. . . "The Escapist (film)"@en . . "The Escapist is a Prison Break drama film set in a British prison and revolving around Frank Perry, one of the oldest inmates who has long since given up hope. When he finds out his beloved daughter has become a drug addict and is near death following an overdose, he decides he\u2019s to break free. He formulates a plan to escape, and the twin narratives of planning the escape and the actual escape are played simultaneously."@en . . . . . . . . . "The Escapist is a Prison Break drama film set in a British prison and revolving around Frank Perry, one of the oldest inmates who has long since given up hope. When he finds out his beloved daughter has become a drug addict and is near death following an overdose, he decides he\u2019s to break free. He formulates a plan to escape, and the twin narratives of planning the escape and the actual escape are played simultaneously. The film was very well-received despite limited release, and it finally gives the incredible Brian Cox a starring role. The rest of the cast consists mostly of that guys, including Damien Lewis, Joseph Fiennes, Dominic Cooper, Liam Cunningham, Seu Jorge and Steven Mackintosh. \n* The Alcatraz: A very creepy, very bizarre seemingly underground prison. \n* Ax Crazy: Tony. Lenny Drake borders on this at times. \n* Badass \n* Bittersweet Ending \n* Death Equals Redemption \n* Dying Dream: Although it\u2019s debatable. Frank clearly dies, but it\u2019s implied that the escape was real and at the very least Lacey escaped. \n* Face Death with Dignity \n* Final Speech \n* Ironic Echo: \u201CYou have one thing going for you, Frank. You\u2019re too old to die young.\u201D \n* Hellhole Prison \n* Heroic Sacrifice \n* The Old Convict: Frank himself. \n* Prison Rape \n* No-Holds-Barred Beatdown \n* Trauma Conga: Lacey. Imagine that first you\u2019re forced to parade naked to your cell while hundreds of convicts leer at you, and then you\u2019re stalked by the untouchable brother of the prison kingpin, and the guards actually herd you into an area to be raped by aforementioned brother. \n* Tunnel King \n* Secret Stab Wound \n* Smug Snake \n* Villainous Breakdown"@en . . . .