. . "London"@en . . "Betsy Lave"@en . . "Betsy's mother - Karen Walls Lave - is a senior executive assistant for the vice-president of a muggle department store. Betsy's father - Barry Lave - is the executive chef of a muggle restaurant that serves Asian fusion cuisine. Betsy has three siblings - Older brother, Eric, manages a muggle bar in Soho. Older sister, Ellen, sells mobile phones in Cambridge Younger brother, Donald, works as a prep baker in the restaurant their father owns. The entire family is muggle except for Betsy."@en . . . "Betsy's mother - Karen Walls Lave - is a senior executive assistant for the vice-president of a muggle department store. Betsy's father - Barry Lave - is the executive chef of a muggle restaurant that serves Asian fusion cuisine. Betsy has three siblings - Older brother, Eric, manages a muggle bar in Soho. Older sister, Ellen, sells mobile phones in Cambridge Younger brother, Donald, works as a prep baker in the restaurant their father owns. The entire family is muggle except for Betsy."@en . . . . . . . "-"@en . "Excellent"@en . . "Administrator"@en . . "Betsy Lave"@en . . "Hidden Agenda"@en .