. . . "Naftali Halberstam"@en . . . "Rabbi Naftali Halberstam was born in Bobova, Poland in 1931 (25 Sivan, 5691 on the Hebrew calendar). His mother and two siblings died in the Holocaust, and towards the end of the war, when Rabbi Naftali was a teenager, his father, Rabbi Shlomo, managed to arrange for him to go to the Holy Land. Rabbi Shlomo remained in Europe, so Rabbi Naftali was not sure if his father had survived the war. Rabbi Naftali lived for several years in the land of Israel, where he received his rabbinical ordination. After the war he found out that his father had indeed survived, and had relocated to New York. In the late 1940s, he moved to New York, where he was reunited with his father. On his father's passing in 2000, he became the Grand Rebbe of Bobov. He died on March 23, 2005 (12 days in Adar 5765). Rabbi Naftali was buried next to his father in Floral Park Cemetery in New Jersey."@en . . "Rebbe of Bobov"@en . "2000"^^ . . . . . "Grand Rabbi Mordecai David Unger \n\nand \n\nGrand Rabbi Ben Zion Halberstam (The Second)'''"@en . . . . "Rabbi Naftali Halberstam was born in Bobova, Poland in 1931 (25 Sivan, 5691 on the Hebrew calendar). His mother and two siblings died in the Holocaust, and towards the end of the war, when Rabbi Naftali was a teenager, his father, Rabbi Shlomo, managed to arrange for him to go to the Holy Land. Rabbi Shlomo remained in Europe, so Rabbi Naftali was not sure if his father had survived the war."@en . . "Grand Rabbi Solomon Halberstam (The Second)"@en .