"Bardotta\n*Phu"@en . . . "Phuii"@fr . "Bip\u00E9die"@fr . . "*Long, curving neck\n*Pointed snouts\n*Crested heads"@en . "Phuii"@hu . . "Une paire, rouge orange"@fr . . . "1"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Phuii"@en . "Amy Pronovost sketch card"@en . . "*Mars Guo\n*Nep Chung\n*Ares Nune"@hu . "*Green\n*Yellow\n*Gray\n*Red\n*Purple"@en . . "\u0424\u044C\u044E\u0438"@hu . . . . . "Bardottan"@en . . "The Phuii were diminutive goose-like aliens with green, reptilian skin. Phuii were from the planet Phu, where they could be found on the cliffs and canyons of the planet where they used their long necks to reach over rocks for food. Phuii were often found in cantinas, and they were particularly aggressive, despite their small size. These two traits resulted in Phuii losing many squabbles at local cantinas."@en . "Z\u00F6ld"@hu . . "Phuii"@en . "Mountains"@en . "[Source] Les Phuii sont originaire de la plan\u00E8te Phu dans les Colonies. Ils ressemblent \u00E0 des oiseaux mais ne volent pas. Mars Guo est un pilote de modules de course Phuii et Ares Nune un Jedi Phuii."@fr . . "Phuii"@fr . . . . "\u0424\u044C\u044E\u0438"@en . . . "*Mars Guo\n*Ares Nune"@fr . "Phuii"@hu . "*Red\n*Orange\n*Yellow\n*White"@en . . "A phuii p\u00F6tt\u00F6m, vasal\u00F3szer\u0171 faj volt z\u00F6ld, h\u00FCll\u0151 b\u0151rrel. A phuiik a Phu bolyg\u00F3r\u00F3l sz\u00E1rmaztak, ahol a bolyg\u00F3 szikl\u00E1i \u00E9s a kanyonai k\u00F6zt lehetett \u0151ket megtal\u00E1lni, ahol hossz\u00FA nyakukat arra haszn\u00E1lt\u00E1k, hogy a szikl\u00E1kb\u00F3l kiemelkedve t\u00E1pl\u00E1l\u00E9kot szerezzenek. A phuiikat gyakran lehetett megtal\u00E1lni a kantinokban, \u00E9s meglehet\u0151sen aggressz\u00EDvok voltak a kis m\u00E9ret\u00FCk ellen\u00E9re. Ez a k\u00E9t tulajdons\u00E1g miatt sok csetepat\u00E9t vesz\u00EDtettek a helyi kocsm\u00E1kban."@hu . . . "[Source] Les Phuii sont originaire de la plan\u00E8te Phu dans les Colonies. Ils ressemblent \u00E0 des oiseaux mais ne volent pas. Mars Guo est un pilote de modules de course Phuii et Ares Nune un Jedi Phuii."@fr . . "The Clone Wars: Shakedown"@en . . "The Phuii were diminutive goose-like aliens with green, reptilian skin. Phuii were from the planet Phu, where they could be found on the cliffs and canyons of the planet where they used their long necks to reach over rocks for food. Phuii were often found in cantinas, and they were particularly aggressive, despite their small size. These two traits resulted in Phuii losing many squabbles at local cantinas."@en . . . . "Phuii"@en . . . "110.0"^^ . . . "Phuii"@hu . "Verte, jaune"@fr . . . "Phuii are small, thin and slender bird or goose like reptillians native to Phu. Almost every limb that a Phuii have is longer than the creatures actual body!! They aliens also have amazing Dexterity and reflexes, which makes some Phuii to be expert podracers. Their Skin colors vary from Greens, blues, oranges, and sometimes brown, or very rarely black. Their eye color also varies in color from orange to white. One Phuii named Mars Guo was an expert podracer."@en . "*Bardottan\n*Galactic Basic Standard"@en . "1"^^ . "Phuii"@hu . . "The Clone Wars: Shakedown"@en . . . "Red"@en . . "Phuii"@hu . "A phuii p\u00F6tt\u00F6m, vasal\u00F3szer\u0171 faj volt z\u00F6ld, h\u00FCll\u0151 b\u0151rrel. A phuiik a Phu bolyg\u00F3r\u00F3l sz\u00E1rmaztak, ahol a bolyg\u00F3 szikl\u00E1i \u00E9s a kanyonai k\u00F6zt lehetett \u0151ket megtal\u00E1lni, ahol hossz\u00FA nyakukat arra haszn\u00E1lt\u00E1k, hogy a szikl\u00E1kb\u00F3l kiemelkedve t\u00E1pl\u00E1l\u00E9kot szerezzenek. A phuiikat gyakran lehetett megtal\u00E1lni a kantinokban, \u00E9s meglehet\u0151sen aggressz\u00EDvok voltak a kis m\u00E9ret\u00FCk ellen\u00E9re. Ez a k\u00E9t tulajdons\u00E1g miatt sok csetepat\u00E9t vesz\u00EDtettek a helyi kocsm\u00E1kban."@hu . . . . . . . . . "*Nep Chung\n*Chros-filik\n*Mars Guo\n*Ares Nune"@en . "400"^^ . . "Star Wars Galaxy Series 4"@en . "Phuii"@en . . "Phuii are small, thin and slender bird or goose like reptillians native to Phu. Almost every limb that a Phuii have is longer than the creatures actual body!! They aliens also have amazing Dexterity and reflexes, which makes some Phuii to be expert podracers. Their Skin colors vary from Greens, blues, oranges, and sometimes brown, or very rarely black. Their eye color also varies in color from orange to white. One Phuii named Mars Guo was an expert podracer."@en . "clonewars/comic/?book=season1#/?page=13"@en . .