"Religions that are primarily based on some form of Force-usage. \n* Aing-Tii \n* Baran Do \n* Bendu \n* Church of the Dark Side \n* Dark Force \n* Disciples of Ragnos \n* Ewok shamanism \n* Fallanassi \n* Followers of Palawa \n* Jarvashqline shamanism \n* Jedi Order \n* Jensaarai \n* Naddism \n* Nightsisters \n* Sith Order \n* Tyia \n* Witches of Dathomir \n* Ancient Order of Pessimists \n* B'omarr \n* Church of the First Frequency \n* Church of Infinite Perception \n* Church of Toydaria \n* Cosmic Balance o Zanazi \n* Cult of M'dweshuu \n* Cult of Those Who Redeem \n* Cult of Varn \n* Dim-U \n* [Dinante Fli'R] \n* Diva \n* Eeronon \n* Ffib \n* Flames of Umate \n* H'kig \n* Loag \n* Morgukai \n* Order of the Sacred Circle \n* Pinacism \n* Pius Dea \n* Sacred Way \n* Ssi-ruuvi religion \n* Utapau Order of Divine Compassion \n* Weequay religion \n* Xi Char \n* Yuuzhan Vong religion o Jeedai heresy Deities (gods) \n* Batcheela \n* Boozie \n* Brother sky \n* Ceel \n* Chituhr \n* Deej \n* Denlett \n* Ephram \n* Fashkaa \n* Flitchee \n* Galeer \n* Grael \n* Great spirit of the forest \n* Heesh \n* Hexprax \n* Ilbath \n* Jahjee \n* Kazak \n* Leeni \n* Light spirit \n* Mopiee \n* Night spirit \n* Oosa \n* Oshlin \n* Rabin \n* Ralee \n* Rillish \n* Keeramak \n* P'w'itthki \n* Ssi \n* Am-Shak \n* Quay \n* Yun-Harla \n* Yun-Ne'Shel \n* Yun-Q'aah \n* Yun-Shuno \n* Yun-Txiin \n* Yun-Yammka \n* Yun-Yuuzhan \n* Chosen One \n* Cosmic Balance \n* Doellin \n* Golden Sun \n* Hershoon the Destroyer \n* Kakka lekki \n* Kiax \n* Kopa Khan \n* Krath \n* M'dweshuu \n* The Maker \n* Naga Sadow \n* Niman \n* Pomojema \n* The Progenitor \n* The Scorekeeper \n* Sith'ari \n* Tosi-karu \n* Wapoe \n* Waru \n* Code of the Sith \n* Dark Side Compendium o The Book of Anger o The Weakness of Inferiors o The Creation of Monsters \n* Fulcrun \n* G'nnoch \n* Jedi Code \n* Varn, World of Water"@en . "Religions hold sway over billions of people, and many of them have strict hierarchies that allows them to hide secrets from nonmembers - or even their own members. And given the kind of role religions have played throughout history, it is not surprising that many people are suspicious of what religious groups might be up to in modern times... \n* Aum Shinrikyo \n* Bible code \n* Opus Dei \n* Our Lady of F\u00E1tima \n* Digambarism \n* Scientology \n* Satanism"@en . "Religion is the act of worshiping a deity. Most deities have an accompanying church with its own dogma and structure. A character cannot practice both a religion and a philosophy. To begin or cease worshiping a deity, a character needs simply declare loudly and with purpose that they do, attracting the attention of that deity and entering them into (or ejecting them from) their faith. This is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Formal churches may have their own separate initiation rites, but merely worshiping a deity does not require any mortal intervention. See the entry of each religion for information on how many and what kind of deities you may worship. If you often change what you worship, you will become known as unreliable by the gods, and may even lose the attention of the divine altogether."@en . "Comme l'aurait dit Jean-Claude Bourret : une religion, qu'est-ce ? Et des religion, que sont-ce ? Eh bien, ce sont des histoires merveilleuses qui vous apparaissent dans des grands halos de lumi\u00E8re ; ce sont des religion r\u00E9v\u00E9l\u00E9es. Si l'histoire vous vient sans aucun effet sp\u00E9cial, on appelle seulement \u00E7a un r\u00EAve (\u00E0 la limite, un conte \u00E0 dormir debout, tout juste bon pour la d\u00C9sencyclop\u00E9die)."@fr . "Religions"@en . . . "Throughout the Avernum world, there are many different Religions that are followed. These can be significant, plot-important religions, such as the Church of the Anama, or they can be minor religions, only worshipped in a small area."@en . . "The religions of the world of Enterris\u00F6 are varied and strange, from polytheistic to atheist, with rituals ranging from human sacrifice to eating of bread in a ritualized manner. This page exists merely to act as a guide towards the many religions and their individual pages. Nhar\u00F6skemo - Religion of the Humans of the Far North Mbi\u00FDa - Religion of the Elfish-folk, of all their lands Mukrozang - Religion of the Orcish Mwabi-Mwabi - Religion of the Humans of the Far South"@en . "Throughout the Avernum world, there are many different Religions that are followed. These can be significant, plot-important religions, such as the Church of the Anama, or they can be minor religions, only worshipped in a small area."