. "hn\u011Bd\u00E1"@cs . "Sarkkin"@es . "Sarkkin"@cs . . . . . "Sarkkin"@cs . . "Sarkkin"@en . . . "25"^^ . . "Sarkkin"@it . . . . . "Brown"@en . . "mu\u017E"@cs . . "Sarkkin"@es . "Sarkkin era uno Wookiee maschio che, insieme alla Chiss Panha, stava esplorando l'orlo della Galassia nel 25 ABY. Gli unici membri dell'equipaggio della loro astronave, la Pythea, i due avevano una buona relazione, resa allegra dalle usanze piuttosto \"rozze\" del Wookiee. Sarkkin si occupava di pilotare la nave, ma anche Panha ne era capace."@it . . . "Sarkkin"@it . . . . . "Sarkkin"@es . "Sarkkin"@it . "/invasion/index.html?"@en . . "Wookiee"@es . "Star Wars Invasion Preview"@en . . "250"^^ . . "Sarkkin"@cs . "Sarkkin"@es . . "Masculino"@es . "Sarkkin"@en . . . "Sarkkin"@en . . . "Sarkkin"@cs . "Sarkkin was a male Wookiee explorer active by the time the Yuuzhan Vong War broke out in 25 ABY. Partnered with Panha, Sarkkin and his companion explored the edge of the galaxy aboard their starship the Pythea, acting as the vessel's only crewmembers. When, in the first months of the year, Sarkkin received a transmission from an unknown source, he and Panha were surprised to discover a warning from an individual of a race brought almost to extinction by the invasion of a powerful species known as the Yuuzhan Vong. The two explorers discovered that they were in the path of an approaching Yuuzhan Vong fleet and together they rushed to the nearby world of Artorias in order to warn the inhabitants of the planet of the threat they faced. As Sarkkin and Panha raced the Pythea toward Artorias and desperately attempted to communicate with the inhabitants of the planet, the two explorers realized that to boost power to communications system and have a chance of forewarning the planet, they would have to sacrifice their chances of escaping the clutches of the Yuuzhan Vong. Just as Panha delivered the warning to Artorias, the Yuuzhan Vong boarded the Pythea and Sarkkin and his companion were forced to defend themselves. Although the two explorers defeated the entire boarding party, Sarkkin was severely wounded in the attack. Rather than face capture at the hands of the Yuuzhan Vong, Sarkkin and Panha agreed to ram an approaching Yuuzhan Vong cruiser. The Wookiee explorer died on the Pythea as it exploded against the cruiser's prow."@en . . "Sarkkin"@es . . "Sarkkin"@it . "Brown"@en . "25"^^ . "Marrones"@es . . "Personaje"@es . . . . . "Sarkkin byl wookieesk\u00FD v\u00FDzkumn\u00EDk, kter\u00FD spolu se svou chisskou kolegin\u00ED Panhou l\u00E9tal na pr\u016Fzkumn\u00E9 lod\u00ED Pythea. Na za\u010D\u00E1tku Yuuzhanvongsk\u00E9 v\u00E1lky roku 25 PBY pracovali na Vn\u011Bj\u0161\u00EDm okraji, kde se dostali do cesty nep\u0159\u00E1telsk\u00E9 invazn\u00ED flotile."@cs . . . "Sarkkin era un explorador Wookiee que viajaba por la galaxia con su compa\u00F1era Panha en la nave Pythea en 25 DBY, en la \u00E9poca en la que empez\u00F3 la Guerra Yuuzhan Vong. La Pythea recibi\u00F3 un mensaje de Arbeloa, un guerrero cuya especie hab\u00EDa sido exterminada por los yuuzhan vong, en el que alertaba del peligro que supon\u00EDa la especie invasora. Los exploradores descubrieron una flota vong acerc\u00E1ndose al planeta Artorias. Arriesgando sus propias vidas, se acercaron a\u00FAn m\u00E1s y enviaron un mensaje de aviso a Artorias. Sin embargo, el mensaje fue recibido por un vong encubierto, as\u00ED que no sirvi\u00F3 para nada. Tras conseguir vencer en combate cuerpo a cuerpo a los vong que les abordaban, Panha hizo un \u00FAltimo ataque contra los vong, lanzando su nave contra un crucero vong."@es . "Sarkkin"@cs . . . "25"^^ . . "\u00A0Era del Nuovo Ordine Jedi"@it . "Marroni"@it . "25"^^ . "Sarkkin"@it . "Sarkkin"@en . . "Era de la Nueva Orden Jedi"@es . . . . . . "Sarkkin"@it . . . "Marr\u00F3n"@es . "Sarkkin"@en . "Sarkkin was a male Wookiee explorer active by the time the Yuuzhan Vong War broke out in 25 ABY. Partnered with Panha, Sarkkin and his companion explored the edge of the galaxy aboard their starship the Pythea, acting as the vessel's only crewmembers. When, in the first months of the year, Sarkkin received a transmission from an unknown source, he and Panha were surprised to discover a warning from an individual of a race brought almost to extinction by the invasion of a powerful species known as the Yuuzhan Vong. The two explorers discovered that they were in the path of an approaching Yuuzhan Vong fleet and together they rushed to the nearby world of Artorias in order to warn the inhabitants of the planet of the threat they faced."