"Game Adventure: Emerald Shadows"@en . "\u201CEmerald Shadows\u201D is a new adventure for experienced players of Star Trek: The Next Generation Roleplaying Game by Last Unicorn Games. This is the espionage mission we were sent on into the heart of Romulan Space, to Romulus itself, to cure the empress and her daughter of a biogenic weapon. It\u2019s also the mission where the StarshipTwilight was fitted with a Federation Interphasing Cloak, the same cloaking device once used on the U.S.S. Pegasus. This is the mission we almost didn\u2019t return from. After this, Colonel Sela became a sworn enemy of Captain Jaryd Harker M.D., and the entire crew of the Twilight."@en . "\u201CEmerald Shadows\u201D is a new adventure for experienced players of Star Trek: The Next Generation Roleplaying Game by Last Unicorn Games. This is the espionage mission we were sent on into the heart of Romulan Space, to Romulus itself, to cure the empress and her daughter of a biogenic weapon. It\u2019s also the mission where the StarshipTwilight was fitted with a Federation Interphasing Cloak, the same cloaking device once used on the U.S.S. Pegasus. This is the mission we almost didn\u2019t return from. After this, Colonel Sela became a sworn enemy of Captain Jaryd Harker M.D., and the entire crew of the Twilight. The Crew has some options for roleplaying. They can play the senior officers of Twilight, with Captain Harker as an NPC; or one of them can roleplay Captain Harker himself; finally, the captain\u2019s character can be replaced by one of the PC characters who is an experienced captain. The rest of the characters should at least have obtained the rank of Lt. Commander. Finally, keep in mind, there is a very real possibility that on this mission, their characters can be killed, the Ship blasted right out of the Stars. It damn-near happened to us! It is strongly recommended that the Crew download the Nova Class Technical Manual, elsewhere on this same website, and become thoroughly familiar with it. In your mind, walk her decks, become familiar with her general layout, what her systems are, what the Ship\u2019s limitations are, and what the lady is truly capable of. Twilight is a small but capable science vessel, and you are literally flying past a dozen D\u2019deridex B-class Warbirds, all under the command of Sela and the Tal Shiar, and all of them are out to kill you."@en . . . .