"Rahi were the creatures that make up the wildlife of the Matoran Universe. Rahi, like other creatures in the Matoran universe, are biomechanical beings composed of both organic and inorganic Protodermis. Rahi also have in them Amana Volo energy and tiny amounts of Light. However, though they have enought light to be drained, it will not afect the Rahi's decisions. Most of the Rahi have been created by Makuta using viruses and Energized Protodermis, as that was their original duty. Their Rahi populated the universe, guarding dangerous locations and serving the Matoran. However, when the Brotherhood of Makuta corrupted, they began to create Rahi for darker pruposes. Some other Rahi weren't created by the Makuta. The First Rahi, gigantic sea creatures, were created by the Great Beings. The Energized Protodermis was also known to have create Rahi by mutating the enviroment, already existing Rahi or sapient beings. After Mata Nui defeated Teridax, he combined his powers with the Ignika in order to restore Spherus Magna to its past state. In the process, all beings affected by the Pit Mutagen were cured, including the Rahi in Aqua Magna. As Teridax was killed by a fragment of Bota Magna, the Rahi had to join the mass exodus to Spherus Magna to escape the Matoran Universe before it finally broke down. The Rahi that were kept in captivity under the archives of Metru Nui have been recently released, so they can survive. Here there is a list of them:"@en . . "-"@es . . "Niekt\u00F3re Rahi zosta\u0142y oswojone i s\u0105 wykorzystywane do cel\u00F3w w\u0142a\u015Bcicieli. \n* Nied\u017Awied\u017A Le\u015Bny \u2013 Rahi podobne do Nied\u017Awiedzia Py\u0142owego tyle \u017Ce jest wi\u0119kszy. Pierwszy raz widziano je na Le-Nui. Obecnie s\u0105 u\u017Cywane jako zwierz\u0119ta poci\u0105gowe i wierzchowe. S\u0105 podobne do swoich mniejszych kuzyn\u00F3w, ale s\u0105 spokojniejsze.Mimo swojej \u0142agodno\u015Bci w chwilach zagro\u017Cenia potrafi\u0105 by\u0107 bardzo gro\u017Anym przeciwnikiem."@pl . "Niekt\u00F3re Rahi zosta\u0142y oswojone i s\u0105 wykorzystywane do cel\u00F3w w\u0142a\u015Bcicieli. \n* Nied\u017Awied\u017A Le\u015Bny \u2013 Rahi podobne do Nied\u017Awiedzia Py\u0142owego tyle \u017Ce jest wi\u0119kszy. Pierwszy raz widziano je na Le-Nui. Obecnie s\u0105 u\u017Cywane jako zwierz\u0119ta poci\u0105gowe i wierzchowe. S\u0105 podobne do swoich mniejszych kuzyn\u00F3w, ale s\u0105 spokojniejsze.Mimo swojej \u0142agodno\u015Bci w chwilach zagro\u017Cenia potrafi\u0105 by\u0107 bardzo gro\u017Anym przeciwnikiem."@pl . "Colors"@en . . "brown"@en . "List"@en . . . . . "Elektroschocker direkt in dein Kafa Haft zum Befehl ist der Ghettobaba Was ist los, Mann? Das sind Flows, Mann! Hast du ein Problem, Kho? Ja, dann komm ran Haftbefehl-Style - 1000 Gramm strecken Azzlack marschiert ein - klick klack, Pump-Action Fickt die Kripo und jeden Officer \"Du Sohn einer Hure\", sag' ich zum Kommissar Komm mal klar, sonst wirst du zerrobbt Baba Haft ist zur\u00FCck und er fickt deine Stadt Tickt das Kristall bei Nacht, ich mach Business Streck das Schnupf mit H und mach dich s\u00FCchtig [ Fick dich du Hurensohn, jetzt steigt der Kurs hoch Du ziehst Thai-H und denkst, dass ist pur Koke] Frankfurt O.F., [ Haft platzt in die Charts Azzlacksyndikat]"@de . . . . . "Rahi"@en . "Rahi sind die finsteren \"Monster\" von Bionicle sie sind ein kleiner Vorgeschmack auf die volle macht von Makuta Teridax. Er sollte sie als Tier artige Wesen schaffen Teridax setzte ihnen jedoch b\u00F6se Gedanken in den Kopf. Rahi dienen Momentan dem B\u00F6sem. Kategorie:BIONICLE"@de . "Rahi are evil killers.Their diet consist of doors and them. They also eat mata nui's limbs for a three course meal. Teridax is currently using all the rahi to search out and kill mata nui,and Wata Nui."