@en . . . . . "Religions hold sway over billions of people, and many of them have strict hierarchies that allows them to hide secrets from nonmembers - or even their own members. And given the kind of role religions have played throughout history, it is not surprising that many people are suspicious of what religious groups might be up to in modern times... \n* Aum Shinrikyo \n* Bible code \n* Opus Dei \n* Our Lady of F\u00E1tima \n* Digambarism \n* Scientology \n* Satanism"@en . . . "There are very few major religions of the world. The most dominating one is of coarse Greece's Olympian Order. \n* Olympian Order - worship the prescribed Greek gods. \n* Norse Religion - Worship a mix of Greek Gods in a different guise, Exalts, and demi-gods. \n* Egyptian Religion - Worship a mix of Lunar and Solar Exalts, as well as Greek gods in disguise. \n* Mauryan - Worship primarily Fair Folk, as well as some Lunars, and minor Greek gods. \n* Zoroastrianism - \n* Celtic -"@en . . . "Truth is a form of religion with many denominations. It is the only true religion spread by the titans and Prophets. The Elvish Form of Truth is the only Form of truth in the series mentioned but there are other forms of truth are in existence. -Elvish Truth: The form of truth the Elves follow -Zanak Truth A form of truth that was one of the ancestors of Shamanism Main Article: Truth (Religion Type)"@en . "Comme l'aurait dit Jean-Claude Bourret : une religion, qu'est-ce ? Et des religion, que sont-ce ? Eh bien, ce sont des histoires merveilleuses qui vous apparaissent dans des grands halos de lumi\u00E8re ; ce sont des religion r\u00E9v\u00E9l\u00E9es. Si l'histoire vous vient sans aucun effet sp\u00E9cial, on appelle seulement \u00E7a un r\u00EAve (\u00E0 la limite, un conte \u00E0 dormir debout, tout juste bon pour la d\u00C9sencyclop\u00E9die)."@fr . "Religions"@fr . "Truth is a form of religion with many denominations. It is the only true religion spread by the titans and Prophets. The Elvish Form of Truth is the only Form of truth in the series mentioned but there are other forms of truth are in existence. -Elvish Truth: The form of truth the Elves follow -Zanak Truth A form of truth that was one of the ancestors of Shamanism Main Article: Truth (Religion Type)"@en . "Les religions ont une importance notable dans World of Warcraft. Bien que tr\u00E8s peu de dieux au sens o\u00F9 on l'entend sont connus, il y a une abondance de cultes. Cette page a pour but de d\u00E9crire quelques uns de ces cultes."@fr . . "Religion is the act of worshiping a deity. Most deities have an accompanying church with its own dogma and structure. A character cannot practice both a religion and a philosophy. To begin or cease worshiping a deity, a character needs simply declare loudly and with purpose that they do, attracting the attention of that deity and entering them into (or ejecting them from) their faith. This is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Formal churches may have their own separate initiation rites, but merely worshiping a deity does not require any mortal intervention. See the entry of each religion for information on how many and what kind of deities you may worship. If you often change what you worship, you will become known as unreliable by the gods, and may even lose the at"@en . . . . "The religions of the world of Enterris\u00F6 are varied and strange, from polytheistic to atheist, with rituals ranging from human sacrifice to eating of bread in a ritualized manner. This page exists merely to act as a guide towards the many religions and their individual pages. Nhar\u00F6skemo - Religion of the Humans of the Far North Mbi\u00FDa - Religion of the Elfish-folk, of all their lands Mukrozang - Religion of the Orcish Mwabi-Mwabi - Religion of the Humans of the Far South"@en . "There are very few major religions of the world. The most dominating one is of coarse Greece's Olympian Order. \n* Olympian Order - worship the prescribed Greek gods. \n* Norse Religion - Worship a mix of Greek Gods in a different guise, Exalts, and demi-gods. \n* Egyptian Religion - Worship a mix of Lunar and Solar Exalts, as well as Greek gods in disguise. \n* Mauryan - Worship primarily Fair Folk, as well as some Lunars, and minor Greek gods. \n* Zoroastrianism - \n* Celtic -"@en . . . . "Les religions ont une importance notable dans World of Warcraft. Bien que tr\u00E8s peu de dieux au sens o\u00F9 on l'entend sont connus, il y a une abondance de cultes. Cette page a pour but de d\u00E9crire quelques uns de ces cultes."@fr . . . "Religions that are primarily based on some form of Force-usage. \n* Aing-Tii \n* Baran Do \n* Bendu \n* Church of the Dark Side \n* Dark Force \n* Disciples of Ragnos \n* Ewok shamanism \n* Fallanassi \n* Followers of Palawa \n* Jarvashqline shamanism \n* Jedi Order \n* Jensaarai \n* Naddism \n* Nightsisters \n* Sith Order \n* Tyia \n* Witches of Dathomir \n* Ancient Order of Pessimists \n* B'omarr \n* Church of the First Frequency \n* Church of Infinite Perception \n* Church of Toydaria \n* Cosmic Balance o Zanazi o Jeedai heresy Deities (gods)"@en .