also made the symbols that separate the intro and outro from the body of the interview customisable. The default for these symbols is the basic blue KH heart.\n*The color change for Namine's Sketchbook has been implemented.\n**I made the Timeless River borders a different color, to differentiate the two sections and go with the \"drained of color\" theme.\n**I also made the line art box plain white, to make it stand out more and further enforce the \"drained of color\" vibe.\n*There are now six slots in Namine's Sketchbook.\n**Okay, so there are three boxes per row. They are number 1 2 3, then, on the second row 4 5 6. I've made it so the center box is always the one that should be shown first. So, if we only get one piece of art, we use box 2. If you get more than that, you can fill in box 1 and then box 3. If we get four pieces of art, you fill in boxes 1, 2, 3 and 5. That way, if there's an extra piece of art, it will be centered and look nice. Now, something that you might not like is if we get five pieces of art, which will leave box 6 empty, and maybe make the page look lopsided. Now, this doesn't bother me at all, but if you guys don't like that idea, I can implement another chunk of code to make it so that only two images on a row would be centered.\n*A Trip to Timeless river has been moved to Namine's Sketchbook.\n**Colored lineart sits above the new lineart box. They are arranged the same way as the normal sketchbook art.\n**There are six slots for colored line art, which gives the sketchbook twelves slots for art in all.\n*Timeless River has been removed from The Grid .\n*The mailbag now has four slots.\n*The poll and poll results sections have been merged.\n*The Winner's Section and the Winner's medal have been removed.\n\nTo be finished:\n*Is Dive to the Heart's Wiki Tutorial/Intro To/Game Tutorial layout okay?\n*For the Round Room, I think we should scrap the In This Episode box, because the information to write there is not enough to justify an entire box. I think we can add a short In This Episode: line above the videos instead.\n*Does the Round Room video box need the \"Video\" title above it? Seems kind of redundant to me.\n*Are six slots for the sketchbook okay? We can add on extra rows if you want.\n*^^Ditto, but for Timeless River.\n*Now that we can see it in person, are we fine with the sketchbook colors?\n*Should we make the \"Mailbag Questions\" section of the Journalist Spot permanent? Cause if we do, I'll remove the email link at the bottom of the Flick Rush mailbag box.\n*Birthdays! I'm not too fussed about the birthday idea either way, but if it is included, where will it go?\n**If you're going for KH cast/crew birthdays, then could it go in Ansem's Reports? Could we just make it that whoever writes that section should include a birthday box? Or would you prefer it have its own special box on that page? I think Ansem's Reports is the only place where a section like that would fit.\n**For user birthdays, if it's not too long a section, we could fit it in the spare space next to the poll box we were talking about earlier. I could separate the poll and poll results sections again, and add a birthday box next to the polls.\nHoly crap-oly, that's a massive talk bubble."@en . "Do we have the cover logo's uploaded somewhere? If not, I think we should upload them and link to them in the sign-up section so people can get them easily. I now found them in the discussion from last issue's Journalist Spot."@en . "In summary, changes to be made:\n*Two author slots for each section.\n*More Ansem Report sections .\n*Switch log section for tumblr posts for Unlocking the Keyhole.\n*Remove the Roundtable section for the Door to Light.\n*Add in a third Keyblade Master section.\n*More sketchbook sections .\n*Mailbox to 4 rather than 3.\n*Move lineart to Sketchbook.\nWe still need to discuss:\n*A replacement for the Roundtable section: I think a general \"Policy Changes\" or something should be fine. Usually, communal changes are listed in the news part at the top so wiki business can go there instead, I guess.\n*Should we do something with the Round Room? \n*Should we change the colour scheme for Mark of Mastery Exam and Namin\u00E9's Sketchbook? Drafts/ideas needed.\n*Should we add parameters for the interview intro/outro? I'm gonna regress on my previous statement and say yes, for simplicity's sake.\n*Should we incorporate Coliseum code into the template to simplify it. I think yes, but I can't do that because I don't know how to code well enough.\n*Do we add structured sections to the Sketchbook? I think it should be a user art section, blank lineart section, then some filled in lineart from the previous issue.\nI apologise if I've missed something out here."@en . "--08-09"^^ . "When coding the coliseum debate for last issue, I noticed it had a lot of complicated html coding. Would it be an idea to incorporate this coding in the magzaine to make it easier for people to code it?"@en . "While it is great that TNE contributes so much to the magazine, I don't think it is fair for one person to claim a section for multiple issues in a row. I think everyone should have a chance of getting their work published.\n\nAlso, are you sure it was the game tutorial and not the top 5? She only covers number 5 in the top 5."@en . "That image schema is okay. Numbers should be fine; they'll be credited on the actual magazine anyway .\n\nI think the Intro To should be the permanent fixture and then either a game tutorial or a wiki tutorial."