"Brandon"@fr . . . "unknown"@en . "1"^^ . "Brandon (last name unknown) is the brother of Kaylie Morgan's best friend. He has a crush on her, but is at the age where teasing her is still more fun."@en . . . . "Mark Hauser"@en . . . . . . . "Brandon was a waiter at Biggerson's."@en . . "Brandon \u00E8 uno dei pi\u00F9 anziani pirati agli ordini di Greg. E' alla ricerca di una bevanda forte, che solo Samuel sappia distillare. Nella caccia al Rasoio potrete portare anche Brandon con voi."@it . . "Master Brandon"@en . "Alive"@en . . . "20"^^ . . . . . "Leader"@en . "Brandon Lee"@en . . "Faceva parte del Team del Cargo"@it . . . . . . . . . . "m\u0119ska"@pl . "Human"@en . . "Brandon ist ein Mitglied der Frachtschiff-Crew. Minkowski sagt, er und Brandon h\u00E4tten den Frachter in einem Beiboot verlassen und versucht, sich die Insel genauer anzusehen. Sie h\u00E4tten allerdings umkehren m\u00FCssen, da Brandon angefangen habe durchzudrehen. Was danach geschehen ist, ist unklar, Minkowski sagt jedoch, dass Brandon sich jetzt in einem Leichensack befinde. (\u201E\u201C)"@de . . . . "--10-14"^^ . . . . . . . "Kradzie\u017C niemo\u017Cliwa"@pl . "Brandon"@de . . . . . . "[[]]"@pl . "BrandoCorp Laser Blaster Model 1"@en . . "Brandon is a member of the Alco-Hogs. His name is a pun on brandy."@en . "Gianfranco Miranda"@en . "Brandon"@pl . . "Hellblond"@de . "nieznane"@pl . "--09-23"^^ . "Brandon is a Troublemaking Kid of the Comedy Series by Kitty0706, Elliot Goes to School, He Debuted in the First Episode. He is usually making the worlds worst jokes, and he always changes into Random outfits every episode. Although he usually targets Elliot (Who he rarely gets along with), his enemy is Mr.Higglesworth. He also has a very childish voice, However from time to time he speaks with a very deep manly voice, then starts laughing in the same childish voice while doing some kind of arm spasm. In Elliot Goes Camping he acts like a narrator instead of what he acted like in the previous episodes."@en . . . . . . . "Brandon is a cameo character. He is Nat's twin brother. Brandon appeared in Patrick Copy taking a picture of 10 Nats. He is also a TV star and has a role in a TV series called Tyler (TV Show). He appeared in: Balloon Party (Cameo) Nat's Son (Cameo) Uncle Day (Major Role) Pie Day (Cameo)"@en . "27"^^ . "Brandon"@es . "Brandon is an NPC."@en . . . "Massimiliano Alto"@en . . . "Anytown, United States"@en . . . . . "Brandon"@de . ""@en . . "Gianluca Crisafi"@en . "czarne"@pl . "Frank Frankson"@ro . "American"@en . . . . . "250"^^ . . . . "35"^^ . . . . "Muerto"@es . "Brandon is a black Magikoopa and one of the two best friends of Neo Koopa (the other being Austin). He is a Magikoopa with a black cloak and a green wand. While Neo can already cast a wide variety of magic, Brandon's magic abilities are far beyond that and surpass even Kammy Koopa's magic skills. He is a captain of the New Koopa Troop."@en . . "June 2015"@en . . . . . . . "Brandon was a kid in Greg's swimming team during Rodrick Rules. He briefly appeared and was mentioned when his mother was cheering him on."@en . . . . . . . . . "Nieznany"@pl . . . "M\u00E2le"@fr . . . . . . "Brandon was a student at Redding Prep, and one of a clique of friends. He was the mastermind in the death. He had recently started to date his friend Amanda after her previous boyfriend, Donny Kendall - another of their group - had stopped paying attention to her, due to a family crisis that culminated in Donny's father losing his job. However, Brandon's sheer arrogance left him almost incapable of accepting the knowledge that he was merely Amanda's second choice."@en . . "7"^^ . . . . . "Adam Gregory"@ro . "Elstred's wife"@en . "150"^^ . . "Brandon was a crew member aboard the Kahana. Brandon and Minkowski has left the freighter on the ship's tender, in an attempt to reach to Island. The trip was short-lived when Brandon began \"acting crazy\" and they needed to head back. Is it unknown exactly what happened to Brandon, however, Minkowski informed Desmond and Sayid that he was in a body bag. (The Constant)"@en . . "File:No Screenshot.png"@en . . . . . . . . "259"^^ . . "Brandon is a young human boy who lives in a small refugee village near the border of Shin Makoku. Yuuri meets him on the way to the capital playing baseball with Conrad. When his village is attacked by other humans and one of them tries to kidnap Yuuri Brandon runs up to save him and is knocked down. Yuuri promises that he will protect them and agrees to become the Maou."