. . . . "Team Samsara (Japanese: \u8F2A\u5EFB\u56E3 Rin'ne-dan, literally Samsara Gang) is the villainous team in the Xeno region. First introduced as a mysterious yet apparently benevolent organization, Team Samsara is in actuality a group that worships the twin Legendary Pok\u00E9mon Savara and Naraka as deities, and believe that the two clashing will open the door to \"paradise\". To achieve this end, Team Samsara is capable and willing of doing anything to make sure that the discovery and unsealing of these two Pok\u00E9mon occurs, to the point of threating more prominent members of Xeno, as well as potentially preparing for a war with the Gym Leaders and Elite Four. They also seek to keep the third member of the Afterlife Trio, Vinipatika, from discovering their plans and preventing Savara and Naraka from meeting."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Team Samsara"@en . . . "Team Samsara (Japanese: \u8F2A\u5EFB\u56E3 Rin'ne-dan, literally Samsara Gang) is the villainous team in the Xeno region. First introduced as a mysterious yet apparently benevolent organization, Team Samsara is in actuality a group that worships the twin Legendary Pok\u00E9mon Savara and Naraka as deities, and believe that the two clashing will open the door to \"paradise\". To achieve this end, Team Samsara is capable and willing of doing anything to make sure that the discovery and unsealing of these two Pok\u00E9mon occurs, to the point of threating more prominent members of Xeno, as well as potentially preparing for a war with the Gym Leaders and Elite Four. They also seek to keep the third member of the Afterlife Trio, Vinipatika, from discovering their plans and preventing Savara and Naraka from meeting. Despite this, Team Samsara is one of the few villainous teams that recruits openly, since their more shadowy doings are not known by the majority of people in Xeno. By using this method, they are capable of recruiting a greater amount of 'acolytes' than they would have been able to alone, and are capable of easily strengthening their manpower. Team Samsara acts as the main antagonists of Pok\u00E9mon Aether, Nether, and Tether Versions, as well as Pok\u00E9mon ANT."@en . .