@en . "Species Status"@en . "350"^^ . "Rahi leben \u00FCberall im Matoraner-Universum, die Artenvielfalt reicht von den kleinen Fikou bis hin zu Riesen wie den Tahtorak."@de . "blue"@en . . . . . . . . . "Rahi are the main wildlife seen in any area of Torongo Nui. Birds, cougars, deer, Rahi make up them all. But the main thing that seperates Rahi from most species is their inorganic parts. History Rahi have always lived on Torongo Nui, even since the Matoran and Toa can remember, Rahi have been there. The first encounter with a Rahi was with Kolan and a Steelis. Scared half to death, Kolan has hated Rahi ever since. Contact Secret (backstory) Fire Zone \u2022 Muaka (mounts) \u2022 Kane-Ra (mounts) \u2022 Nui-Rama (soilders) \u2022 Steelis (Matoran mounts) \u2022 Lava Hawk (soilders) Water Zone Earth Zone Stone Zone Ice Zone"@en . . . "-"@es . "Rahi"@en . . . "What exactly makes a creature a Rahi is not completely clear. Some Rahi, like Keetongu are almost sapient, and some Rahi, like the Tahtorak can even speak Matoran. It is possible that something is considered a Rahi based on whether it exhibits traits typically associated with wildlife, like territorial behavior, etc. Rahkshi and Bohrok aren't considered Rahi because they are mechanical shells controlled by an organic Kraata or Krana respectively, as opposed to having having mechanical parts and organic organs, like most Rahi."@en . "-"@es . "-"@es . . "Rahi (translates to \"beasts\" or \"not us\" in Matoran language), are the fauna of the Matoran Universe. Out of all the life in the Matoran Universe, Rahi are by far the most diverse, coming in all shapes and sizes, and can be found anywhere, even in the most inhospitable of places. Rahi are generally considered less intelligent by the sapient species of the Matoran Universe, as they rely purely on instinct, and have no noticeable choices of judgement. Most of the Rahi in the Matoran Universe were made by the Brotherhood of Makuta, and were made by mixing viruses in Liquid Protodermis. When the Brotherhood of Makuta became corrupt, they made very violent Rahi, and made some for their own needs. Some Rahi predate the Makuta, some being made by the Great Beings, Artakha, or by Energized Protodermis. After the reformation of Spherus Magna, most of the Rahi migrated to the new planet."@en . . . "Rahi (translates to \"beasts\" or \"not us\" in Matoran language), are the fauna of the Matoran Universe. Out of all the life in the Matoran Universe, Rahi are by far the most diverse, coming in all shapes and sizes, and can be found anywhere, even in the most inhospitable of places. Rahi are generally considered less intelligent by the sapient species of the Matoran Universe, as they rely purely on instinct, and have no noticeable choices of judgement. Some Rahi predate the Makuta, some being made by the Great Beings, Artakha, or by Energized Protodermis."