@en . "Enhanced intelligence"@en . "Brandon_Mii.png"@en . . "Zi de na\u015Ftere"@ro . . . "Brandon was a crew member aboard the Kahana. Brandon and Minkowski has left the freighter on the ship's tender, in an attempt to reach to Island. The trip was short-lived when Brandon began \"acting crazy\" and they needed to head back. Is it unknown exactly what happened to Brandon, however, Minkowski informed Desmond and Sayid that he was in a body bag. (The Constant)"@en . "Brandon \u00E9tait un membre du cargo. Dans l'\u00E9pisode Perdu dans le temps Minkowski raconte \u00E0 Sayid et Desmond que Brandon avait voulu aller faire un tour avec le canot de sauvetage pour essayer de voir l'\u00EEle mais quand il est revenu il a commenc\u00E9 \u00E0 se comporter comme un fou, subissant les effets secondaires du voyage vers l'\u00EEle. Il semble qu'il soit d\u00E9sormais mort car Minkowski dit \u00E0 son sujet qu'il est d\u00E9sormais \u00AB dans un sac \u00E0 cadavre \u00BB. (Perdu dans le temps)"@fr . . . "Kyra"@en . "Brandon visits the Scranton Branch after Andy orders Jamaican food for the staff during a late night work event. He becomes jealous upon seeing Darryl and openly admits he believes that he and Val are having an affair. Brandon then forces Darryl to read his texts to Val in front of the office to prove that Darryl is doing this. Darryl proves that this isn't the case (After Hours). Brandon becomes jealous after he sees Darryl giving Hide and Calvin a tour of the new warehouse since their departure and greatly compliments Val. A jealous Brandon then insults Darryl but Darryl plays it off. Val is later seen with Darryl holding his hand implying that she broke up with Brandon so that she could date Darryl. (Free Family Portrait Studio)."@en . . . "35"^^ . . . "Brandon"@en . "?"@pl . . . "Brandon is the Pyramid King of the Battle Pyramid. He is a Frontier Brain in Hoenn; his symbol is the Brave Symbol."@en . . "Evolved human"@en . "Jake Paque"@en . "Mark Hauser"@ro . "1"^^ . "Hoenn"@en . . . . . . "Brandon \u2013 posta\u0107, wyst\u0119puj\u0105ca w Gothic II: Noc Kruka. Jest to pirat, kt\u00F3ry mieszka w obozie pirat\u00F3w w Jarkendarze."@pl . . "Some time later, the two had a talk, and the Gold Ranger discovered that she came from another city. Once in Angel Grove, she suffered a \"New girl in town\" syndrome, and the bikers where the only ones to accept her. Jason pushed her in talking with them about the restaurant. She does so, and is hired as a waitress in the place, apparently starting a romantic relationship with Jason."@en . . . . . . . . "Artist"@en . "Brandon is voiced by Seth Green."@en . "Brandon era miembro de la tripulaci\u00F3n del carguero Kahana. \u00C9l y el oficial de comunicaciones Minkowski dejaron el carguero en un bote y se dirigieron a la Isla, pero tuvieron que regresar al carguero cuando Brandon empez\u00F3 a comportarse como \"un loco\". Lo que le pas\u00F3 exactamente a Brandon es desconocido; Minkowski dijo que Brandon estaba ahora en una \"bolsa de pl\u00E1stico\". Podemos suponer que su causa de muerte fue por razones similares a la de Minkowski. (\"[[|]]\")"@es . . . "N/A"@it . . "No one at the happenings where Brandon used to make changes to his own body gave a damn about what he was doing. Weary of the indifference, he started making changes to other people's bodies without necessarily asking their permission. Having finally received recognition from his critics for his ground-breaking work , he now roams the streets for the love of art\u2026 martial art, that is."@en . . "Humano\u00EFde"@fr . . . . . "Yes"@en . . . "nieznane"@pl . . . . . "Brandon faceva parte dell'equipaggio della Kahana, il cargo da cui sono partiti i due elicotteri con sopra i boaties; Brandon era anche un compagno e amico di Minkowski, altro membro dell'equipaggio addetto alle telecomunicazioni. A quanto detto da quest'ultimo, Brandon ha cominciato ad \"ammalarsi\" poco tempo dopo che i due ebbero fatto un viaggio in canotto dal cargo verso l'isola, conclusosi poi con la sua morte (e successivamente quella di Minkowski)."@it . "Brandon, labeled as The Nice Boy is a contestant in Total Drama Pandemonium."