"The day started as any other. The sun broke the horizon and the people of Nerath City began to wake. Smiths hammered their metal, hawkers shouted their wares, merchant and farmers entered the city on wagons with good to sell. The first signs that something was wrong happened about noon. A letter from a merchant to a friend spoke of strange rumblings, as if there was an earthquake but without the movement of the ground. Many animals disappeared from the streets that were normally found. No dogs or cats, no birds or insects. Any horses or livestock that people owned began to go mad and struggle to exit the city. That is the last solid piece of information of what happened that day. Everything else is speculation or conjecture that was gathered by clerics speaking with the dead or wizards trying to divine what occurred. At some point in the mid afternoon, the Cataclysm struck. A massive explosion from one of the taller towers rocked the foundation of the buildings around it. As they began to collapse, a ball of black lightning sat in the sky where the tower once was, and that is when the demons came. They came pouring out of the black sphere, hundreds if not thousands. There were claims that a dozen balors came forth as an honor guard for Demogorgon himself. Whoever or whatever came through, showed no mercy to any they found. Men, women, and children were torn limb from limb and devoured still alive. The screams echoed for miles around. But then, yet another even happened. The blackness that was allowing the demons into Rhonnos exploded. It leveled the entirety of the city and miles around, leaving nothing but rubble and scorched earth. Every living thing, including the demons, was destroyed. The sound of the second explosion was heard as far away as Benka. They send forces to investigate, but as they approached, they found the ground beneath them was dying and had to escape lest they be consumed as well. By weeks end, the growth of the blight ended, but not before it grew to be the size of a large kingdom. The ground was destroyed, but one could enter the devastation without harm, at least on the edges. Approaching closer to where Nerath City once stood, strange things were seen and horrific things would attack travelers. No one ever took claim for the act, although it has never been determined to have been a malicious act. And none of Nerath's enemies were in position to take advantage of the chaos afterwards, which would have indicated that they knew it was going to happen. The fear of such an event happening again is still in the back of most minds, but the hope it was a singular time is stronger."@en . . "The Cataclysm was the event that shattered the Tower of Eternity and tore the world of Atreia into two, separating the Asmodians and the Elyos. Although the peace treaty with the Balaur failed disastrously, both sides have a slightly different version of the events, blaming the other side for failing."@en . "No"@en . "The Cataclysm refers to a devastating event that destroyed the Kingdom of Orr, greatest of the human kingdoms prior to the Charr invasion. With the Orr Charr invasion force marching toward Arah, the Orrians were confident that the Orrian army could hold back the Charr, as the Charr has already fought one war against the Ascalonian army. The Charr quickly annihilated the Orrian army, however, and proceeded toward the gates of Arah. King Reza's (then the king of Orr) royal adviser, Vizier Khilbron, ventured into the deep catacombs beneath the city of the gods and took a forbidden scroll. Reading aloud the words, he unleashed a powerful magic and caused the Cataclysm, sinking most of the Orrian peninsula and with it the Charr. The Charr never stepped within Arah, but few regard what the Vizie"@en . "Hirogashi Clan,"@en . . "No"@en . "Around 200 000 years ago, the planet Telios Prime was impacted by a large metallic ore asteroid, with origins in the Shissian Belt. The resulting impact had devasting results for the planet, and resulted in the creation of a single land mass from the original two, as well as a partial solidification of the planet's mantle. The surviving Telians have since this time labelled the incident The Cataclysm. It has also been referred to as The Great One in older texts."@en . "The Cataclysm"@en . "The day started as any other. The sun broke the horizon and the people of Nerath City began to wake. Smiths hammered their metal, hawkers shouted their wares, merchant and farmers entered the city on wagons with good to sell. The first signs that something was wrong happened about noon. That is the last solid piece of information of what happened that day. Everything else is speculation or conjecture that was gathered by clerics speaking with the dead or wizards trying to divine what occurred."@en . . "The Cataclysm refers to a devastating event that destroyed the Kingdom of Orr, greatest of the human kingdoms prior to the Charr invasion. With the Orr Charr invasion force marching toward Arah, the Orrians were confident that the Orrian army could hold back the Charr, as the Charr has already fought one war against the Ascalonian army. The Charr quickly annihilated the Orrian army, however, and proceeded toward the gates of Arah. King Reza's (then the king of Orr) royal adviser, Vizier Khilbron, ventured into the deep catacombs beneath the city of the gods and took a forbidden scroll. Reading aloud the words, he unleashed a powerful magic and caused the Cataclysm, sinking most of the Orrian peninsula and with it the Charr. The Charr never stepped within Arah, but few regard what the Vizier did that day as the right choice. It is said that what remains above the sea of the Orrian peninsula is haunted by the Undead, those that either do not understand their fate enough to move on, or those that are too attached to their former lives to let go. Warning: The following text contains spoilers relating to the plot of Nightfall. Questing in the Realm of Torment reveals that a demonic agent of Abaddon, the demon Razakel in the human form of Terick, tricked Vizier Khilbron into using the destructive arcane spell as Abaddon wished Arah destroyed. Other quests also explain that the Charr invasion and the Searing were all created by servants of Abaddon as justification for Vizier Khilbron to read the spell."