. . "1775-1776: During the Invasion of Canada approved by the Continental Congress, Guy Charleton was killed in a hunting challenge from another hunter but his assassination remained unsolved. The Province of Quebec became weary for his assassination while still appointing a new governor for Quebec. General Schuyler was at an Indian conference on August 25 leading to a unification alliance against the British. Schuyler lead an army of 1000 men from Connecticut, New York, and New Hampshire to Montreal. The troops surround the city, cutting off communications in-and-out of the city while capturing supplies. Schuyler became too ill and handed over the position to Montgomery. Montgomery besieges Fort St. Johns on August 31 because of little influence from Guy Charleton that would have defended the region. The southern portion of the St. Lawrence river is occupied by Arnold's and Montgomery troops by September 12 while capturing Montreal and OTL Toronto. 1,500 men, lead by Benedict Arnold march east to Quebec. Benedict Arnold lead his troops to Quebec on December 12,1775 with adjointed troops with James Livingston and Montgomery's troops. Without Charleton's fortifications, Quebec was quickly seize and captured by the joint troops on December 25 Christmas. After the successful capturing of Quebec and Montreal, Congress sent re-enforcements from Connecticut, Vermont, and Massachusetts to cross the St. Lawrence River. George Washington makes quick negotiations with the Iroquois and the Quebeckers to assist the Americans to repel the British. Washington's militia secure major American cities from British attacks as such in Charleston, Boston, and New York. King George the 3rd became outraged and sent British redcoats in the Hudson River to repel the Americans at bay. Over 2000 American soldiers were sent to repel British troops in Quebec. By the mids-1776, the Americans were able to repel most of the British troops in the Province of Quebec as well as securing major British forts thanks to Benedict Arnold's strategic use of explosives and Washington's and Iroquois jointed armies. On July 4th 1776, the Declaration of Independence is signed recognizing the United States as a sovereign nation, and the British handing over Quebec and Nova Scotia (who joined after the capture of Halifax from Montgomery and support from the governor.) 1777: Washington lead a final standoff in upper Quebec repelling the final British uphold in Quebec. Thanks to Quebecs aid in the battle, the British retreated to Rupert's Land. American garrisons reached to upper Quebec to secure British forts by May. By November, the British king send in most of its remaining army against the United States. French ships defend the upcoming British navy in the Gulf Stream. Thanks to Napoleon's support, the Americans fend off the remaining ships in Boston, Philadelphia, Charlottetown and New York. George Washington convinces an Invasion of Rupert's Land with Quebec's, Nova Scotia's, and most of the thirteen colonies' armies. Washington and French generals train the enormous army of 60,000 troops with a few civilian volunteers from the winter of 1777. Flintlock muskets and rifles were invented and introduced to the French and American/Canadian armies which allowed US troops to advance in weaponry. More French and American troops joined the army. 1778: Almost 62,000 troops arrived at Quebec to gather supplies for the trip to Rupert's Land. By March, the battle of Churchill succeeded to the Americans thanks to a surprise attack at the northern city lead by Arnold and a naval attack lead by Captain John Paul Jones. With the major British uphold defeated in Churchill, the rest of Rupert's land began to follow up with the Americans. Rebellions soon rose up in many small towns in Rupert's land even depleting the British stronghold in Britain. Efforts to eliminate the British until November when the last British naval power in the Hudson Bay was sunken by Captain John. Many Canadians support the Americans with their free will and rights for the commons as well as religious freedom for Catholics whom been discriminated by the British. 1779: The last of the British troops soon was eliminated across Canada and the thirteen colonies, though more British ships still arrive to try to retake the colonies. King George the 3rd went into an outrage. The king ordered a blockade along the English Channel to the Bay of Biscay to prevent further French aid to the Americans while a British naval army sail to New York. In September, a French ship arrived at the English Channel to hijack one of the British ship. That British ship is used to pass through London unseen from the British guards and was able to destroy a large portion of the navy in the London docks. This act weakens the navy that an attack to the Americans was repealed until repairs to the navy. 1780: The British became war-weary and tired of losing to the Americans which further weakens British moral and contributions to the world. Because of the failed attempt to bombard the New England coast, the Treaty of Paris is signed to end the war. On September 3, 1780, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and John Jay signed the treaty representing the United States. The treaty claims: \n* Acknowledgement of the United States as a free, sovereign, and independent nation that the British Crown and its descendants shall relinquish claims to the government, property, and territorial rights. \n* Establishing the United States as claiming all of British lands in North America except the Bahamas (the British used the Bahamas as a jump point to North America and the only British military fort in North America). \n* Recognizing lawful debts owed to either sides of the war. \n* The Congress of Confederation will recommend to state legislatures to recognize the rightful of all confiscated lands \n* The United States shall not buy the Bahamas until 1800.( The British still need to decide on whether they shall sell the land to the US or not since the Bahamas hold little British forts and is difficult to defend. \n* Prisoners of war shall be handed over to their nation and shall be determined to set free or punished by only their originated government. \n* Great Britain does not continue trading on the Mississippi River as it does not hold land touching or near the river. \n* Ratification of the treaty shall occur within six months after signing. \n* Spain receives East and West Florida from the Anglo-Spanish War. 1781: The treaty is soon ratified while being confirmed to most of the states. 15 states joined the Union: 1-Delaware, 2-Pennsylvania, 3-New Jersey, 4-Georgia, 5-Conneticut, 6-Massuchusetts, 7-Maryland, 8-South Carolina, 9-New Hampshire, 10-Virginia, 11-New York, 12-North Carolina, 13-Rhode Island, 14-Quebec, and 15-Nova Scotia. 1782: Immigration to the United States begin to grow as of a large economy, freedom of rights, and free religion. US population reached four million by the end of June. Many Catholic or Jewish scientist immigrated to the United States to receive equal treatment and support for their inventions. 1783: Benedict Arnold secure immigration laws and restrictions to distribute thousands of the immigrants that come to America annually. 1785: The Fourth Anglo-Dutch war ends at the signing of the peace treaty that affirms British ownership in Capetown. The British organized the Drake colony after \"Sir Francis Drake\" which is quickly settled by Loyalist and anti-Americans in former Canada. Ben Franklin and Napoleon met in Paris as a US ambassador to France. Napoleon re-organized his French empire to be similar to the American system as influenced by Franklin's ideas. Though roughly the same, the re-organization allowed some free will to the commons."@en . . . "America's World Wars"@en . . . "1775-1776: During the Invasion of Canada approved by the Continental Congress, Guy Charleton was killed in a hunting challenge from another hunter but his assassination remained unsolved. The Province of Quebec became weary for his assassination while still appointing a new governor for Quebec. General Schuyler was at an Indian conference on August 25 leading to a unification alliance against the British. Schuyler lead an army of 1000 men from Connecticut, New York, and New Hampshire to Montreal. The troops surround the city, cutting off communications in-and-out of the city while capturing supplies. Schuyler became too ill and handed over the position to Montgomery. Montgomery besieges Fort St. Johns on August 31 because of little influence from Guy Charleton that would have defended the "@en .