@en . . "Yes"@es . . "Nanni Baldini"@en . . "Crewmitglied auf dem Frachtschiff"@de . "Brandon was a student at Redding Prep, and one of a clique of friends. He was the mastermind in the death. He had recently started to date his friend Amanda after her previous boyfriend, Donny Kendall - another of their group - had stopped paying attention to her, due to a family crisis that culminated in Donny's father losing his job. However, Brandon's sheer arrogance left him almost incapable of accepting the knowledge that he was merely Amanda's second choice. To this end, he exploited the group's habit of playing a game of mock 'Russian Roulette' with fake bullets by planting a real bullet in the gun, when Max Heller was firing it at Donny during a late-night rendezvous in Central Park, resulting in Max shooting Donny by accident. After the rest of the group had run off, Brandon returned to the bench where Donny's body had been left, and dragged it to a boat in the lake, intending to make it look like a drug deal gone wrong. Even after the truth about the Russian Roulette game came out, Brandon attempted to divert suspicion, by getting the increasingly-guilty Max drunk and killing him in a manner intended to look like a suicide. He also revealed that he had kept a recording Amanda had made of the event, on their BlueTooth-linked cellphones, to confirm their story. However, Castle realized that there was no reason for them to tape that particular event - as it was not a novelty, but rather something they had done several times before - unless someone knew that the game that night would be important, and Max's high blood-alcohol count at the time of death made it unlikely that he was conscious enough to pull the trigger. Although Brandon casually but arrogantly dismissed this new evidence, by claiming that his family could provide any number of experts to 'confirm' that Max's death was a suicide, analysis of Brandon and Max's phones revealed that the phones had linked when Max was killed, meaning that Brandon had to have been within 20 feet of Max. Castle subsequently tricked Brandon into confessing to the crime by pretending to 'sympathize' with Brandon's arrogant belief that others should recognize how great he was."@en . . "Brandon is a member of the ZNG. He is often referred to as Weave, Weaver, Weavster, Big Daddy Weave, and Hank. He use to masquerade around Miiverse as Weave but decided to abandon his high school nickname after heckling from his wife. While not a founding member, Brandon was a ZNG member before the ZNG was started, according to Stagger. Brandon holds the record for ZNG member who was born furthest north. He made that record up himself and hopes none of the other members try to dispute it. He fostered his love for Zelda during long Alaskan winter nights where he would fervishly immerse himself in the game hoping that he would be assimilated into it to end his frozen misery. He was also dragged out to the Aleutian Chain against his will in order to be of use to his family's fishing business. To make up for the injustices he would cart along his N64 with Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. He has since gained an appreciation for the family business and is the only one of his siblings that still participates. His fishing background probably explains why he loves the fishing side quests in the Zelda games that offer it. Something that he and Justin86 share. Brandon continues to be active on Miiverse but can also be found on Twitter @bjweaver12 for those interested in following his gaming exploits outside of Wii U and 3DS. He would be ecstatic if others joined him. Mobile Friend Codes Fire Emblem Heroes: 9713337697 Super Mario Run: 2415-7782-5525"@en . "\u30B8\u30F3\u30C0\u30A4 Jindai"@en . . "16"^^ . . . . . "erw\u00E4hnt in"@de . "Deceased"@en . . "Mr. T"@en . "aquos"@de . "TDS: TBA"@pl . "Tenth"@en . "Prince Sky"@en . "12"^^ . "sconosciuta"@it . "13"^^ . . . . . . "Le pr\u00E9nom Brandon, originaire des Etats-unis, s'est r\u00E9pandu \u00E0 partir des ann\u00E9es 1980 majoritairement dans les familles populaires, \u00E0 faible revenus, facilement influen\u00E7ables et influenc\u00E9es par les s\u00E9ries am\u00E9ricaines alors en pleine expansion comme Dallas, Alerte \u00E0 Malibu, Les feux de l'amour. Les personnes d\u00E9nomm\u00E9es Brandon sont alors victimes d'une s\u00E9v\u00E8re discrimination, \u00E0 juste titre, par leurs semblables ayant des noms normaux, c'est \u00E0 dire fran\u00E7ais."@fr . . . . "Brandon is a Neathian from the planet Neathia. He unwillingly created a dimensional transport, and arrived on New Vestroia, where he met his Bakugan partner, Trident."@en . . . . . . "Alliance"@fr . . "Brandon was a kid in Greg's swimming team during Rodrick Rules. He briefly appeared and was mentioned when his mother was cheering him on."