@en . . "Cataclysm"@en . "Named by a person who spoke a strange language, this ability is nothing short of legendary. First noticed by the shinobi world in the clan of a shinobi known as Yota, this power first manifested as a hiden jutsu of the clan, having the ability to freely manipulate weather around them, regardless of the natural atmosphere around them. What was unknown however, was that this hiden jutsu had a biological stem, and all it took was a simple mutation in the clan's Storm Release for a whole new brand of power to be born. As a hiden, the Weather Manipulation could manifest many different weather effects, effectively turning them into powerful attacks or defences, and could even happen simultaneously or within the inside of rooms or buildings. The user also naturally had impeccable control over the"@en . . "The Cataclysm was horrible. Most do not know how a whole star system can just explode, disappear, or whatever happened. It was the middle of the 23rd century. Humans, grew up on Earth. As expansionists, they had colonized 1 other planet (Mars) and 3 moons in the Sol System (Luna, the moon of Earth, Europa, and Titan). With additional scientific stations on at a dozen other locations. Their expansionism really showed in their exploration of other worlds. With the introduction of faster-than-light drives, they quickly went off exploring. In addition to the several worlds they made trivial colonies on, they found a lush, rich planet named Legion in what has since been called Olympus System. But not only that, there was an additional smaller habitable planet, and an even smaller habitable moon. Humans even established colonies on other near-habitable worlds. With the human population exploding, and availability (and encouragement) of travel to other worlds, Legion quickly amassed a population of over a billion, and just before the cataclysm occured, population in the Olympus System broke 3 billion. The human population across the verse was estimated at about 19 billion on at it's height. Then the Cataclysm occured. It's still a bit strange, and there are scientists trying to discover what has happened, but after that fateful day in 2265, the human population shrunk the 13 billion people in the Solar System to 6 billion. It was a trying time for the next hundred or so years of human history, and no one knows if it will happen again."@en . "Named by a person who spoke a strange language, this ability is nothing short of legendary. First noticed by the shinobi world in the clan of a shinobi known as Yota, this power first manifested as a hiden jutsu of the clan, having the ability to freely manipulate weather around them, regardless of the natural atmosphere around them. What was unknown however, was that this hiden jutsu had a biological stem, and all it took was a simple mutation in the clan's Storm Release for a whole new brand of power to be born. As a hiden, the Weather Manipulation could manifest many different weather effects, effectively turning them into powerful attacks or defences, and could even happen simultaneously or within the inside of rooms or buildings. The user also naturally had impeccable control over the direction and range of their abilities, however... There was a mutation in the Hirogashi Clan, their bodies evolving to reduce the need for an external technique to utilize such a wonderous ability. This ability only augmented itself with the Hirogashi Clan's ability to utilize all basic elemental affinities at levels that most would consider supercharged, and slowly, built advanced chakra natures within the users so they could naturally use the different portions of their now biological blessing. Gaining the ability to manipulate the weather at will without the use of a hiden technique, the cost of their techniques reduced greatly, as the power of the ability skyrocketed, granting some of the Hirogashi the ability to easily surpass the Tenpenchii, becoming one of the absolute greatest forces in almost all forms of nature transformation. This ability made the Hirogashi Clan feared by many. Tornados, Blizzards, Firestorms, Landslides, Earthquakes, nothing was safe. The ability evolved from what could be considered The Storm, to the Catacylsm, users capable of generating devastating effects on the battlefield, wiping out vast portions of their enemies. Even kekkei genkai could be combined with the storm, and made to be utilized mentally, with this kekkei mora only further supplementing the unbelievable nature affinities of the Hirogashi. While emotions served as an augmentation point for this abilitiy, the augmentation point for the kekkei mora is naught but willpower, requiring no such movements such as whistling to utilize any element. All elements are utilized mentally, and in ways that most find hard to believe. With this, the clan can simply cause a flaming land formation to swallow a battlefield with the slightest of thoughts, and cause a powerful wind blowing in their directions to change form and course to redirect an attack at an opponent. This is what made people call the Hirogashi Clan, the Clan of the Storm. In addition, this ability is known for messing up the weather conditions for situational abilities almost passively, blocking attempts at Kirin with the least of effort, at times even redirecting the Lightning coming from the sky back at the opponent. As a result of part of the source of it's creation, the user's base elements took on the properties of the hiden, Fire having increased Yang, Water being able to switch forms at will and drain chakra, in addition to other properties. The power of these people with the elements seemed to allow them to outshine even other masters of the elements, given time to learn how to utilize the abilities of all of their elements to their peak. With Yoshiro's return however, the elemental age of the Hirogashi Clan has restarted."@en . "The Cataclysm was the event that shattered the Tower of Eternity and tore the world of Atreia into two, separating the Asmodians and the Elyos. Although the peace treaty with the Balaur failed disastrously, both sides have a slightly different version of the events, blaming the other side for failing."@en . . . . "Anime, Manga, Movie"@en . "Around 200 000 years ago, the planet Telios Prime was impacted by a large metallic ore asteroid, with origins in the Shissian Belt. The resulting impact had devasting results for the planet, and resulted in the creation of a single land mass from the original two, as well as a partial solidification of the planet's mantle. The surviving Telians have since this time labelled the incident The Cataclysm. It has also been referred to as The Great One in older texts."@en . "The Cataclysm was horrible. Most do not know how a whole star system can just explode, disappear, or whatever happened. It was the middle of the 23rd century. Humans, grew up on Earth. As expansionists, they had colonized 1 other planet (Mars) and 3 moons in the Sol System (Luna, the moon of Earth, Europa, and Titan). With additional scientific stations on at a dozen other locations. Their expansionism really showed in their exploration of other worlds. With the introduction of faster-than-light drives, they quickly went off exploring. In addition to the several worlds they made trivial colonies on, they found a lush, rich planet named Legion in what has since been called Olympus System. But not only that, there was an additional smaller habitable planet, and an even smaller habitable moon"@en .