"Lieutenant's hatSiding with the scavengers:"@en . "410"^^ . . "800"^^ . "side"@en . "The USS Constitution took flight but missed the Atlantic. It landed in a skyscraper, instead. Far from being upset, Ironsides seems thrilled to be one step closer to the ocean."@en . "170"^^ . . "Last Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution is a side quest in Fallout 4. The Sole Survivor has been drafted by Ironsides to assist him and his robot crew in their quest to return the USS Constitution to the Atlantic Ocean."@en . . "173"^^ . "Talk to Mandy"@en . "finish"@en . . "Before the arguably insane Ironsides can launch the USS Constitution into the Atlantic, we have to fend off a last ditch attack from the scavengers."@en . "Fire the Cannons"@en . "Siding with Ironsides:"@en . "The scavengers are ready for me to power up the USS Constitution's rockets."@en . "A strange lookout robot ordered me to report to the captain of the USS Constitution. A ship that's stuck on top of a bank ."@en . "Install the Sabotaged Turbopump"@en . "Agreed to help scavengers"@en . "Connect auxiliary power to the ship"@en . . "Last Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution is a side quest in Fallout 4. The Sole Survivor has been drafted by Ironsides to assist him and his robot crew in their quest to return the USS Constitution to the Atlantic Ocean."@en . "Now I have to install the Turbopump Bearings on the USS Constitution. Then report in to Ironsides."@en . "700"^^ . "380"^^ . "500"^^ . "505"^^ . . "I sabotaged the USS Constitution's rockets. Now Ironsides needs more power before everything goes to hell. I should check in with Mandy Stiles before setting things in motion."@en . "Mandy Stiles sabotaged the Turbopump Bearings. Now I just need to install them in the rocket and report to Ironsides."@en . "Defeat Ironsides"@en . "The scavengers betrayed me. Once I've dealt with Mandy Stiles and company the sad story of the USS Constitution will be at an end."@en . "The scavengers have been dealt with. Nothing stands in the way of launching the USS Constitution except more power. Ironsides ordered me to go nearby and give them the power they need."@en . . "Ironsides needs one last component to repair the USS Constitution: Turbopump Bearings. I can find it at a nearby factory. After that, maybe he can tell me what the hell he's up to."@en . "510"^^ . "Install the Guidance Chip"@en . "530"^^ . "Repaired the existing power cables"@en . "925"^^ . "Repaired the existing Power Relay Coil"@en . . "Talk with Ironsides"@en . . . "Meet the captain"@en . "900"^^ . "Ironsides is dead. The USS Constitution is ours. I should talk with Mandy Stiles to receive my cut of the salvage."@en . "540"^^ . "1200"^^ . . "100"^^ . "The rocket exploded and the USS Constitution's defenses are crippled. Now's the time to destroy Ironsides and get my share of the ship's salvage."@en . "Recover the Guidance Chip"@en . . "Talk with Bosun"@en . "Retrieved the new power cables"@en . . "Defeat the scavengers"@en . "1300"^^ . "350"^^ . "520"^^ . "Install Turbopump Bearings"@en . "1010"^^ . "640"^^ . "Find FLL3 Turbopump Bearings"@en . . "320"^^ . . "Picked up replacement Power Relay Coil"@en . . "Quest complete"@en . "1000"^^ . . "Repair or buy a replacement Power Relay Coil"@en . "Sabotage Turbopump with Mandy"@en . "FO4"@en . "630"^^ . "1195"^^ . . . "1050"^^ . . "1000"^^ . "850"^^ . "450"^^ . . "610"^^ . . "Talk with the Navigator"@en . "Talk with Navigator"@en . "Return to Ironsides"@en . "Both Ironsides and the scavengers are dead. The USS Constitution sits lifeless and empty atop the bank. But the salvage is all mine."@en . . . "Defend the USS Constitution"@en . . "310"^^ . "Meet up with the scavengers"@en . . "Repair or replace power cables"@en . "620"^^ . "The Turbopump Bearings may be the key to sabotaging the USS Constitution. So I have a choice: deliver it to Ironsides or honor my deal with Mandy Stiles."@en . . "Quest failed"@en . . . "MS11"@en . "A scavenger named Mandy Stiles offered me a share of the USS Constitution's salvage if I sabotage the ship. I bring her the components Mr. Navigator and Bosun are looking for and she'll see what she can do."@en . "Install the Power Relay Coil"@en . "750"^^ . . "960"^^ . "The captain of the USS Constitution, Ironsides, has ordered me to assist in repairing his vessel. I'm to report to Mr. Navigator and Bosun for details."@en . "600"^^ . "720"^^ . . "721"^^ . "55"^^ . . "fail"@en . . "300"^^ . . "Install the Poseidon Radar Transmitter"@en . . "Repair or replace Poseidon Radar Transmitter"@en . "9000"^^ . "730"^^ . "Report to Mr. Navigator and Bosun"@en . "Replace the power cables using the new replacements"@en . "Repulse scavenger attack"@en . "Fire up auxiliary power"@en . . "430"^^ . "500"^^ . "400"^^ . "Last Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution"@en . "710"^^ . "I've made all the repairs Mr. Navigator and Bosun have requested. Now I'm to report to Ironsides."@en . . . . . . . . .