"Ray Ewan"@en . . "Ray Ewan ist ein Hologramm in der Nachbildung von Fair Haven im Holoprogramm Paris 042. Laut Tom Paris ist Ray Ewan ein Schweinefarmer mit einem gro\u00DFen Rechen, dem Maggie O'Halloran versprochen wurde. (VOY: )"@de . . "Ray Ewan was a hologram of Irish descent, and an inhabitant of Fair Haven, Ireland, in Tom Paris' holodeck program Paris 042. According to Tom, Ray was \"a pig farmer with a very large rake,\" to whom Maggie O'Halloran was promised. (VOY: \"Fair Haven\") The two later broke it off, leading to Maggie's pursuit of Harry Kim. (VOY: \"Spirit Folk\") This character was only mentioned in dialogue."@en . . . "Ray Ewan ist ein Hologramm in der Nachbildung von Fair Haven im Holoprogramm Paris 042. Laut Tom Paris ist Ray Ewan ein Schweinefarmer mit einem gro\u00DFen Rechen, dem Maggie O'Halloran versprochen wurde. (VOY: )"@de . . . . . . "Ray Ewan"@de . "Ray Ewan was a hologram of Irish descent, and an inhabitant of Fair Haven, Ireland, in Tom Paris' holodeck program Paris 042. According to Tom, Ray was \"a pig farmer with a very large rake,\" to whom Maggie O'Halloran was promised. (VOY: \"Fair Haven\") The two later broke it off, leading to Maggie's pursuit of Harry Kim. (VOY: \"Spirit Folk\") This character was only mentioned in dialogue."@en . .