@en . "Chain and I were discussing some things we'd like added to the magazine and now 15M had brought up some changes he'd like as well, so I think now is the opportune time to overhaul the template! It's time for Magazine 4.0! If you have anything you'd like changed about how the magazine is set out, bring them up now. Here's what we have so far, as well as some points of my own:\n\n*I'm thinking of adding multiple author slots on all the sections. Any objections? Will just two be enough?\n*The Ansem Reports need more sections. There's a max of 4 right now, so how much should we got up to? .\n*Our Unlocking the Keyhole Log section pretty much repeats itself every issue. The Keyhole now has a tumblr that is quite active and receiving a lot of love, so Chain and I were wondering if we could switch the log section out for a tumblr showcase section, for the original content that we post. What do you think?\n*Now that the roundtables are stopped, should we remove the Roundtable section of the Door to Light? Would you prefer it to be switched to a \"Forums\" section, for any issues that might arise in the forums instead?\n*The Keyblade Master section is getting popular. Do we want to add in a third section?\n*I feel like the Round Room is so empty. Is there something else we can put in to give the page more purpose? How about a videos section, where we post a couple interesting KH videos from the last quarter? Have the podcast up top, front and center, but have extra videos down bottom. Or how about a companion article for the podcast? Maybe another user can write something related to what was discussed? Or maybe people could write in their responses to what was discussed? Review the podcast, almost. I just feel like there should be something more to that page.\n*I really don't like the yellow on the Mark of Mastery page. I feel like MoM is one of the most vibrant pages, content-wise, but that bakcground is so drab that it drags the page's atmosphere down. Is there another color we can change it to?\n*Should we add parameters for an intro/outro for the interview, so those sections are now mandatory?\n*More sections for the sketchbook? If yes, how many?\n*Are we agreed in moving the lineart to the sketchbook page?\n*I'm not crazy about the sketchbook color scheme. Does anyone else wanna change it?\n*Can we bump the mailbox max to 4, instead of 3?\n*Winners section... What are we gonna do with it. I mean, it's pretty safe to say that we should scrap it, right ? If we get rid of it, is there anything we want to replace it?\n\nThat's all I've got!"@en . "Thanks for all the work you've done so far, Chain! And congrats on the new position, 15M! If you ever need my help with compiling, I am available. You can ask Chain for my email if ya want. ^_^\n\nYou totally read my mind in thinking that it's time to update the mag template! If you don't mind, I'm gonna open up a new section below to discuss all that stuff, to keep it separate from the other things being discussed in this section.\n\nMy thoughts on stuff:\n*Tasks are our way of showcasing the projects the wiki has. Even if no one does them , I think we need to have a place in the mag to try and let people know what can be done. As for the name, it's called tasks to make it seem small, like it would take no time to pitch in at all and, therefore, get people to try it. That's also why there's the game tasks; the idea is that people might want to challenge themselves for KH, and after doing that they might want to try knock off all three categories of the tasks as well. *sigh* It frustrates me that we don't have a lot of participation with that stuff, though\n*I love the game tutorials. I think we're reaching a max with the wiki tutorials, though. There's only so much you can cover. What do you guys think? Is there another use for the wiki tutorial section?\n*Yes yes yes to a naming format! My one request for this is that the images be uploaded under the same names on both wikis. That would save having to do all the link switching, which takes some time. As far as I know, the Keyhole is more flexible with our naming scheme , so if you want to set the format for KHWiki, we can just name our images the same.\n**Like Aix says, though, it gets tricky when uploading images from the actual game on KHWiki. I'm not really sure what the protocol is for that. For example, I was uploading the Repliku image of him dark mode-ing for your KM article. But I wasn't sure what to call it. I found the naming format for cutscene images. But when I looked at other gifs, they were just DESCRIPTION GAME.png. Then I wasn't sure if, because the image was now uploaded, I should find a use for it on the wiki. I tried looking at Repliku's page to see if it fit, but he doesn't have a gallery, so I wasn't sure what to do. Do I just classify it as a magazine image only, if it's only going to be used in the magazine? The problem was solved when I discovered the image was already on KHWiki , but it's situations like that that I'd like help with.\n*Regarding the Sketchbook, are we only to have KH exclusive art? Like, if someone does art related to a character in KH , is that okay? What about photos of crafts? Or cosplays? Are those okay?\n*Draaek, I have an idea I would like to do for the line art, if you'd like me to handle that instead."@en . "I can probably get a list of important people from KH13's tumblr, since they usually post that type of thing. But how do we determine what users to feature in the magazine? We can't just feature everybody, ya know?"@en . "I've rarely seen three people work on a single article so I'd say two is perfect for the author's section. If more than two work on one we can go around and use the method FM suggests, that way the readers can see which author collaborated on what.