@en . . . . "Yes"@en . . "177"^^ . . . "Brandon"@ro . . "A lupta cu o spad\u0103 verde"@ro . . "40"^^ . . . "blue"@en . . . . "Brandon by\u0142 cz\u0142onkiem za\u0142ogi frachtowca Kahana. Minkowski powiedzia\u0142, \u017Ce razem z nim opu\u015Bcili statek za pomoc\u0105 szalupy ratunkowej i pop\u0142yn\u0119li zobaczy\u0107 wysp\u0119. Musieli jednak zawr\u00F3ci\u0107, gdy\u017C Brandon \"oszala\u0142\". Nie wiadomo co sta\u0142o si\u0119 p\u00F3\u017Aniej, wiadomo jednak, \u017Ce zmar\u0142. Minkowski stwierdzi\u0142, \u017Ce jego towarzysz obecnie le\u017Cy w worku na zw\u0142oki."@pl . . "V\u00E2rst\u0103"@ro . . . . "4"^^ . . . . . "Rela\u0163ii"@ro . . . . . . . . "Brandon"@pl . . "s\u0142odkie rzeczy"@pl . . . . "James"@en . "sconosciuto"@it . . . . . "22"^^ . . "Brandon"@ro . . "2004-12-22"^^ . . . "No one at the happenings where Brandon used to make changes to his own body gave a damn about what he was doing. Weary of the indifference, he started making changes to other people's bodies without necessarily asking their permission. Having finally received recognition from his critics for his ground-breaking work , he now roams the streets for the love of art\u2026 martial art, that is."@en . "Good"@en . "Male"@en . . "Brandon era miembro de la tripulaci\u00F3n del carguero Kahana. \u00C9l y el oficial de comunicaciones Minkowski dejaron el carguero en un bote y se dirigieron a la Isla, pero tuvieron que regresar al carguero cuando Brandon empez\u00F3 a comportarse como \"un loco\". Lo que le pas\u00F3 exactamente a Brandon es desconocido; Minkowski dijo que Brandon estaba ahora en una \"bolsa de pl\u00E1stico\". Podemos suponer que su causa de muerte fue por razones similares a la de Minkowski. (\"[[|]]\")"@es . . . . . . . . "Massimiliano Alto , Nanni Baldini , Gianluca Crisafi , Gianfranco Miranda"@ro . "2006-01-17"^^ . "verstorben"@de . . "Brandon, labeled as The Nice Boy is a contestant in Total Drama Pandemonium."@en . . . . . . "unbekannt"@de . . . "Brandon"@de . . "Ardor"@en . . "Brandon faceva parte dell'equipaggio della Kahana, il cargo da cui sono partiti i due elicotteri con sopra i boaties; Brandon era anche un compagno e amico di Minkowski, altro membro dell'equipaggio addetto alle telecomunicazioni. A quanto detto da quest'ultimo, Brandon ha cominciato ad \"ammalarsi\" poco tempo dopo che i due ebbero fatto un viaggio in canotto dal cargo verso l'isola, conclusosi poi con la sua morte (e successivamente quella di Minkowski)."@it . "sconosciuta"@it . . . "Brandon Kynston"@de . . . . . "President Brandon"@en . "30"^^ . . "1.82"^^ . . "Brandon"@de . . . "Brandon succeeded his mother, Queen Adina, as the ruler of Deltora. Brandon suffered the same manipulation as his mother and grandfather before him; he only wore the Belt of Deltora three times in his reign, as his chief advisor encouraged, and he was the last king until King Lief that wore the Belt more than once. Brandon's chief advisor also urged the king to move from Adin's humble forge to the palace of Del after the palace was built. When Brandon died, his son, Lucan, succeeded him as king."@en . . "No"@en . . "Brandon is the president of an unknown pokemon coporation, and an optional battle for those seeking to take on the Elite Four."@en . "Common"@en . . "Er hatte einen Auftritt in der ersten Staffel in der er gegen die Armee von Naga k\u00E4mpft. Brandon ist ein Charakter aus Bakugan:Neu Vestroia. Er traf in einem Park auf Dan. en:Brandon Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Neu Vestroia Charaktere Kategorie:Aquos Kategorie:Aquosspieler"@de . "Brandon"@pl . . "Male.jpg"@es . "Adult"@en . "Brandon"@en . "Some time later, the two had a talk, and the Gold Ranger discovered that she came from another city. Once in Angel Grove, she suffered a \"New girl in town\" syndrome, and the bikers where the only ones to accept her. Jason pushed her in talking with them about the restaurant. She does so, and is hired as a waitress in the place, apparently starting a romantic relationship with Jason. Brandon has not been seen after Glyph Hanger, in Turbo and the 215th episode, but he is mentioned for the last time in Cars Attacks and still working at the Juice Bar at the time. His current whereabouts and relationship with Nicole are unknown."