"Supernova"@en . . . . "The first of the alternate state elements to be discovered, Neutronium is the matter of which a neutron star is composed. Unlike the elemental matter of the Periodic Table that is composed of protons, neutrons and electrons, alternate state elements are composed of leptons \u2013 most particularly quarks. In the case of Neutronium, that composition is triads of up, down and strange quarks. The density and mass of alternate state elements is extreme. One cubic centimeter of Neutronium weights 907.1 gigagrams. It is only at these extreme densities that alternate state elements are stable."@en . "Neutronium is a Ultra Heavy form of dense Sub-Atomic Energy matter consisting of 20 or higher interlocked inactive Neutron Particles, it is found naturally in the cores of Neutron Stars. It was impossible to scan inside neutronium. It is currently used as armor reinforcement on special sections of star and warships (see: Black Box Section) and a fuel source in various forms of Heavy Gravity based Systems/Weaponry through the early 25th century directly to the 31st century."@en . "Neutronium is a Ultra Heavy form of dense Sub-Atomic Energy matter consisting of 20 or higher interlocked inactive Neutron Particles, it is found naturally in the cores of Neutron Stars. It was impossible to scan inside neutronium. It is currently used as armor reinforcement on special sections of star and warships (see: Black Box Section) and a fuel source in various forms of Heavy Gravity based Systems/Weaponry through the early 25th century directly to the 31st century."@en . . . . . "Neutronium"@en . . . . "Neutronium is a material in both Stargate and Star Trek. It is incredibly dense and resistant to damage."@en . . . "default.asp?x=starwars/article/dodcampaign"@en . . . . "Supernova"@en . . . . . . "Neutronium"@fr . . "The First to Strike"@en . . . . . "Neutronium would be the head of the periodic table, as it would be placed in group zero and in period zero. It would be placed in period zero, because it has no electron shells (as it has no electrons). And since it has no electrons or shells , it would have no electrons in its outermost shell."@en . . "Neutronium"@sv . . . . "In popular scientific literature and science fiction, though rarely in formal scientific literature, the term \"neutronium\" is often used for the extremely dense neutron degenerate matter at the cores of neutron stars. According to Cracken's Threat Dossier, neutronium is a naturally occurring metal that can be found in mineral veins on moons."@en . . . "Neutronium is a rare, dense mineral, found naturally in the cores of neutron stars. It was impossible to scan inside neutronium. (TNG: \"Evolution\" ; TOS: \"The Doomsday Machine\" ) Despite many readings and theories, the Federation was never able to produce neutronium artificially. (VOY: \"Think Tank\") In 2267, the sensors of the USS Enterprise recorded a pure neutronium hull on the extra-galactic planet killer prior to its destruction. According to Spock, there is no known way of penetrating neutronium. (TOS: \"The Doomsday Machine\" )"@en . . "thumb|Die Phaser der Enterprise k\u00F6nnen den Planeten-Killer nicht besch\u00E4digen. Neutronium ist ein \u00E4u\u00DFerst festes Material, das selbst durch direkten Beschuss mit Quantentorpedos nicht besch\u00E4digt werden kann. (DS9: ) Die Sternenflotte theoretisiert \u00FCber eine Verwendung als H\u00FCllenpanzerung, dies liegt jedoch au\u00DFerhalb der heutigen M\u00F6glichkeiten. Dies gilt selbst f\u00FCr die Borg. (VOY: ) Ein Hirogen-J\u00E4ger verfolgt einmal eine auf Silizium basierende Lebensform durch den Neutroniummantel eines kollabierten Sterns. (VOY: ) In der Realit\u00E4t bezeichnet Neutronium eine Form entarteter Materie, welche nur aus Neutronen besteht. Diese kommt in Neutronensternen vor. Eine praktische, technologische Verwendung ist aufgrund der extrem hohen Dichte kaum zu realisieren, da wenige Kubikzentimeter dieser Substanz Milliarden von Tonnen an Masse besitzen. Au\u00DFerdem gibt es derzeit keinen Weg diese Materieform k\u00FCnstlich herzustellen. Zudem ist fraglich, ob reales Neutronium die gew\u00FCnschten Eigenschaften besitzt, die in der Science Fiction postuliert werden."@de . "thumb|Die Phaser der Enterprise k\u00F6nnen den Planeten-Killer nicht besch\u00E4digen. Neutronium ist ein \u00E4u\u00DFerst festes Material, das selbst durch direkten Beschuss mit Quantentorpedos nicht besch\u00E4digt werden kann. (DS9: ) Die Sternenflotte theoretisiert \u00FCber eine Verwendung als H\u00FCllenpanzerung, dies liegt jedoch au\u00DFerhalb der heutigen M\u00F6glichkeiten. Dies gilt selbst f\u00FCr die Borg. (VOY: ) Ein Hirogen-J\u00E4ger verfolgt einmal eine auf Silizium basierende Lebensform durch den Neutroniummantel eines kollabierten Sterns. (VOY: )"@de . . . . . "The First to Strike"@en . . . "Collapsed matter having the density of a neutron star."