\n\nOur Tumblr is part of our wiki community so I'm sure we can include some of the cool stuff that happen there. That also shows that being part of the KH wiki isn't only restricted to editing all the time.\n\nI think that we should have some sort of guidelines for the interviews so that people can have a good way to structure them but at the same time feel free to play around with the code and the way they handle the intro and outro.\n\nDo we even have sections for the sketchbook? We just feature the art that is sent it but I haven't really seen an actual section in there. Unless you mean the space available for feature. If this is the case then I have no idea xD There are issues we get a good amount of works but in others it's just one or two so I can't really say what would be a good amount for space.\n\nI can show off the badge I won if I'd ever remember to add it to my profile haha. But in all seriousness, it's probably best that we scrap it. We've gone through a good amount of issues without anyone getting the badge. I made sure to cover some of the specific tasks to show our readers that it is possible to obtain it and that people were doing so but it seems that didn't work quite well. If no one has any objections then to the recycle bin it goes!"@en . "I'll add my thoughts on your discussion points, FM.\n\n*I feel that it is good to let those reading the magazine know what it is that each wiki specifically needs help on. Perhaps we could remove the tasks and instead have something along the lines of, \"Things which need doing on the wiki.\". \n*I personally like the tutorial pages, so I won't be voting for their removal.\n*If 'interest' means more than just myself and you signing up, FM, then more space would be great. Otherwise, I don't see a need to change this part.\n*For my Keyblade Master article last time around, I uploaded images that could also be used on the wiki in galleries and on pages. Of course, this won't always be possible, but for those images, I wouldn't want them named under the magazine, just because they were used as part of it. I don't have a straight answer here."@en . "What if we were to have an \"Upcoming Birthdays\" section? There we could have both birthdays from voice actors, Musicians, and other important people AND have a section for user's birthdays."@en . "Thoughts:\n*I think they could do with a bit more explanation then. At the moment, just the \"Tasks\" title is slightly ambiguous.\n*The tutorial and Keyblade Master pages can stay then. I would say that we should aim for two pieces each Keyblade Master article, but allow three if needed.\n*If an image can be used on the wiki, it would be treated as a regular wiki image so to upload it, it would need to meet the normal image requirements of the respective wikis. Then, it would be used in the magazine and that's okay. I'm talking about images created only for purpose within the magazine. I think they should use the format \"File:Mag Issue # .png\". For example, \"File:Mag Issue 6 BanishtheBeast.png\". Is that too long/wordy?"@en . "--08-10"^^ . "Summary points:\n*We're keeping the tasks but scrapping the winner medal.\n*Sketchbook art is flexible.\n*We need a new image naming schema \nAnd a point that hasn't been concluded yet: Wiki tutorials - yay or nay? \n*I think that since TSH has already signed up to write one, he clearly still has an idea for it, so we can keep the wiki tutorial for now, until the ideas truly dry up. I still think we should start the Intro To features though."@en . "Oh no, I never change the writing out of the author's voice, just shuffle things for grammar/formatting. Unless you think I've done that before, in which case, let me know so I can know what not to do for the future. ^_^\n\nAnd yes, a google drive type thing would be great ."@en . "__TOC__"@en . "I think that we should merge the game and wiki tutorial into one slot, so whoever signs up to the tutorial can choose which type they'd like to do. That flexibility leaves room for a bit of variety. But it's a problem that there's already two tutorials lined up for this issue, so we can either put this into place next time or have your tutorial lined up for next issue. \n\nThe \"Intro To\" idea sounds like one that should stay permanently. It basically introduces a topic to a series beginner, and could go down informative or comical routes. For example, there could be an \"Intro to Time Travel\" piece, explaining its basic mechanics to people unfamiliar with it. Or there could be an \"Intro to Aqua\" piece like FR said above, including comedic facts about her character."@en . "--08-11"^^ . . "--07-22"^^ . . "Responses:\n*Meet the panelists is a great idea! Would this section go below or above the video?\n*Okay, you convinced me with the bit about encouraging others to submit next time. Separate sections it is!\n*The rose is a nice color for the background. What if we go really blank canvas, like this? I feel like the page is still a little bland, but I don't have any other ideas, so I think this is nice enough.\n*As a side note, does anyone know how to put space between the sketchbook boxes? They look cramped right now and would benefit from a bit of padding, but I can't figure out the coding. :S\n*As another side note, do we still want to stick to the two per row layout? Two is fine with me, but I also think 3 per row would make the boxes smaller and, therefore, less overbearing.\n*At full capacity, the poll results section can look like what was seen in Issue 3, so I don't think the poll will fit next to it. Unless you want to either a) cut the poll results into only a poll chart and no further info or b) merge results and the new poll together, like what you suggested for line art ."@en . . .