"No, this is not when you have \u201C21\u201D in a card game. Blackjacks are a small easy to conceal bludgeoning weapon capable of inflicting serious damage to both skin and bones. Blackjacks usually consist of a heavy metal weight wrapped in leather attached to a leather wrapped coiled spring with a lanyard on at the opposite end of the weight."@en . "San Francisco"@en . . "London"@en . "3.8"^^ . "Although small in size, the USP45 can still take a man down easily with a head shot. The H&K USP45 Compact Tactical combines the proven features of the full-size USP45 Tactical pistol in a smaller, more concealable package. Attach a silencer for a full featured assassination pistol."@en . "M1911.png"@en . . "Katana is a type of Japanese sword, and is one of the most common sub-category and a lot of foreigners confused them as the same thing. Originally used as a general term for single-edged sword, as opposed to tsurugi, which is double-edged sword, the term is now used specifically to describe swords that are around 70\u201390 cm long with a curved blade."@en . "Glauberyt.png"@en . "\"When Platypi Fight\""@en . "Model12.png"@en . "72.0"^^ . . . . "This assault rifle includes features such as a folding buttstock and tritium sights for aiming in low light conditions."@en . "2.1"^^ . "Just like the ones used by \"Predators\" in the movies, 2 serrated blades 16 inches long that retract from a wristband but instead of being forged from an unknown alloy which is almost unbreakable these are made from carbon steel and yes alien blood will dissolve them."@en . . "This compact yet versatile assault rifle fires the 5.56x45mm NATO cartridges, with its long barrel it offers accurate firing, although it is somewhat heavy. It looks like a gun right out of a sci-fi movie."@en . "ShortSword.png"@en . "A great entry level sniper rifle good to 700 yards."@en . "AK47.png"@en . "30"^^ . "baans bolas bombs bows guns (flintlock in Perdido Street Station, percussion cap as of Iron Council. slings stingboxes (and other metaclockwork weaponry) (Note that mechanical weaponry can be hexed with thaumaturgy for a variety of purposes) Yarritusks"@en . "IcePick.png"@en . "25"^^ . "BAR.png"@en . "20"^^ . . . "15"^^ . "2012-07-13"^^ . "4.2"^^ . "10"^^ . "The Fusil Automatique L\u00E9ger or FAL for short fires 7.62x51 NATO rounds. It has been described as the \"right arm of the free world\" its Warsaw Pact counterpart being the AK-47. In fully-automatic mode the shooter receives considerable abuse from recoil, and the weapon climbs off- target quickly."@en . "8"^^ . "9"^^ . "6"^^ . "Threat of Weaponery"@en . "Xm109.png"@en . "4"^^ . "5"^^ . "2"^^ . . "3"^^ . "1960.0"^^ . "1"^^ . "Not easy to conceal or lug around all day but who has not wanted to smash their arch enemies' face in with one, well now you can! Don't forget to use 2 hands for maximum swinging power."@en . "Daggers are typically a double-edged blade used for stabbing or thrusting and often fulfill the role of a secondary weapon in close combat. Many assassinations throughout history were reportedly carried out using a dagger."@en . . "A91.png"@en . "It's a very powerful weapon for its price, the obvious weaknesses are the reload time , the firing rate and the loss of power at long range."@en . "2.6"^^ . "1.5"^^ . "If you are going to shoot someone with an antique then this would be the gun. The BAR was designed in 1917 was mostly used in a light machine role with a bi-pod during several wars."@en . "\"Weaponry\" is a song from \"Norm Unleashed\" when Norm fights Perry the Platypus in Danville."@en . "This portable mechanical, motorized saw is most often used in logging for tasks such as felling, limbing, and bucking; by tree surgeons or for chopping up people in bathrooms; by Colombian drug dealers."@en . . "FARA83.png"@en . "The Mosin-Nagant is a bolt-action, five-round, magazine fed, military rifle that was used by the armed forces of Imperial Russia and later the Soviet Union and various Eastern bloc nations. The Mosin Nagant M1891/30 Sniper rifle with either the PU or PE scopes attached were the widow makers of the Eastern Front and Korea."@en . "The A-91 is a Russian bullpup gas operated assault rifle that fires 7.62x39mm rounds and also featuring an under slung 40 mm grenade launcher."