"Church growth"@en . "Worldwide, there are over 13 million Mormons, nearly the same as the number of Jews. In the United States the LDS Church is the 4th largest individual denomination with over 5.5 million members, a population about equal to the number of Muslims. The Church had a healthy growth rate in the United States of 1.74% during 2006. (To see comparative sizes of the 25 largest U.S. churches, go to the National Council of Churches website [1]) Only 12% of all Mormons live in Utah. Most Mormons do not live in North America. After the Catholic Church, the LDS Church is the largest sect in ten U.S. states."@en . . "Worldwide, there are over 13 million Mormons, nearly the same as the number of Jews. In the United States the LDS Church is the 4th largest individual denomination with over 5.5 million members, a population about equal to the number of Muslims. The Church had a healthy growth rate in the United States of 1.74% during 2006. (To see comparative sizes of the 25 largest U.S. churches, go to the National Council of Churches website [1]) Only 12% of all Mormons live in Utah. Most Mormons do not live in North America. Aside from the United States, other regions with significant Mormon populations include Mexico and Asia (1 million members each), South America (3 million members), and Central America and Europe (about half a million each). The rapid growth the Church has been experiencing in Africa, where there are already a quarter of a million members, is particularly exciting. After the Catholic Church, the LDS Church is the largest sect in ten U.S. states."@en . .