. "\u9060\u304F\u307E\u3067"@zh . "Episodio 747"@es . "2000"^^ . . . "Season 3, episode 21"@en . "8"^^ . "Desire is the twenty-first episode of the third season and the 57th overall episode of Grey's Anatomy."@en . . "Rattle and Hum"@en . "\u30C7\u30B6\u30A4\u30A2"@it . . "This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is \"blank\", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled \"discussion about this word\" - which will link you to a \"Discussion\" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under \"PRIRODNE JEZYKI\" (\"Natural Languages\") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing) Finally, below the Natural Languages section, is the \"Constructed Languages\" section - \"Postavjene Jezyki\" - which includes \"Slovio\" \"Novosloviensky\" (NeoSlavonic) and \"Slovianski\". The \"Slovio\" project is no longer active. \"Novosloviensky\" and \"Slovianski\", on the other hand, have joined together as \"INTERSLAVIC\" or \"MED\u017DUSLOVJANSKI\" - each offering a slightly different grammatical format. Here you may access and edit this information."@en . . . . "N/A"@en . "Desire \u00E8 il capitano dei Pirati Sweet ed un ex membro dell'alleanza dei pirati d'argento."@it . . . . "MAILART DESIRES - DESEOS"@en . . . "Pirata; capitano"@it . . "y"@en . . . "Dezaia"@es . "\"Fruit of the Poison Tree\""@en . . "Do As Infinity"@zh . . . . "* Pirati Sweet;\n* alleanza dei pirati d'argento"@it . . . "pragnienie, ch\u0119\u0107, ochota"@en . . "Yokub\u014D"@en . "Dort stand sie. Inmitten einer verschwitzten, schreienden Menschenmenge. Ihre Bewegungen waren fl\u00FCssig zu der dr\u00F6hnenden Musik, welche im Einklang mit der zur Ausnahme mal sanften Stimme des S\u00E4ngers verschmolz. Inmitten der im Sekundentakt aufblitzenden Lichtern ahmte ihr Schatten jene Bewegungen nach, welche mich so sehr in Ektase versetzten. Oh, ich konnte es kaum abwarten, ihr nah zu sein. Alles an ihr war einfach perfekt. Jeder Teil ihres K\u00F6rpers hatte perfekte Proportionen. Selbst ihre Br\u00FCste, welche ihre gereifte Weiblichkeit pr\u00E4sentierten, waren kein Vergleich zu dem von irgendwelchen mageren Models. Wie lange habe ich nur auf diesen einen Moment gewartet? Tage? Monate? Jahre? Jegliches Zeitgef\u00FChl, welches ich einst besa\u00DF, schien pl\u00F6tzlich wie fortgewischt zu sein. Alles, was z\u00E4hlte, war dieser eine Augenblick. Dieses Hier und Jetzt. Als die Band ihre letzten Akkorde spielte und das Publikum, welches besetzt war von schwarz gekleideten und in selber Farbe geschminkten Teenagern, Beifall klatschte und den Namen der Band rief, setzte ich meinen Weg fort. Mit jeder Minute, die ich allein mit meiner Beobachtung fernab der Zuschauer vergeudet hatte, verfluchte ich mich selbst daf\u00FCr, ihr nicht n\u00E4her gekommen zu sein. Viel Zeit hatte ich damit verschwendet, sie zu beobachten, oder, wie ich eher zu sagen pflegte, zu \u201Erecherchieren\u201C. Ich versuchte, meine \u201ERecherchen\u201C so sorgf\u00E4ltig und vorsichtig zu gestalten, wie es m\u00F6glich war. Immerzu sah ich mir alles an, was sie begehrte, was ihre Interessen waren, wer sich mit ihr herumtrieb, ob sie einen Freund hatte, welche Art von Mensch sie war\u2026 All diese Aspekte f\u00FChrten mich letztlich zu dem Punkt, an dem ich sie treffen w\u00FCrde. Auch wenn Metal nicht gerade mein Lieblingsgenre war, lie\u00DF ich mir diese einmalige Gelegenheit nicht nehmen, mein lang ersehntes M\u00E4dchen auf einem Konzert anzutreffen. Meine F\u00FC\u00DFe trugen mich mittlerweile schneller zu ihr hin. Mit jedem Schritt klopfte mein Herz immer wilder. Die seltsamen Blicke, welche ich hinter mir sp\u00FCren konnte, ignorierte ich. Nichts war mir wichtiger als sie. Sehns\u00FCchtig bahnte ich mir weiter meinen Weg durch die kreischende, enge Menschenmenge, bis ich ihre Hand endlich zu fassen bekam. Alles, was mein M\u00E4dchen von sich gab, kaum hatte meine vor Sehnsucht