@en . . "Although currently in limited use this 9mm submachine gun has some great features that were borrowed from the UZI and M16, making ripping through 800 rounds a minute pretty damn fun."@en . "45"^^ . "Dragunov.png"@en . "The Desert Eagle is not notably used in tactical combat by professionals; many units use .45 caliber pistols instead; typically the M1911, but it has a lot of stopping power. Accuracy isn't great."@en . "garrotewire.png"@en . "mosin.png"@en . "FAMASF1.png"@en . "11"^^ . "13"^^ . "Washington DC"@en . "10.4"^^ . "14"^^ . "700"^^ . "USP45CT.png"@en . "Norm, the Robot"@en . "15"^^ . "Bren.png"@en . "9.5"^^ . . "\"\""@en . . "6"^^ . . "Dagger.png"@en . "Norm and Danny Jacob"@en . "\"Weaponry\" is a song from \"Norm Unleashed\". It's sung by Norm while he rampages through the city."@en . "25"^^ . "4.8"^^ . "28"^^ . "Scimitar.png"@en . . "16"^^ . "\"Weaponry\" is a song from \"Norm Unleashed\". It's sung by Norm while he rampages through the city."@en . "18"^^ . "19"^^ . "22"^^ . . "23"^^ . "FNFAL.png"@en . "baans bolas bombs bows guns (flintlock in Perdido Street Station, percussion cap as of Iron Council. slings stingboxes (and other metaclockwork weaponry) (Note that mechanical weaponry can be hexed with thaumaturgy for a variety of purposes) Yarritusks"@en . "8.5"^^ . . "Tanto.png"@en . "Placeholder page."@en . "47"^^ . "7.9"^^ . "Are you a natural at slaying things? The skill of Weaponry relates to how well you can handle a weapon that may fall into your hands in the course of the game, and in Sryth, weapons of all types are very common, especially in the hands of nasty things intending to clobber you with them!"@en . "35"^^ . . "37"^^ . "39"^^ . "New York"@en . "1.2"^^ . "BrassKnuckles.png"@en . "7.7"^^ . "Medium"@en . "61"^^ . "Japanese samurai often carried this single edged knife which is about 12 inches in length. The tantō was designed primarily as a stabbing instrument, but the edge can be used to slash as well."@en . "63"^^ . "100.0"^^ . "51"^^ . "Super90.png"@en . "Usually made from a length of wire, cord, or rope a garrote can be used to silently strangle someone to death. Simply stalk your prey from behind, loop the garrote over your enemy's head and across the throat and tighten."@en . "53"^^ . "Bowie.png"@en . "75.0"^^ . "\"Weaponry\" is a song sung by Norm while he rampages through Danville."@en . "54"^^ . "55"^^ . "\"On the Savannah\""@en . "74"^^ . "75"^^ . "76"^^ . "2.4"^^ . "78"^^ . "5.2"^^ . "SteyrAUG.png"@en . "Despite their name brass knuckles are usually made from steel that is shaped to cover the knuckles of the user. The force of a punch thrown with these will result in greater tissue damage and pretty good odds of shattering any bone that gets in the way."@en . "The AK is simple, inexpensive to manufacture and easy to clean and maintain. Its ruggedness and reliability are legendary, this reliability comes at the cost of accuracy however."@en . "69"^^ . "A 7.62 mm semi-automatic sniper rifle, developed in the former Soviet Union. An interesting fact about this rifle is that the barrel is not fully rifled allowing for optional use of tracer and armor-piercing-incendiary ammunition. In the right hands it can easily drop a target at 1000 meters."@en . "Placeholder page."@en . "A one-handed sword with a blade of moderate length, shorter than a long sword and longer than a dagger. Much easier to conceal then a katana and just as good at chopping, slicing, stabbing and other sword stuff."@en . "Currently issued to the elite forces of the Russian military as a replacement for the AK-74. This gun is more accurate than the AK-74, has a higher rate of fire in burst mode, and it can mount a GP-30 grenade launcher and bayonet simultaneously but it costs about 6 times more to make one."@en . "MINIMI.png"@en . "March"@en . . "92"^^ . "The FAMAS assault rifle is of bullpup configuration and allows for ambidextrous usage, single shot, three-shot burst of fire or fully automatic fire selection."@en . "95"^^ . "Vancouver"@en . "BlackJack.png"@en . "83"^^ . "84"^^ . "Sledge.png"@en . "85"^^ . "This is an oldie but considered a reliable and effective light machine gun used by the UK for years. Firing 7.62x51mm NATO cartridge and fitted with a bi-pod, although it can easily be be mounted on a tripod or vehicle-mounted."@en . . "1970.0"^^ . "Just a wooden baseball bat, good for smashing balls."