@en . "An extremely dense metal, stronger than questionite. Normal humans have a hard time lifting even small amounts of it."@en . . . . "Neutronium \u00E4r ett element viktigt att Asgard teknologi. Det \u00E4r ocks\u00E5 viktigt att skapa m\u00E4nnisko-form Replikatorer. Orilla \u00E4r s\u00E4rskilt rik p\u00E5 neutronium, varf\u00F6r det valdes av Asgard som den planet som f\u00F6r att \u00E5teruppbygga deras ras efter f\u00F6rst\u00F6relsen av Othala. (SG1: \"New Order, Part 2\") En annan planet rik p\u00E5 neutronium \u00E4r Asuras i Pegasus galaxen, ett faktum som Atlantis Expeditionen anv\u00E4ndas f\u00F6r att f\u00F6rst\u00F6ra Asuranerna under slaget vid Asuras. (ATL: \"Be All My Sins Remember'd\"). Stargate Command har ocks\u00E5 b\u00F6rjat gruva n\u00E5gra neutronium som senare lagrats p\u00E5 jorden. (ATL: \"Outcast\") kategori:Element & Mineraler"@sv . . . . "Le neutronium est un \u00E9l\u00E9ment utilis\u00E9 dans certains alliages comme le duracier, il sert notamment dans les boucliers de vaisseaux. \n* Cat\u00E9gorie:Mati\u00E8res"@fr . . . . "Neutronium is a Ultra Heavy form of dense Sub-Atomic Energy matter consisting of 20 or higher interlocked inactive Neutron Particles, it is found naturally in the cores of Neutron Stars. It was impossible to scan inside neutronium. It is currently used as Armor reenforcement on special sections of Star and Warships (See: Black Box Section) and a fuel source in various forms of Heavy Gravity based Systems/Weaponry through the early 25th Century directly to the 31st Century."@en . . "Collapsed matter having the density of a neutron star."@en . "Neutronium is an element vital to Asgard technology. It is also essential to the creation of Human-form Replicators. Orilla is particularly rich in neutronium, which is why it was chosen by the Asgard as the planet on which to rebuild their race after the destruction of Othala. (SG1: \"New Order, Part 2\") Another planet rich in neutronium is Asuras in the Pegasus galaxy, a fact which the Atlantis expedition used to destroy the Asurans during the Battle of Asuras. (SGA: \"Be All My Sins Remember'd\")"@en . . "Neutronium"@de . . "The first of the alternate state elements to be discovered, Neutronium is the matter of which a neutron star is composed. Unlike the elemental matter of the Periodic Table that is composed of protons, neutrons and electrons, alternate state elements are composed of leptons \u2013 most particularly quarks. In the case of Neutronium, that composition is triads of up, down and strange quarks. The density and mass of alternate state elements is extreme. One cubic centimeter of Neutronium weights 907.1 gigagrams. It is only at these extreme densities that alternate state elements are stable."@en . "Neutronium would be the head of the periodic table, as it would be placed in group zero and in period zero. It would be placed in period zero, because it has no electron shells (as it has no electrons). And since it has no electrons or shells , it would have no electrons in its outermost shell."@en . . . "Neutronium is an element vital to Asgard technology. It is also essential to the creation of Human-form Replicators. Orilla is particularly rich in neutronium, which is why it was chosen by the Asgard as the planet on which to rebuild their race after the destruction of Othala. (SG1: \"New Order, Part 2\") Another planet rich in neutronium is Asuras in the Pegasus galaxy, a fact which the Atlantis expedition used to destroy the Asurans during the Battle of Asuras. (SGA: \"Be All My Sins Remember'd\") Stargate Command has also started to mine some neutronium which was later stored on Earth most likely for the production of the nanite medical program. (SGA: \"Outcast\")"@en . . "Neutronium"@en . "0"^^ . . "The Beginning of the End"@en . . . "Le neutronium est un \u00E9l\u00E9ment utilis\u00E9 dans certains alliages comme le duracier, il sert notamment dans les boucliers de vaisseaux. \n* Cat\u00E9gorie:Mati\u00E8res"@fr . . . "NU"@en . . . "Neutronium was a dense alloy made up of non-toxic, trans-uranic elements on the periodic table that had far more neutrons than protons or electrons and it was difficult to produce. Groups and races who have managed to manufacture and use it include the Dominion, the Iconians and the Vidiians. It was a super-dense