@en . . . . "Absolute Discipline Student Council"@en . . . . . "Octopi"@en . . "Javelin/Lance"@en . . "Mr. T"@en . "3"^^ . . . "Madelin"@en . . "Rechtschaffend B\u00F6se"@de . . . . "Legend Tiger"@en . . . . . . . . "Adam Gregory"@en . . "si\u0142acz"@pl . . "Yes"@en . . "Nie \u017Cyje"@pl . . . . . "Brandon succeeded his mother, Queen Adina, as the ruler of Deltora. Brandon suffered the same manipulation as his mother and grandfather before him; he only wore the Belt of Deltora three times in his reign, as his chief advisor encouraged, and he was the last king until King Lief that wore the Belt more than once. Brandon's chief advisor also urged the king to move from Adin's humble forge to the palace of Del after the palace was built. Brandon contracted the Ralad people to build a magnificent palace on a hill at the centre of Del, which the royal family moved into. It became a custom for the royal family to always stay \"safely\" within the palace walls, away from the common people. Brandon did not live to see the palace fully completed, as it took forty years to complete; he lived on the ground floor of the palace. Brandon's reign also saw the beginning of the rat plague in Hira. When Brandon died, his son, Lucan, succeeded him as king."@en . "Lord Brandon Locksley"@de . . "Brandon"@de . "Mitzi"@ro . . . . . . "Shilly"@en . "In a school well-known for its strict rules, there is a student council that rules with the iron fist. They will bring justice into their own hands, regardless of the time or place. They've stepped onto the field to bring justice."@en . . . . . "Cooking"@en . . . . "Brandon is the president of an unknown pokemon coporation, and an optional battle for those seeking to take on the Elite Four."@en . . . . "Brandon is a scholar. He is involved in the Bale's Disappearance Quest through the subquest Wise man Brandon Quest. His house is in the north west of Madelin ."@en . "Brandon is voiced by Seth Green."@en . "Brandon ist ein Mitglied der Frachtschiff-Crew. Minkowski sagt, er und Brandon h\u00E4tten den Frachter in einem Beiboot verlassen und versucht, sich die Insel genauer anzusehen. Sie h\u00E4tten allerdings umkehren m\u00FCssen, da Brandon angefangen habe durchzudrehen. Was danach geschehen ist, ist unklar, Minkowski sagt jedoch, dass Brandon sich jetzt in einem Leichensack befinde. (\u201E\u201C)"@de . . "84"^^ . . . . . "Specialist"@en . "Brandon is Tyler Evans's friend. He and Tyler get wrapped into the Visitors scheme when Lisa, a beautiful visitor guide, encourages them to become a part of something big by joining the V Peace Ambassador Program."@en . . . . "Brandon was a minor brawler in Bakugan Battle Brawlers, who was an Aquos Brawler that fought against Naga's Bakugan, but he appeared again in Bakugan Battle Brawlers: New Vestroia in the theme park where the Resistance went to. When he saw Dan, he tried to make Dan remember him. He owns an Aquos Juggernoid and used it against an army of Darkus Gargonoids."@en . "Afilieri"@ro . "Brave Symbol"@en . "*Boss minion\n*Can be sold for 11,000 Gold"@en . . . "Brandon .png"@pl . "nieznana"@pl . . . . . "Brandon"@en . "Brandon by\u0142 cz\u0142onkiem za\u0142ogi frachtowca Kahana. Minkowski powiedzia\u0142, \u017Ce razem z nim opu\u015Bcili statek za pomoc\u0105 szalupy ratunkowej i pop\u0142yn\u0119li zobaczy\u0107 wysp\u0119. Musieli jednak zawr\u00F3ci\u0107, gdy\u017C Brandon \"oszala\u0142\". Nie wiadomo co sta\u0142o si\u0119 p\u00F3\u017Aniej, wiadomo jednak, \u017Ce zmar\u0142. Minkowski stwierdzi\u0142, \u017Ce jego towarzysz obecnie le\u017Cy w worku na zw\u0142oki."@pl . "Szalone Telenowele"@pl . . "Pir_1366_addon_Brandon"@pl . "Del"@en . . . . . . . . . "Brandon"@en . . "Schutz"@de . . "Brandon is a Neathian from the planet Neathia. He unwillingly created a dimensional transport, and arrived on New Vestroia, where he met his Bakugan partner, Trident."@en . . "Sch\u00E4tzungsweise f\u00FCnfundzwanzig bis drei\u00DFig Sommer d\u00FCrfte dieser Mann schon gesehen haben. Seine aristokratischen Gesichtsz\u00FCge und die blauen Augen wirken freundlich, gar symphatisch. In Gespr\u00E4chen werdet ihr auch die angenehme Stimmfarbe erkennen, tief und klar dringt sie an euer Ohr. Mag seine Haut darauf schlie\u00DFen lassen, dass er sich viel im freien aufh\u00E4lt - sein Gesicht weist trotz dieser Tatsache keine Makel auf. Die Jugend und die Natur bescherten ihm in Kombination mit seiner ruhigen, bedachten Art eine charismatische Ausstrahlung. An der gepflegten Kleidung oder der polierten teuer anmutenden R\u00FCstung, sowie dem sauber rasierten Gesicht und dem ordentlichen Haarschnitt erkennt man das der Herr mindestens dem gehobenen Mittelstand angeh\u00F6rt."@de . . . . . . "Brandon (czytaj Brand\u0105) ekscentryczny, szalony oraz nienormalny cz\u0142owiek. Wyst\u0119puje w seriach: \n* Seriale Totalnej Pora\u017Cki \n* Jest wzorowany na Duncanie, lecz jest od niego du\u017Co bardziej straszny. \n* Nie zna lito\u015Bci. \n* Podobno zna Ev\u0119 z niemi\u0142ych do\u015Bwiadcze\u0144. Prowadzili mi\u0119dzy sob\u0105 bitwy."@pl . "8.836128E8"^^ . "Acquires a large amount of Gold when sold."