@en . "Slugger.png"@en . "98"^^ . "33.2"^^ . "The FN Minimi \u2014 the name coming from Mini-mitrailleuse"@en . "BootKnife.png"@en . "Coming Soon"@en . . "\"Weaponry\" is a song from \"Norm Unleashed\" when Norm fights Perry the Platypus in Danville."@en . . "Norm and his weapons"@en . "200"^^ . . "deserteagle.png"@en . "F2000.png"@en . "FloroMK9.png"@en . "Husqie.png"@en . "117"^^ . . "\"Weaponry\" is a song sung by Norm while he rampages through Danville."@en . "Coming Soon"@en . "M82.png"@en . "M16.png"@en . "Weaponry"@en . "Looks like a mini axe, it is easy to wield and very handy for chopping....things."@en . "Nunchaku.png"@en . "If you are looking to immobilize a vehicle, use this rifle with a .50 BMG round. Just pop a shot in the engine block to shut it down quickly or if pesky barriers such as brick walls and concrete blocks get in your way. This rifle works pretty good against armored foe's 1800 meters away too."@en . . "APS.png"@en . "130"^^ . "\"Real Boy\""@en . "This \"less then lethal\" electroshock weapon is meant to stun a targeted subject from a distance. Don't tell that to the 148 or so people that have died in the North America after being shocked with tasers by police officers since 1999."@en . "6.4"^^ . "Melee"@en . "waltherppk.png"@en . . "WristBlade.png"@en . "The bond special, useful for close range and very easy to conceal. German made and tested, so you know it works flawlessly."@en . . "Also called \"nunchucks\" or \"numchuks\", this melee weapon consists of two sticks connected at their ends with a short chain. Much practice is needed to ensure more damage is done to your opponent then to yourself."@en . . "AN94.png"@en . "Middle Eastern sword with a curved blade."@en . "The XM109, originally known as the Objective Sniper Weapon or as Barrett's \"Payload Rifle,\" is a semi-automatic anti-material rifle, designed primarily for engagement of light vehicles and similar materiel targets."@en . "The MP5 is the culmination of countless efforts to blend reliability, controllability and firepower into a small package and wide range of accessories have made it the submachine gun of choice for police and military world wide."@en . . "31"^^ . "Long"@en . "17.8"^^ . . "0.25"^^ . "9.8"^^ . "163"^^ . "Are you a natural at slaying things? The skill of Weaponry relates to how well you can handle a weapon that may fall into your hands in the course of the game, and in Sryth, weapons of all types are very common, especially in the hands of nasty things intending to clobber you with them!"@en . . "18"^^ . "19"^^ . "12.0"^^ . "Like most tools, icepicks have been used for more than their intended purpose. Easy to conceal, silent, and very stabby, make it a favorite choice for any self respecting hitman."@en . "1.65"^^ . "15"^^ . "8"^^ . "\"Robot Love Song\""@en . "9"^^ . "Berlin"@en . "The Stechkin was intended as a sidearm for artillery soldiers and tank crews. As a pistol, it is rather heavy, and combined with the shoulder stock , it is quite bulky. This led to the APS being gradually phased out of active service, although it is still held in reserve. The Stechkin APS was eventually replaced by the AKS-74U compact assault rifle with folding stock, offering more firepower due to its much more powerful 5.45x39mm M74 rifle ammunition."@en . "4"^^ . "5"^^ . "6"^^ . "7"^^ . "Psg1.png"@en . "1"^^ . "This submachine gun uses 9x19mm Parabellum caliber and is the official submachine gun of the Italian Army"@en . "2"^^ . "8.8"^^ . "3"^^ . "Hatchet.png"@en . "The PSG-1 is said to be the most accurate semi-auto in the world. There is a lot of other rifle manufacturers that will dispute this, but the PSG-1 has become the standard that the others must meet. The accuracy standard that all PSG-1's must meet is 50 rounds of match ammo into an 80mm circle at 300m. This long range rifle is the most accurate semi automatic sniper rifle in the game."@en . . "9000.0"^^ . . "Phineas and Ferb"@en . "The M1911 is a single-action, semiautomatic handgun chambered for the .45 ACP cartridge. This was the side arm for the US armed forces from 1911 to 1985."@en . "mp5.png"@en . "This double-edged 5 inch blade fits securely and discreetly in your spy boots, just waiting to be pulled on an unsuspecting enemy agent."@en . "Katana.png"@en . "Taser.png"@en . "Norm the robot"@en .