element that was found at the heart of a collapsed star, which made it a rare but extremely tough substance. As armor, it was resistant to almost any form of energy and matter. This made it impervious to all known forms of contemporary weapons. (FASA RPG module: A Doomsday Like Any Other) Atomically pure neutronium was valuable and usually quite easy to sell. (FASA RPG module: The Orions: Book of Common Knowledge)"@en . "In popular scientific literature and science fiction, though rarely in formal scientific literature, the term \"neutronium\" is often used for the extremely dense neutron degenerate matter at the cores of neutron stars. According to Cracken's Threat Dossier, neutronium is a naturally occurring metal that can be found in mineral veins on moons."@en . . . "Neutronium is a Ultra Heavy form of dense Sub-Atomic Energy matter consisting of 20 or higher interlocked inactive Neutron Particles, it is found naturally in the cores of Neutron Stars. It was impossible to scan inside neutronium. It is currently used as Armor reenforcement on special sections of Star and Warships (See: Black Box Section) and a fuel source in various forms of Heavy Gravity based Systems/Weaponry through the early 25th Century directly to the 31st Century."@en . . "*"@en . . . "Neutronium \u00E4r ett element viktigt att Asgard teknologi. Det \u00E4r ocks\u00E5 viktigt att skapa m\u00E4nnisko-form Replikatorer. Orilla \u00E4r s\u00E4rskilt rik p\u00E5 neutronium, varf\u00F6r det valdes av Asgard som den planet som f\u00F6r att \u00E5teruppbygga deras ras efter f\u00F6rst\u00F6relsen av Othala. (SG1: \"New Order, Part 2\") En annan planet rik p\u00E5 neutronium \u00E4r Asuras i Pegasus galaxen, ett faktum som Atlantis Expeditionen anv\u00E4ndas f\u00F6r att f\u00F6rst\u00F6ra Asuranerna under slaget vid Asuras. (ATL: \"Be All My Sins Remember'd\"). Stargate Command har ocks\u00E5 b\u00F6rjat gruva n\u00E5gra neutronium som senare lagrats p\u00E5 jorden. (ATL: \"Outcast\") kategori:Element & Mineraler"@sv . . "Neutronium is a rare, dense mineral, found naturally in the cores of neutron stars. It was impossible to scan inside neutronium. (TNG: \"Evolution\" ; TOS: \"The Doomsday Machine\" ) Despite many readings and theories, the Federation was never able to produce neutronium artificially. (VOY: \"Think Tank\") In 2267, the sensors of the USS Enterprise recorded a pure neutronium hull on the extra-galactic planet killer prior to its destruction. According to Spock, there is no known way of penetrating neutronium. (TOS: \"The Doomsday Machine\" ) In 2366, Doctor Paul Stubbs studied the cyclical decay of trace amounts of neutronium in the Kavis Alpha sector through the use of the probe \"The Egg.\" (TNG: \"Evolution\" ) In 2369, the USS Enterprise-D encountered the only known Dyson sphere. The structure was composed of a carbon-neutronium alloy and was impervious to phaser fire. (TNG: \"Relics\" ) The Iconians had mastered the use of neutronium, and used it on a ziggurat containing a gateway on the planet Vandros IV. This was discovered by the Dominion in 2372 and was destroyed by a joint Starfleet-Jem'Hadar team before a group of rogue Jem'Hadar could use the gateway. (DS9: \"To the Death\") The Dominion had begun using neutronium by 2375 and used it to protect the entranceways on Dominion Headquarters from weapons fire. (DS9: \"What You Leave Behind\") It is assumed, though unclear, that neutronium is a harder substance than rodinium since neutronium seems to be impervious to weapons fire while rodinium can be destroyed by Romulan plasma torpedoes. However, according to Spock, rodinium was the hardest substance known to Federation science as of 2266. (TOS: \"Balance of Terror\" ) Neutronium was mentioned in 2267 during the confrontation with the Doomsday Machine. So, it is possible that neutronium was first discovered by the Federation sometime between those two incidents."@en . . . "20"^^ . "An extremely dense metal, stronger than questionite. Normal humans have a hard time lifting even small amounts of it."@en . "Neutronium is a material in both Stargate and Star Trek. It is incredibly dense and resistant to damage."@en . "Neutronium was a dense alloy made up of non-toxic, trans-uranic elements on the periodic table that had far more neutrons than protons or electrons and it was difficult to produce. Groups and races who have managed to manufacture and use it include the Dominion, the Iconians and the Vidiians. Atomically pure neutronium was valuable and usually quite easy to sell. (FASA RPG module: The Orions: Book of Common Knowledge)"@en . . . . . . . .