@en . . . . . "Various"@en . . . "The Rahi were the diverse, wide-spread fauna of the Matoran Universe, and biomechanical creatures composed of organic and inorganic Protodermis. The word \"Rahi\" literally translated to \"not us\" in the Matoran language, although it was more commonly translated to mean, quite simply, \"wildlife\". Rahi were generally considered to be possessed of a lower intellectual level than that of the Sapient Species, acting primarily on instinct and out of a desire for basic biological needs such as shelter and sustenance. They are known to have contained very little inner Light; enough to be drained, but not enough to have any notable effect on their judgment. The majority of the Matoran Universe's Rahi were created by the Brotherhood of Makuta, whose technique involved blending various combinations of viruses in large vats of liquid Protodermis. Later, as the Brotherhood of Makuta became corrupt, they began to design and create more violent Rahi for the organization's own use. A small number of Rahi in the Matoran Universe predated the Makuta, having been created by the Great Beings or other, earlier factions, such as the Hand of Artakha. A few other species of Rahi were the result of Energized Protodermis or other factors acting on preexisting Rahi, sapient beings, or the environment. Most Rahi migrated to the newly-reformed planet of Spherus Magna after the operating systems of the Matoran Universe were destroyed during the Battle of Bara Magna."@en . . "Alive, most on Spherus Magna"@en . "Rahit ovat BIONICLE-universumin el\u00E4imi\u00E4. T\u00E4\u00E4lt\u00E4 sivulta l\u00F6yt\u00E4\u00E4 k\u00E4ytt\u00E4jien luomat Rahit."@fi . . "Species Information"@en . "Rahit ovat Matoran-universumin el\u00E4imi\u00E4. Lukuisia Rahi-lajeja tunnetaan, ja niit\u00E4 asuu l\u00E4hes kaikkialla. Rahit ovat biomekaanisia ja Protodermiksest\u00E4 tehtyj\u00E4. Sana \"Rahi\" tarkoittaa Matoran-kieless\u00E4 \"ei meit\u00E4\" tai \"villiel\u00E4m\u00E4\u00E4\"."@fi . . . "Rahi sind die Tiere in der BIONICLE-Welt, das f\u00FCr wilde oder gez\u00E4hmte Tiere verwendet wird. Das Wort Rahi ist das Matoranische Wort f\u00FCr \"Kreatur\" oder \"Wildleben\". Die Rahi sind biomechanische Wesen, die zum Teil aus organischer und nicht organischer Protodermis bestehen. Rahi besitzen eine begrenzte Menge an Licht in sich, sowie die Amana Volo Energie. Die Menge an Licht ist genug, um ausgesaugt zu werden, allerdings nicht die Gesinnung eines Rahi zu beeinflussen. Einige Rahi haben sogar die F\u00E4higkeit Kanohi-Masken zu tragen. Noch bevor es die ersten Rahi gab, entstanden Wesen durch Energiegeladene Protodermis oder auf anderen Wegen. Die mei\u00DFten Rahi wurden von den Makuta geschaffen, allerdings gab es auch einige Rahi, die von Artakha geschaffen wurden. Die Makuta erschafften sie indem sie verschiedene Viruse in F\u00E4sser mit fl\u00FCssiger Protodermis steckten. Diese Aufgabe bekamen die Makuta, weil die Rahi ben\u00F6tigt wurden um das Universum im Gleichgewicht zu halten und anderen Wesen im Universum zu helfen. Die Rahi konnten auch gez\u00E4hmt und als W\u00E4chter eingesetzt werden. Nachdem sich die Bruderschaft der Makuta gegen Mata Nui gestellt hatte begannen sie Rahi f\u00FCr sich selbst zu erschaffen. Auf der Insel Mata Nui infizierte Teridax die Rahi mit infizierten Masken und hatte diese somit unter Kontrolle. Ebenso k\u00F6nnen Rahi von Rahkshi mit der Kraft der Rahibeherrschung, Kraata und der Maske der Rahibeherrschung kontrolliert werden. Sp\u00E4ter kamen die Toa Mata nach Mata Nui und suchten nach den Masken. Dabei stie\u00DFen sie auf die Rahi und fanden heraus, dass sie nur die infizierten Masken abnehmen mussten. Nachdem sie das taten waren die Rahi wieder normal."@de . "Rahit ovat Matoran-universumin el\u00E4imi\u00E4. Lukuisia Rahi-lajeja tunnetaan, ja niit\u00E4 asuu l\u00E4hes kaikkialla. Rahit ovat biomekaanisia ja Protodermiksest\u00E4 tehtyj\u00E4. Sana \"Rahi\" tarkoittaa Matoran-kieless\u00E4 \"ei meit\u00E4\" tai \"villiel\u00E4m\u00E4\u00E4\"."