@en . . "Brandon.jpg"@pl . . . . "Brandon is a black Magikoopa and one of the two best friends of Neo Koopa (the other being Austin). He is a Magikoopa with a black cloak and a green wand. While Neo can already cast a wide variety of magic, Brandon's magic abilities are far beyond that and surpass even Kammy Koopa's magic skills. He is a captain of the New Koopa Troop."@en . "Nicky"@en . . . . "n/a"@de . . "Bubba"@en . "Brandon"@it . . . . . . . "Brandon is a member of the ZNG. He is often referred to as Weave, Weaver, Weavster, Big Daddy Weave, and Hank. He use to masquerade around Miiverse as Weave but decided to abandon his high school nickname after heckling from his wife. While not a founding member, Brandon was a ZNG member before the ZNG was started, according to Stagger. Brandon holds the record for ZNG member who was born furthest north. He made that record up himself and hopes none of the other members try to dispute it. Mobile Friend Codes Fire Emblem Heroes: 9713337697 Super Mario Run: 2415-7782-5525"@en . "Sr.Wario"@en . "Brandon"@es . "Brandon"@it . . . . . "Brandon is a Troublemaking Kid of the Comedy Series by Kitty0706, Elliot Goes to School, He Debuted in the First Episode. He is usually making the worlds worst jokes, and he always changes into Random outfits every episode. Although he usually targets Elliot (Who he rarely gets along with), his enemy is Mr.Higglesworth. He also has a very childish voice, However from time to time he speaks with a very deep manly voice, then starts laughing in the same childish voice while doing some kind of arm spasm. In Elliot Goes Camping he acts like a narrator instead of what he acted like in the previous episodes. Brandon is Voice By RunFromTheMinges Trivia: -List of Clothes Brandon Wore: \n* Pilot: Black T shirt with a Shamwow sign print in Yellow \n* Pep Rallies: A Metro Cop Costume *Without Gasmask* (from Half Life 2) \n* Field Trip: A Simple Stormtrooper armor from Star Wars *Without Helmet* \n* Mondays: A Black Suit with a white shirt and Pink Tie with Brandon Printed 5 or 4 Time in Yellow Along the Tie - Some Runnings Gags with Brandon Always Occured: \n* Attacking and (usualy) injuring Miss Person \n* Over excessive use of the words \"Gay\" or \"Tit\" \n* Insulting Elliot \n* Always Interupting Mr Cool \n* Irratating Mr Higglesworth and the Gym Coach \n* Shutting Faces (episode 3) \n* Saying \"Xavior's a TAY-TOR-TOT!\" Brandon is one of the 6 Bald Characters (Others Being: Mr Higglesworth, The Gym Coach, Elmer, The Lunch Lady and Possibly Chris) Quotes: \n* \"Wow Mr.Cool! Such a cool name! I wish my last name was cool!\" \n* \"Wow a double F? That sounds sexy!\" \n* \"More like: 'text to gay!'\" \n* \"'Dillydally!!'? Who ever says THAT anymore? Oh wait Mr.Cool does!\" \n* \"fail fail fail fail fail fial fael fail!! \n* \"Wow That sounds gayer than TITS!! \n* \"Language!\" \n* \"Oh, Okay, Sorry\" \n* \"Holy Tits! Is that Chocolate!?\" (quotes in Elliot Goes Camping) \n* \"Oh, ok.\" \n* \"YOUR CURSE!\" \n* \"I just said that!\""@en . . "3"^^ . "Brandon"@fr . "unbekannt"@de . . "Brandon is a member of the Alco-Hogs. His name is a pun on brandy."@en . . "Brandon est un enfant humain qui p\u00EAche dans les canaux d'Hurlevent. Cat\u00E9gorie:Humain Cat\u00E9gorie:Humano\u00EFde Cat\u00E9gorie:Hurlevent Cat\u00E9gorie:Alliance"@fr . . "topaz"@en . . . "Unknown"@en . "2"^^ . . "Sch\u00E4tzungsweise f\u00FCnfundzwanzig bis drei\u00DFig Sommer d\u00FCrfte dieser Mann schon gesehen haben. Seine aristokratischen Gesichtsz\u00FCge und die blauen Augen wirken freundlich, gar symphatisch. In Gespr\u00E4chen werdet ihr auch die angenehme Stimmfarbe erkennen, tief und klar dringt sie an euer Ohr. Mag seine Haut darauf schlie\u00DFen lassen, dass er sich viel im freien aufh\u00E4lt - sein Gesicht weist trotz dieser Tatsache keine Makel auf. Die Jugend und die Natur bescherten ihm in Kombination mit seiner ruhigen, bedachten Art eine charismatische Ausstrahlung."@de . "Squire Brandon"@en . "Brandon este scutierul \u015Fi garda de corp a lui Sky, un mare spadasin. \u015Ei este iubitul Stellei. \u00CEn primul episod, s-a prezentat ca prin\u0163ul Sky, dar mai t\u00E2rziu a admis minciuna sa \u015Fi a fost revelat c\u0103 el este Brandon."@ro . "Brandon is the artist patient suffering from perceptual difficulties in the episode Adverse Events. He is portrayed by actor Breckin Meyer."@en . . "Origine"@ro . "Crewmitglied auf dem Frachtschiff"@de . . "Rebirth"@en . . "Brandon is Tyler Evans's friend. He and Tyler get wrapped into the Visitors scheme when Lisa, a beautiful visitor guide, encourages them to become a part of something big by joining the V Peace Ambassador Program."