@en . . "Sarkkin"@cs . "Sarkkin era un explorador Wookiee que viajaba por la galaxia con su compa\u00F1era Panha en la nave Pythea en 25 DBY, en la \u00E9poca en la que empez\u00F3 la Guerra Yuuzhan Vong. La Pythea recibi\u00F3 un mensaje de Arbeloa, un guerrero cuya especie hab\u00EDa sido exterminada por los yuuzhan vong, en el que alertaba del peligro que supon\u00EDa la especie invasora. Los exploradores descubrieron una flota vong acerc\u00E1ndose al planeta Artorias. Arriesgando sus propias vidas, se acercaron a\u00FAn m\u00E1s y enviaron un mensaje de aviso a Artorias. Sin embargo, el mensaje fue recibido por un vong encubierto, as\u00ED que no sirvi\u00F3 para nada. Tras conseguir vencer en combate cuerpo a cuerpo a los vong que les abordaban, Panha hizo un \u00FAltimo ataque contra los vong, lanzando su nave contra un crucero vong."@es . . . . "Sarkkin era uno Wookiee maschio che, insieme alla Chiss Panha, stava esplorando l'orlo della Galassia nel 25 ABY. Gli unici membri dell'equipaggio della loro astronave, la Pythea, i due avevano una buona relazione, resa allegra dalle usanze piuttosto \"rozze\" del Wookiee. Sarkkin si occupava di pilotare la nave, ma anche Panha ne era capace. Fu mentre si trovavano in esplorazione dei limiti della Galassia che Sarkkin ricevette una debole trasmissione. Sarkkin aveva allora fermato la nave dopo aver controllato che non ci fosse nulla nei paraggi ed era corso ad amplificare il messaggio. Questo era stata inviato da un uomo misterioso che parl\u00F2 di come il suo popolo, composto da guerrieri spietati e coraggiosi, fosse stato distrutto dagli Yuuzhan Vong, e che invit\u00F2 i riceventi del messaggio a fuggire senza indugi e a avvisare chiunque dell'arrivo degli alieni. Subito Panha corse alla guida della nave lasciando Sarkkin piuttosto stupito: lei infatti conosceva gi\u00E0 i Vong e sapeva della loro minaccia. Mise subito la nave in movimento e quando Sarkkin disse che non c'era niente, si accorse che invece qualcosa c'era, e di molto pericoloso: un'armata Yuuzhan Vong. Panha inizi\u00F2 subito a fuggire e si allontan\u00F2 dalla flotta aliena."@it . "Sarkkin"@en . . "Sarkkin"@es . . . . "Sarkkin.jpg"@cs . "Marroni"@it . "Sarkkin byl wookieesk\u00FD v\u00FDzkumn\u00EDk, kter\u00FD spolu se svou chisskou kolegin\u00ED Panhou l\u00E9tal na pr\u016Fzkumn\u00E9 lod\u00ED Pythea. Na za\u010D\u00E1tku Yuuzhanvongsk\u00E9 v\u00E1lky roku 25 PBY pracovali na Vn\u011Bj\u0161\u00EDm okraji, kde se dostali do cesty nep\u0159\u00E1telsk\u00E9 invazn\u00ED flotile. thumb|left|168px|Sarkkin vs Yuuzhan VongRoku 25 PBY zachytili vys\u00EDl\u00E1n\u00ED cilarsk\u00E9ho v\u00E1le\u010Dn\u00EDka Arbeloy, kter\u00FD cht\u011Bl ostatn\u00ED planety varovat p\u0159ed invaz\u00ED Yuuzhan Vong\u016F. Panha rozpoznala hroz\u00EDc\u00ED nebezpe\u010D\u00ED, proto\u017Ee Chissov\u00E9 se dobyvatelsk\u00FDm druhem Yuuzhan Vong\u016F u\u017E v minulosti setkali. Kdy\u017E lodn\u00EDmi senzory zachytili bl\u00ED\u017E\u00EDc\u00ED se nep\u0159\u00E1telskou flotilu, zam\u00ED\u0159ili ke sv\u011Bt\u016Fm, kter\u00E9 st\u00E1ly v cest\u011B invazi a p\u0159eposlali Arbeloovu zpr\u00E1vu na nejbli\u017E\u0161\u00ED planetu, kterou byl Artorias. Vongov\u00E9 vyslali k lodi Pythea skupinu plavidel pod velen\u00EDm v\u00E1le\u010Dn\u00EDka Azcy s \u00FAkolem pos\u00E1dku zajmout. N\u011Bkolik k\u0159i\u017En\u00EDk\u016F yorik-vec po\u0161kodilo trup Pythey a p\u0159irazilo k lodi. Prvn\u00ED vlnu \u00FAto\u010Dn\u00EDku dok\u00E1zali Panha a Sarkkin zne\u0161kodnit, p\u0159esto\u017Ee Wookiee bojoval s Vongy hol\u00FDma rukama a byl t\u011B\u017Ece zran\u011Bn. Proto\u017Ee v\u011Bd\u011Bli, \u017Ee se jim nepoda\u0159\u00ED uniknout, rozhodli se ob\u011Btovat sv\u00E9 \u017Eivoty a svou lod\u00ED narazili do vongsk\u00E9ko k\u0159i\u017En\u00EDku t\u0159\u00EDdy Miid ro'ik. V\u00FDbuchem byl zni\u010Den jak k\u0159i\u017En\u00EDk, tak n\u011Bkolik plavidel yorik-vec."@cs . "Sarkkin"@en . "Sarkkin"@it . . . . .