@fi . . . . . "List"@en . . . "Elektroschocker direkt in dein Kafa Haft zum Befehl ist der Ghettobaba Was ist los, Mann? Das sind Flows, Mann! Hast du ein Problem, Kho? Ja, dann komm ran Haftbefehl-Style - 1000 Gramm strecken Azzlack marschiert ein - klick klack, Pump-Action Fickt die Kripo und jeden Officer \"Du Sohn einer Hure\", sag' ich zum Kommissar Komm mal klar, sonst wirst du zerrobbt Baba Haft ist zur\u00FCck und er fickt deine Stadt Tickt das Kristall bei Nacht, ich mach Business Streck das Schnupf mit H und mach dich s\u00FCchtig [ Fick dich du Hurensohn, jetzt steigt der Kurs hoch Du ziehst Thai-H und denkst, dass ist pur Koke] Frankfurt O.F., [ Haft platzt in die Charts Azzlacksyndikat]"@de . . "brown"@en . "15"^^ . "Claws, stingers, teeth, pincers, etc."@en . "-"@es . "Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns"@es . . . "thumb|200px|Tallados Matoran representando a los Rahi Algunos Rahi son capaces de usar Kanohi sin poder, que pueden ser infectadas por Kraata para someter a la criatura a la influencia de un Makuta. Los Rahi tambi\u00E9n pueden ser controlados con el poder de Control Rahi, o por los usuarios de la M\u00E1scara del Control Rahi. La mayor\u00EDa de los Rahi del Universo Matoran fueron creados por los Makuta, mezclando varios virus en contenedores de Protodermis l\u00EDquido. Tiempo despu\u00E9s, cuando la Hermandad de Makuta se volvi\u00F3 corrupta, comenzaron a crear Rahi para su uso propio. Algunos Rahi en el Universo Matoran precedieron incluso a los Makuta, creados por los Grandes Seres, u otras facciones antiguas como la Mano de Artakha. Otras especies de Rahi son el resultado de factores como la exposici\u00F3n a Protodermis Energizadaque act\u00FAan sobre los Rahi preexistentes, seres inteligentes o el medio ambiente. Muchos Rahi emigraron al planeta de Spherus Magna y lo hicieron su nuevo hogar despu\u00E9s de que que el Universo Matoran se volviera inhabitable."@es . . "Rahi"@pl . . . "Rahit ovat BIONICLE-universumin el\u00E4imi\u00E4. T\u00E4\u00E4lt\u00E4 sivulta l\u00F6yt\u00E4\u00E4 k\u00E4ytt\u00E4jien luomat Rahit."@fi . . "-"@es . . "2.3"^^ . . "Most Rahi vehicles and characters listed were created by the Brotherhood of Makuta, whose original job was to create and alter creatures as needed. The Keetongu and the Manas may be exceptions to this.Official Greg Discussion p. 243 at BZPower forums, post #7266 Some definite exceptions are a number of giant sea beasts that were the first Rahi created and predate even the Brotherhood.\"History of the BIONICLE Universe!\", March/April 2007 LEGO Club Magazine Brickmaster Edition"@en . "2001"^^ . "Rahi are the main wildlife seen in any area of Torongo Nui. Birds, cougars, deer, Rahi make up them all. But the main thing that seperates Rahi from most species is their inorganic parts. History Rahi have always lived on Torongo Nui, even since the Matoran and Toa can remember, Rahi have been there. The first encounter with a Rahi was with Kolan and a Steelis. Scared half to death, Kolan has hated Rahi ever since. Contact During Contact Rahi where used against them. Axbru had used his powr to enrage the Rahi, and often Rahi would attack Matoran buildings (most notably the Nui-Rama). But then that gave the residents of Torongo Nui a idea. Secret (backstory) This gave some of the Turaga a idea. Why not train Rahi to help them in the war? Spreading this idea throughout the zones, Rahi where trained as mounts and aides. Here are a list of Rahi that where trained. Fire Zone \u2022 Muaka (mounts) \u2022 Kane-Ra (mounts) \u2022 Nui-Rama (soilders) \u2022 Steelis (Matoran mounts) \u2022 Lava Hawk (soilders) Water Zone \u2022 Tarkava (mounts) \u2022 Coduck (messangers) \u2022 Takea Shark (soilders) Earth Zone \u2022 Sand Screamer (unkown) \u2022 Rahi Hawk (spies/soidlers) \u2022 Lohrak (soilders) Stone Zone \u2022 Nui-Jaga (soilders) \u2022 Husi (Matoran Mounts) \u2022 Muaka (mounts) \u2022 Fader Bull (mounts) \u2022 Kikinalo (mounts) Ice Zone \u2022 Frost Beetles (soidlers) \u2022 Ice Vermin (soilders) \u2022 Ice Bats (messangers) \u2022 Crystal Climber (soidlers) Air Zone \u2022 Gukko (mounts) \u2022 Muaka (mounts) \u2022 Kane-Ra (mounts) \u2022 Brakas (thieves/spies) Also, aroumd this time, Axbru was infecting Rahi. Truth Truth Part 1 Rahi where mentioned to be in the transports, but nothing else was mentioned or seen."@en . "Rahi are evil killers.Their diet consist of doors and them. They also eat mata nui's limbs for a three course meal. Teridax is currently using all the rahi to search out and kill mata nui,and Wata Nui."@en . "thumb|200px|Tallados Matoran representando a los Rahi Algunos Rahi son capaces de usar Kanohi sin poder, que pueden ser infectadas por Kraata para someter a la criatura a la influencia de un Makuta. Los Rahi tambi\u00E9n pueden ser controlados con el poder de Control Rahi, o por los usuarios de la M\u00E1scara del Control Rahi. La mayor\u00EDa de los Rahi del Universo Matoran fueron creados por los Makuta, mezclando varios virus en contenedores de Protodermis l\u00EDquido. Tiempo despu\u00E9s, cuando la Hermandad de Makuta se volvi\u00F3 corrupta, comenzaron a crear Rahi para su uso propio."@es . "What exactly makes a creature a Rahi is not completely clear. Some Rahi, like Keetongu are almost sapient, and some Rahi, like the Tahtorak can even speak Matoran. It is possible that something is considered a Rahi based on whether it exhibits traits typically associated with wildlife, like territorial behavior, etc. Rahkshi and Bohrok aren't considered Rahi because they are mechanical shells controlled by an organic Kraata or Krana respectively, as opposed to having having mechanical parts and organic organs, like most Rahi. On Metru Nui, many Rahi were placed on exhibit in the Archives of Onu-Metru. Upon the corruption of the Brotherhood of Makuta, they started creating Rahi to meet their own needs, as opposed to those of the universe. On Mata Nui, the Rahi were placed under the control of Teridax through the usage of Infected Masks. Many Rahi evacuated the Matoran Universe upon the defeat of Teridax and are now living upon the reunited Spherus Magna."@en . . . . "-"@es . "The Rahi were the diverse, wide-spread fauna of the Matoran Universe, and biomechanical creatures composed of organic and inorganic Protodermis. The word \"Rahi\" literally translated to \"not us\" in the Matoran language, although it was more commonly translated to mean, quite simply, \"wildlife\". Rahi were generally considered to be possessed of a lower intellectual level than that of the Sapient Species, acting primarily on instinct and out of a desire for basic biological needs such as shelter and sustenance. They are known to have contained very little inner Light; enough to be drained, but not enough to have any notable effect on their judgment."