@en . . . . . "Rachel"@en . . "Greg Abbey"@en . . . "Brandon is an NPC."@en . . "300"^^ . . . "__INDEX__ __INDEX__ Brandon ist ein Sch\u00FCler der Roten Font\u00E4ne-Schule, wo er zum Spezialisten ausgebildet wird. Er ist Skys bester Freund und mit diesem zusammen auf Eraklyon aufgewachsen. Dar\u00FCber hinaus ist er bei der K\u00F6nigsfamilie als Knappe angestellt. Er tauschte anfangs mit Sky die Rollen, um ihn zu sch\u00FCtzen,da er der Prinz von Eraklyon ist. Als sie die Wahrheit herausfindet, sagt sie ihm, dass er kein Prinz zu sein braucht, damit sie ihn mag. Die beiden werden ein Paar. Wie sich herausstellt, mag Brandon an Stella mehr als nur ihr gutes Aussehen. Als Stella Anfang der dritten Staffel von Chimera in ein Monster verwandelt wird, sagt Brandon ihr, dass ihr Aussehen ihm v\u00F6llig egal ist, er liebt sie auch so. Brandon steht zusammen mit den anderen Spezialisten den Winx immer im Kampf bei. Neben Sky und Riven ist er einer der besten Krieger. Kategorie:Charaktere (Winx Club)"@de . "Brandon in all his certainty"@en . "Abilit\u0103\u0163i de lupt\u0103"@ro . "Broadsword"@en . . . "nieznane"@pl . "280"^^ . "Temporal displacement"@en . . . . "Le pr\u00E9nom Brandon, originaire des Etats-unis, s'est r\u00E9pandu \u00E0 partir des ann\u00E9es 1980 majoritairement dans les familles populaires, \u00E0 faible revenus, facilement influen\u00E7ables et influenc\u00E9es par les s\u00E9ries am\u00E9ricaines alors en pleine expansion comme Dallas, Alerte \u00E0 Malibu, Les feux de l'amour. Les personnes d\u00E9nomm\u00E9es Brandon sont alors victimes d'une s\u00E9v\u00E8re discrimination, \u00E0 juste titre, par leurs semblables ayant des noms normaux, c'est \u00E0 dire fran\u00E7ais."@fr . . . "Brandon is a student at P.S. 38 who was once elected class president."@en . . "Brandon visits the Scranton Branch after Andy orders Jamaican food for the staff during a late night work event. He becomes jealous upon seeing Darryl and openly admits he believes that he and Val are having an affair. Brandon then forces Darryl to read his texts to Val in front of the office to prove that Darryl is doing this. Darryl proves that this isn't the case (After Hours)."@en . . "Brandon is a fictional blonde scientist with an IQ far above anyone else. He is one of the smartest people in the world, and his genius has always existed. He founded the popular company BrandoCorp and runs it. He originated in the cult classic Nicktoon Nicky and went on to appear in many other shows as a recurring, main, or minor character. Brandon is related to a group of rebels who stole the town of Anytown, where he now resides. Brandon's signature weapon is the BrandoCorp Laser Blaster Model 1."@en . . "Brandon (last name unknown) is the brother of Kaylie Morgan's best friend. He has a crush on her, but is at the age where teasing her is still more fun."@en . "Brandon is a cameo character. He is Nat's twin brother. Brandon appeared in Patrick Copy taking a picture of 10 Nats. He is also a TV star and has a role in a TV series called Tyler (TV Show). He appeared in: Balloon Party (Cameo) Nat's Son (Cameo) Uncle Day (Major Role) Pie Day (Cameo)"@en . . "Blau"@de . "br\u0105zowe"@pl . "Freighter crew member"@en . "Brandon \u00E8 uno dei pi\u00F9 anziani pirati agli ordini di Greg. E' alla ricerca di una bevanda forte, che solo Samuel sappia distillare. Nella caccia al Rasoio potrete portare anche Brandon con voi."@it . "Brandon Lee"@en . "Dublat\u0103 de"@ro . . . "__INDEX__ __INDEX__ Brandon ist ein Sch\u00FCler der Roten Font\u00E4ne-Schule, wo er zum Spezialisten ausgebildet wird. Er ist Skys bester Freund und mit diesem zusammen auf Eraklyon aufgewachsen. Dar\u00FCber hinaus ist er bei der K\u00F6nigsfamilie als Knappe angestellt. Er tauschte anfangs mit Sky die Rollen, um ihn zu sch\u00FCtzen,da er der Prinz von Eraklyon ist. Als sie die Wahrheit herausfindet, sagt sie ihm, dass er kein Prinz zu sein braucht, damit sie ihn mag. Die beiden werden ein Paar. Wie sich herausstellt, mag Brandon an Stella mehr als nur ihr gutes Aussehen. Als Stella Anfang der dritten Staffel von Chimera in ein Monster verwandelt wird, sagt Brandon ihr, dass ihr Aussehen ihm v\u00F6llig egal ist, er liebt sie auch so. Brandon steht zusammen mit den anderen Spezialisten den Winx immer im Kampf bei. "@de . . "Brandon was a waiter at Biggerson's."@en . . . "Brandon \u2013 posta\u0107, wyst\u0119puj\u0105ca w Gothic II: Noc Kruka. Jest to pirat, kt\u00F3ry mieszka w obozie pirat\u00F3w w Jarkendarze."