zittrige Hand der ihre umklammert, war ein kleiner, doch s\u00FC\u00DFer Schrei, der inmitten meines mit Chloroform getr\u00E4nkten Tuches unterging. Ohne gro\u00DFes Aufsehen zu erregen, bahnte ich mir meinen Weg zur\u00FCck. So schnell und unauff\u00E4llig, wie es mir m\u00F6glich war, trug ich sie zu meinem Auto. Zu meinem Erstaunen war sie leicht. Leichter als ich gedacht hatte. Armes M\u00E4dchen, dachte ich besorgt. Du solltest mehr zu dir nehmen. Die blitzenden Lichter h\u00F6rten mit dem letzten Lied auf, was mir genug Zeit verschaffte, mich an den \u00E4u\u00DFersten Rand zu dr\u00E4ngen und gemeinsam mit der schwarzen, weit ausgestreckten Wand in der Dunkelheit zu verschwinden. An meinem Auto angekommen, legte ich sie sorgsam auf den R\u00FCcksitz und startete den Wagen. W\u00E4hrend der gesamten Fahrt malte ich mir aus, wie sie reagieren w\u00FCrde, wenn ich ihr ihr neues Zuhause zeigen w\u00FCrde, und vor allem, wie sie wohl reagieren w\u00FCrde, wenn sie mich sehen w\u00FCrde? W\u00FCrde mein M\u00E4dchen mich wiedererkennen? Oder hatte sie mich nach all den Jahren bereits vergessen? Bei letzterem Gedanken versp\u00FCrte ich einen schmerzhaften Stich in meiner Brust\u2026 Ich liebte sie doch so sehr. Wie konnte sie mich dann vergessen? Liebende verga\u00DF man nicht! Oder doch? Bei dieser zweifelsvollen Frage fuhr ich automatisch schneller. Um jeden Preis w\u00FCrde ich daf\u00FCr sorgen, dass sich mein M\u00E4dchen sich an mich erinnerte! Zu Hause angekommen, legte ich sie vorsichtig auf mein Bett. Das Mittel verfehlte seine Wirkung nicht. Noch immer schlief sie tief und fest wie ein Baby. Sanft strich ich ihr \u00FCber ihre blassrosa Wange, w\u00E4hrend ich im d\u00E4mmernden Schlafzimmerlicht die Worte: \u201EHab keine Angst, ich bin bei dir\u201C fl\u00FCsterte. Nach einer Weile stand ich auf und verlie\u00DF leise das Zimmer. Mit einem zufriedenen Grinsen verschloss ich die T\u00FCr. Endlich hatte ich sie wieder. Meine Tochter. Geschrieben von: BlackRose16 (Diskussion) 12:45, 5. Mai 2017 (UTC) Kategorie:Kurz Kategorie:Artikel ohne Bilder Kategorie:Schockierendes Ende"@de . . . . "Writer"@en . . "Desire"@de . "\"Walking Towards Paradise\""@en . . . . . "A member of Seattle Grace's board of directors is operated on."@en . . "English, Maltese"@en . "\"Nobody's Perfect\""@en . "Desire (\u30C7\u30B6\u30A4\u30A2 Dezaia?) es la capitana de los Piratas Sweet, la amiga de la infancia de Bartolomeo y una antigua miembro de la Asociaci\u00F3n Pirata Silver."@es . . . . "Allows Warrior's Pok\u00E9mon to move twice."@en . . . "Gerard James Borg"@en . "Ability"@en . . . . . . . . . "Desire (\u30C7\u30B6\u30A4\u30A2 Dezaia?) es la capitana de los Piratas Sweet, la amiga de la infancia de Bartolomeo y una antigua miembro de la Asociaci\u00F3n Pirata Silver."@es . "Description"@en . "The song was written by Henrik Korip, Mattias Wollo, Terry Ronald and Geri Halliwell & produced by Henrik Korpi & Blackcell."@en . "Horno de la Noche Carmes\u00ED"@es . "N/A"@en . "Desire"@en . . . . "Philip Vella"@en . "Desire"@zh . "Trap"@en . . "Featured in Episode"@en . "\u592A\u9F13\u306E\u9054\u4EBA \u30D7\u30E9\u30B9"@zh . "Sequence song appears"@en . . "\u017Eelanje"@en . . "Desire\u662F\u4E00\u9996\u70BA\u521D\u6536\u9304\u65BC\u300A\u592A\u9F13\u306E\u9054\u4EBA \u30D7\u30E9\u30B9\u300B\u7684\u65E5\u672C\u6D41\u884C\u97F3\u6A02\u3002"@zh . "Name: Desire Run Time: 5:20 Written By: Geoff Downes, Andy Nye, John Payne Year: 1994 \n* Live In K\u00F6ln \n* Axioms"@en . "This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is \"blank\", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled \"discussion about this word\" - which will link you to a \"Discussion\" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under \"PRIRODNE JEZYKI\" (\"Natural Languages\") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing)"@en . . "Desire"@es . "Silver Mine"@es . "Desire.png"@it . "J-POP"@zh . "U2"@en . "Top Chart Position"@en . . . "256"^^ . . . . "\u30C7\u30B6\u30A4\u30A2"@es . . "MAILART DESIRES - DESEOS"@en . "Desire was a vampiress who had been prowling the dark streets of various towns before arriving in Los Angeles, in the guise of a nurse named Mona. Mona was newly hired at the same hospital as the main protagonist, David Balsiger, who worked as a coroner's assistant, and she came in physical contact with David at one point when she attacked him. After his encounter with the vampiress and learning more about her from an ex-communicated priest named Paul, David encountered Mona he was driving down the street, and he later drives Mona to her home. Mona turned villainous and began enticing David, right before she went upstairs to change. Mona slowly comes down in a black gown and continues seducing David, who resists her villainous advances. Later on, the evil Mona cemented her heel turn and re"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Desire was the entry sent by Malta to the 2000 contest held in Stockholm, Sweden. The song was performed by Claudette Pace in English, with a small verse in Maltese. After the voting, it finished 8th out of 24 songs."@en . . . "Desire"@en . "3"^^ . . "Desire was the entry sent by Malta to the 2000 contest held in Stockholm, Sweden. The song was performed by Claudette Pace in English, with a small verse in Maltese. After the voting, it finished 8th out of 24 songs."@en . . . . "e748"@es . . . "Desire \u00E8 il capitano dei Pirati Sweet ed un ex membro dell'alleanza dei pirati d'argento."@it . "Desire was a vampiress who had been prowling the dark streets of various towns before arriving in Los Angeles, in the guise of a nurse named Mona. Mona was newly hired at the same hospital as the main protagonist, David Balsiger, who worked as a coroner's assistant, and she came in physical contact with David at one point when she attacked him. After his encounter with the vampiress and learning more about her from an ex-communicated priest named Paul, David encountered Mona he was driving down the street, and he later drives Mona to her home. Mona turned villainous and began enticing David, right before she went upstairs to change. Mona slowly comes down in a black gown and continues seducing David, who resists her villainous advances. Later on, the evil Mona cemented her heel turn and revealed herself as the vampiress, Desire, as she followed David upstairs. Shortly afterwards, Desire continued to pursue David and managed to trap him on a balcony, but when she leapt towards him, she fell to her death."@en . . . . . "73"^^ . . "Dasdes"@zh . . "Next Song"@en . . . . . . "Kaida Yuki"@es . "The song was written by Henrik Korip, Mattias Wollo, Terry Ronald and Geri Halliwell & produced by Henrik Korpi & Blackcell."@en . "Desire\u662F\u4E00\u9996\u70BA\u521D\u6536\u9304\u65BC\u300A\u592A\u9F13\u306E\u9054\u4EBA \u30D7\u30E9\u30B9\u300B\u7684\u65E5\u672C\u6D41\u884C\u97F3\u6A02\u3002"@zh . . "Opening in train station"@en . "3"^^ . . "748"^^ . "RIAA Certification"@en . "749"^^ . "rushu"@en . "Desire is the third youngest of the Endless and the twin of Despair. It is a strikingly beautiful gender mutable figure who can be male, female, both, or neither as the situation warrants. It is often referred to as \"sibling\" by its brethren, particularly Dream. Desire blends in effortlessly with whatever environment it finds itself in. It lives in the heart of a massive flesh-and-blood statue of itself, known as the Threshold. Desire's sigil is a heart of cut glass. Desire is described as being of medium height, smelling faintly of summer peaches. Desire casts two shadows, one black and sharp, the other translucent and wavering. Desire's smiles are brief and sharp. Its skin is \"pale as smoke,\" and its eyes are \"tawny and sharp as yellow wine.