. . "Baccio"@en . "Baccio is a character from Mother 3. He is the drummer in the band DCMC. He bears a slight resemblance to Frank fly of the Earthbound series. File:Mr.Saturn Walk(Front).gifThis article is a . It is, in fact, so stubby, you cannot grasp the true form of its stubbiness. You can make My English Wiki h a p p y... by expanding it, N e s s..."@en . "Baccio is a character from Mother 3. He is the drummer in the band DCMC. He bears a slight resemblance to Frank fly of the Earthbound series. File:Mr.Saturn Walk(Front).gifThis article is a . It is, in fact, so stubby, you cannot grasp the true form of its stubbiness. You can make My English Wiki h a p p y... by expanding it, N e s s..."@en . . . .