@pl . . . . . "Brandon"@es . . "Brandon is Sky's squire and bodyguard, a great swordsman and his best friend. He is also Stella's fiance. In Season 1, he introduced himself as \"Prince Sky\" but his lie is later admitted, and continued to go by his real name, Brandon."@en . . . . . "deceduto"@it . . . "None"@en . . . "Mrs. T"@en . "Fluttering Robins/ Diving Dolphins/ Ruling Kings and Queens"@en . . . . "Brandon \u00E9tait un membre du cargo. Dans l'\u00E9pisode Perdu dans le temps Minkowski raconte \u00E0 Sayid et Desmond que Brandon avait voulu aller faire un tour avec le canot de sauvetage pour essayer de voir l'\u00EEle mais quand il est revenu il a commenc\u00E9 \u00E0 se comporter comme un fou, subissant les effets secondaires du voyage vers l'\u00EEle. Il semble qu'il soit d\u00E9sormais mort car Minkowski dit \u00E0 son sujet qu'il est d\u00E9sormais \u00AB dans un sac \u00E0 cadavre \u00BB. (Perdu dans le temps)"@fr . "14"^^ . "Brandon (czytaj Brand\u0105) ekscentryczny, szalony oraz nienormalny cz\u0142owiek. Wyst\u0119puje w seriach: \n* Seriale Totalnej Pora\u017Cki \n* Jest wzorowany na Duncanie, lecz jest od niego du\u017Co bardziej straszny. \n* Nie zna lito\u015Bci. \n* Podobno zna Ev\u0119 z niemi\u0142ych do\u015Bwiadcze\u0144. Prowadzili mi\u0119dzy sob\u0105 bitwy."@pl . "None"@en . . . "Brandon est un enfant humain qui p\u00EAche dans les canaux d'Hurlevent. Cat\u00E9gorie:Humain Cat\u00E9gorie:Humano\u00EFde Cat\u00E9gorie:Hurlevent Cat\u00E9gorie:Alliance"@fr . "23"^^ . . . . . "Brandon is Sky's squire and bodyguard, a great swordsman and his best friend. He is also Stella's fiance. In Season 1, he introduced himself as \"Prince Sky\" but his lie is later admitted, and continued to go by his real name, Brandon."@en . . . . . "Er hatte einen Auftritt in der ersten Staffel in der er gegen die Armee von Naga k\u00E4mpft. Brandon ist ein Charakter aus Bakugan:Neu Vestroia. Er traf in einem Park auf Dan. en:Brandon Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Neu Vestroia Charaktere Kategorie:Aquos Kategorie:Aquosspieler"@de . . . . . . . . . . "Brandon este scutierul \u015Fi garda de corp a lui Sky, un mare spadasin. \u015Ei este iubitul Stellei. \u00CEn primul episod, s-a prezentat ca prin\u0163ul Sky, dar mai t\u00E2rziu a admis minciuna sa \u015Fi a fost revelat c\u0103 el este Brandon."@ro . . "Hoenn Frontier Brains"@en . . "Brandon is the artist patient suffering from perceptual difficulties in the episode Adverse Events. He is portrayed by actor Breckin Meyer."@en . . "Brandon is a young human boy who lives in a small refugee village near the border of Shin Makoku. Yuuri meets him on the way to the capital playing baseball with Conrad. When his village is attacked by other humans and one of them tries to kidnap Yuuri Brandon runs up to save him and is knocked down. Yuuri promises that he will protect them and agrees to become the Maou."@en . . . . "250"^^ . . . . "Vivant"@fr . "Student"@en . . . . "Kobieta/M\u0119\u017Cczyzna"@pl . "Brandon"@it . . . . . "Junkz"@en . . . "16"^^ . . . . . . "100"^^ . . . "See vampire"@en . "Brandon is a student at P.S. 38 who was once elected class president."@en . . . "Brandon is a fictional blonde scientist with an IQ far above anyone else. He is one of the smartest people in the world, and his genius has always existed. He founded the popular company BrandoCorp and runs it. He originated in the cult classic Nicktoon Nicky and went on to appear in many other shows as a recurring, main, or minor character. Brandon is related to a group of rebels who stole the town of Anytown, where he now resides. Brandon's signature weapon is the BrandoCorp Laser Blaster Model 1."@en . . "Frontier Brains"@en . . . . "Aquos"@en . "Brandon was a minor brawler in Bakugan Battle Brawlers, who was an Aquos Brawler that fought against Naga's Bakugan, but he appeared again in Bakugan Battle Brawlers: New Vestroia in the theme park where the Resistance went to. When he saw Dan, he tried to make Dan remember him. He owns an Aquos Juggernoid and used it against an army of Darkus Gargonoids."@en . . . . "Samantha"@en . . "1"^^ . "TDS: TBA"@pl . "brak"@pl . . "Brandon"@sv . "Brandon is the Pyramid King of the Battle Pyramid. He is a Frontier Brain in Hoenn; his symbol is the Brave Symbol."@en . "Prima apari\u0163ie"@ro . . "No Ace Skill available."@en . . . . "King of Deltora"@en . . "Miembro de la tripulaci\u00F3n del \"Kahana\""@es . . "6"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Crew Member aboard the Kahana"@en . . . . . "4"^^ . .