\" Desire is easily the most cruel of the Endless. It seems obsessed with interfering with the affairs of its elder siblings, and has a particular animosity toward Dream. The motivation behind its attitude is not clear, but seems to be simply a vicious variation on childish one up manship. Desire may not be entirely aware of the consequences of its actions, but considers any consequences ultimately unimportant, a position which angers Morpheus and Death in particular. Desire sometimes acts in concert with Despair and Delirium; and Desire is much more distant from Dream, Death, Destiny and Destruction, than Despair or Delirium. A forgiving interpretation is that Desire reflects, simply, desire, and is as fickle and self-centered as the emotion. Desire takes special delight in needling those who think they are beyond emotions altogether. It is, besides Death (who, even then, must be goaded), the only one of the Endless that will point out the faults of Dream, some of which, such as the condemnation of Nada, are legitimate. Even Destruction noted that while Desire can be malicious, it is isn't always wrong. A story in Endless Nights, set long before any other Sandman story, may explain the origins of the Dream's enmity, and reveals that at one time, Desire was Dream's favorite sibling. Dream had fallen in love with, Killala of the Glow, and had taken her to a gathering of stars (literally the embodiment of various suns). While there, Killalla met and fell in love with the star of her own home world, abandoning Dream. Desire's role in this is never made clear only that it was involved. After introducing his lover to Desire when they first arrive, and leaving the two alone, Killalla asked what Desire had done for Dream to make him so affectionate, but Desire indicated that it hadn't done anything at all. Later, however, when Dream angrily blames Desire for the whole affair, Desire offers no defense, only asking Destruction after Morpheus storms off, \"Doesn't he have a sense of humor?\" This story, set billions of years before the story-arc of The Sandman, tends to portray the characters in a very different light, showing that even the Endless are not unchanging. The enmity between Dream and Desire continued through the millennia, eventually culminating in Desire raping and fathering a child on Unity Kinkaid, then attempting to have Dream kill Rose Walker, Unity's grandchild, which would have caused the ruthless and relentless Kindly Ones to hound Dream until death for the crime of shedding family blood. When Dream discovered this at the end of The Doll's House, he openly threatened Desire with what would happen should Desire interfere in Dream's life again, and there was an uneasy truce between the two afterwards."@en . . . "This is a short story for The Paths Trilogy. It is the second of five short stories centering on the main characters, the first being Outside The Borders. (You can read them in any order, so yeah). Since Spirit had heard of the four Clans, she had had the desire to join them. However, she knows she doesn't have the courage to join one of them alone. When she comes across a former Clan cat, who knows a lot about the four Clans and their daily lives, can she work up the courage to join one of the four, and to fulfil her desire? Enjoy <33333"@en . . . . . "Piratas Sweet"@es . . "Desire is the 256th chapter of Akira Amano's Kateky\u014D Hitman Reborn!."@en . "Previous Song"@en . "Promise"@en . . "\"Desire\" is a song performed by U2, recorded on the album Rattle and Hum in 1988. The song appeared in the Miami Vice episode \"Fruit of the Poison Tree\"."