@en . . . "1"^^ . . "Rahi sind die finsteren \"Monster\" von Bionicle sie sind ein kleiner Vorgeschmack auf die volle macht von Makuta Teridax. Er sollte sie als Tier artige Wesen schaffen Teridax setzte ihnen jedoch b\u00F6se Gedanken in den Kopf. Rahi dienen Momentan dem B\u00F6sem. Kategorie:BIONICLE"@de . "Rahi"@de . "brown"@en . . "Most Rahi vehicles and characters listed were created by the Brotherhood of Makuta, whose original job was to create and alter creatures as needed. The Keetongu and the Manas may be exceptions to this.Official Greg Discussion p. 243 at BZPower forums, post #7266 Some definite exceptions are a number of giant sea beasts that were the first Rahi created and predate even the Brotherhood.\"History of the BIONICLE Universe!\", March/April 2007 LEGO Club Magazine Brickmaster Edition The beings most knowledgeable about the ways of Rahi are the Rahaga, former Toa heroes who have become experts in tracking and capturing the beasts; they now use their skills for the creatures' protection. While living in the city of Metru Nui, they have written extensive records of many Rahi species that appeared there (the BIONICLE: Rahi Beasts guide). As a general rule, all non-intelligent creature seen in BIONICLE are considered a Rahi, and those that have such intelligence are not. However, there are exceptions to both these rules: a few beings (like Krahka, Tahtorak, Keetongu, and the Artakha Bulls) have humanlike intelligence and are still considered Rahi. At the same time, some lesser-intelligence beings do not seem to be considered Rahi: mindless Bohrok and Rahkshi, and the organic Krana and Kraata that control them, are not included in the Rahaga's records."@en . "black"@en . . "Rahi"@es . . . . "Rahi"@fi . . "Rahi"@es . . . "Rahi es el hijo de Ina, a alcaldesa de Konohana. Como buen alcalde que ser\u00E1 en un futuro, se preocupa mucho por el pueblo y sus ciudadanos, siendo incluso un poco sobreprotector con su madre y con Ying, su amiga. Es muy educado y maduro para su edad, y sabe mucho sobre su pueblo para ser un ni\u00F1o tan peque\u00F1o."@es . . . . "Overview"@en . "Rahi were the creatures that make up the wildlife of the Matoran Universe. Rahi, like other creatures in the Matoran universe, are biomechanical beings composed of both organic and inorganic Protodermis. Rahi also have in them Amana Volo energy and tiny amounts of Light. However, though they have enought light to be drained, it will not afect the Rahi's decisions. After Mata Nui defeated Teridax, he combined his powers with the Ignika in order to restore Spherus Magna to its past state. In the process, all beings affected by the Pit Mutagen were cured, including the Rahi in Aqua Magna."@en . . . . . "RahiCover.png"@de . "Rahi es el hijo de Ina, a alcaldesa de Konohana. Como buen alcalde que ser\u00E1 en un futuro, se preocupa mucho por el pueblo y sus ciudadanos, siendo incluso un poco sobreprotector con su madre y con Ying, su amiga. Es muy educado y maduro para su edad, y sabe mucho sobre su pueblo para ser un ni\u00F1o tan peque\u00F1o."@es . . "black"@en . . . . . "-"@es . "-"@es . . "Weapons"@en . "Rahi sind die Tiere in der BIONICLE-Welt, das f\u00FCr wilde oder gez\u00E4hmte Tiere verwendet wird. Das Wort Rahi ist das Matoranische Wort f\u00FCr \"Kreatur\" oder \"Wildleben\". Die Rahi sind biomechanische Wesen, die zum Teil aus organischer und nicht organischer Protodermis bestehen. Rahi besitzen eine begrenzte Menge an Licht in sich, sowie die Amana Volo Energie. Die Menge an Licht ist genug, um ausgesaugt zu werden, allerdings nicht die Gesinnung eines Rahi zu beeinflussen. Einige Rahi haben sogar die F\u00E4higkeit Kanohi-Masken zu tragen."@de . . . "Rahi leben \u00FCberall im Matoraner-Universum, die Artenvielfalt reicht von den kleinen Fikou bis hin zu Riesen wie den Tahtorak."@de .