. . . "It's late in the evening, or maybe late in the early morning. You're at the end of a trying day of work, playing xBox, and being bored. Your girlfriend, boyfriend, or whoever, is fast asleep dreaming of spending time with someone other than you. You've tucked your kids, grandkids, mother, father, or grand parents into bed and sat down to find some spank material to take care of business before hitting the hay yourself."@en . "3084433"^^ . . "2008-05-30"^^ . "It's late in the evening, or maybe late in the early morning. You're at the end of a trying day of work, playing xBox, and being bored. Your girlfriend, boyfriend, or whoever, is fast asleep dreaming of spending time with someone other than you. You've tucked your kids, grandkids, mother, father, or grand parents into bed and sat down to find some spank material to take care of business before hitting the hay yourself. Channel after channel you find nothing on and are momentarily about to declare the evening a disappointing loss. At last, you find yourself enthralled in a feline-oriented program on Animal Planet, and to your great surprise, you're semi-aroused. \"How did this happen?\" you think. \"Is this really an efficient usage of my alone time? I guess I was looking for some pussy anyway. Should I really do this? The answer is yes, go ahead and masturbate freely. It is perfectly natural to find basic animal attraction sexy. You're certain that cats have been coughing up balls well before the French claimed to have invented oral sex."@en . . "Kitty porn"@en .