@en . "N/A"@en . . . "Gold"@en . . . "Our Guild Character/Trade levels 30+ The guild DESIRE strives to foster and build character relationships and communication between its members, yet also alternatively to \"whack\" smaller easily preyed upon monsters and non-guildie players. Openness and communication are important to at least half of the guild, while the other half cares nothing besides will they get the opportunity to \"smack\" something very soon. Perhaps we will sort out are priorities soon. Perhaps we just represent the way all of Dofus is. Regardless of priorities half of the guild has formed the S.P.C.F., the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Flowers, while certain members of DESIRE like to sit on local wild flowers like Daisies and Roses and pull their feet and petals off. Come and join DESIRE and express yourself."@en . . . . . . . "7"^^ . . . "F"@it . . . "\u0436\u0435\u043B\u0430\u043D\u0438\u0435, \u043E\u0445\u043E\u0442\u0430"@en . . . "Name: Desire Run Time: 5:20 Written By: Geoff Downes, Andy Nye, John Payne Year: 1994 \n* Live In K\u00F6ln \n* Axioms"@en . "Desire"@en . . . . . . "Criminale"@it . "Asociaci\u00F3n Pirata Silver"@es . "8"^^ . "This is a short story for The Paths Trilogy. It is the second of five short stories centering on the main characters, the first being Outside The Borders. (You can read them in any order, so yeah). Since Spirit had heard of the four Clans, she had had the desire to join them. However, she knows she doesn't have the courage to join one of them alone. When she comes across a former Clan cat, who knows a lot about the four Clans and their daily lives, can she work up the courage to join one of the four, and to fulfil her desire? Enjoy <33333"@en . "Dort stand sie. Inmitten einer verschwitzten, schreienden Menschenmenge. Ihre Bewegungen waren fl\u00FCssig zu der dr\u00F6hnenden Musik, welche im Einklang mit der zur Ausnahme mal sanften Stimme des S\u00E4ngers verschmolz. Inmitten der im Sekundentakt aufblitzenden Lichtern ahmte ihr Schatten jene Bewegungen nach, welche mich so sehr in Ektase versetzten. Oh, ich konnte es kaum abwarten, ihr nah zu sein. Alles an ihr war einfach perfekt. Jeder Teil ihres K\u00F6rpers hatte perfekte Proportionen. Selbst ihre Br\u00FCste, welche ihre gereifte Weiblichkeit pr\u00E4sentierten, waren kein Vergleich zu dem von irgendwelchen mageren Models. Wie lange habe ich nur auf diesen einen Moment gewartet? Tage? Monate? Jahre? Jegliches Zeitgef\u00FChl, welches ich einst besa\u00DF, schien pl\u00F6tzlich wie fortgewischt zu sein. Alles, was z\u00E4hlte"@de . . . . "Desire is the third youngest of the Endless and the twin of Despair. It is a strikingly beautiful gender mutable figure who can be male, female, both, or neither as the situation warrants. It is often referred to as \"sibling\" by its brethren, particularly Dream. Desire blends in effortlessly with whatever environment it finds itself in. It lives in the heart of a massive flesh-and-blood statue of itself, known as the Threshold. Desire's sigil is a heart of cut glass."@en . . "Year Released"@en . "X"@en . "\u6B32\u671B"@en . "Desire"@it . . . "2007-04-26"^^ . "Album"@en . . . "Our Guild Character/Trade levels 30+ The guild DESIRE strives to foster and build character relationships and communication between its members, yet also alternatively to \"whack\" smaller easily preyed upon monsters and non-guildie players. Openness and communication are important to at least half of the guild, while the other half cares nothing besides will they get the opportunity to \"smack\" something very soon. Perhaps we will sort out are priorities soon. Perhaps we just represent the way all of Dofus is. Come and join DESIRE and express yourself."@en . . . . "Desire is the 256th chapter of Akira Amano's Kateky\u014D Hitman Reborn!."@en . "Dezaia"@it . . "\"Desire\" is a song performed by U2, recorded on the album Rattle and Hum in 1988. The song appeared in the Miami Vice episode \"Fruit of the Poison Tree\"."@en . . "DESIRE"@en . . . "Artist"@en . "SilverColores"@es . . . "e749"@es . . . "Do As Infinity"@zh . . . "3"^^ . . . . . . . . . "anime"@es . . "Desire is the twenty-first episode of the third season and the 57th overall episode of Grey's Anatomy."@en . "1988"^^ .